Jericho Shipped

Shipped Amount

    89 lbs shipped on 5/17
    24 lbs shipped on 5/18
    1,393 lbs shipped on 5/21
    4,042 lbs shipped on 5/22
    4,252 lbs shipped on 5/23
    3,572 lbs shipped on 5/24
    4,755 lbs shipped on 5/25
    7,005 lbs shipped on 5/29
    4,002 lbs shipped on 5/30
    2,302 lbs shipped on 5/31
    2,300 lbs shipped on 6/01
    3,800 lbs shipped on 6/04
    600 lbs shipped on 6/05
    406 lbs shipped on 6/06

    On 6/6 at 5:08 PM EDT CBS conceded and asked us to stop shipping nuts to them. At that time there were some pooled order contributions that had not shipped yet, so rather than needlessly annoy CBS we converted those orders into donations to the Greensburg Rebuilding Fund. If you were one of the last few to contribute to the pooled order, and really don't want your money to help rebuild Greensburg, Kansas, you can contact us.

    Note: There is a distinction between "shipped" and "delivered"... UPS takes 1 day to deliver, but when we or our LA contingent drop nuts off directly it happens the same day.

    Also: 350 lbs are "missing" from this list. This represents the extra cost of the nuts that we shipped overnight to LA early on in the campaign.