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We're Nuts for Birds!

We've been in the nut business since 1929 and one thing we've learned is that our best customers are bird lovers! So we set up this page just for you guys to share what you know with us. Want us to add new features? Let us know at

Healthy Bird a Nutshell

In nature, birds eat what they find: tree nuts, fruits, grains, flowers, and the occasional vegetable. Pet birds should eat as natural a diet as possible, too.

We are proud of our inexpensive, simple nuts, fruits and seeds — and bird owners swear by them! Here are suggestions for some popular species. (Just remember that bird diets must include more than just seeds and nuts, and that they definitely cannot eat the human treats we sell like chocolate and coffee!)

Budgies burn for:
Almonds in the shell
Hazelnut kernels
Peanut kernels
Dark Raisins

Canaries clamor for:
Dried Papaya
Dried Pineapple
Jumbo Golden Raisins

Cockatiels covet:
Brazil nut kernels
Cashew kernels
Dried Papaya
Hazelnut kernels
Jumbo Golden Raisins
Cockatoos crave:
Banana chips
Brazil nut kernels
Cashew kernels
Dried Papaya
Hazelnut kernels

Lovebirds lust for:
Dried Apricots
Dried Peaches
Sunflower seeds
Unsulfured dried fruit

Macaws melt for:
Banana chips
Brazil nuts
Macadamia nuts in the shell
Walnuts in the shell
Parrots pine for:
Almonds in the shell
Banana Chips
Brazil nut kernels
Dried Papaya
Dried Pineapple
English walnut kernels
Hazelnut kernels

Wild birds wish for:
Dried Cherries
Raw peanut kernels
Jumbo Golden Raisins
Sunflower seeds

Words from your Birds

Share a story about your bird's funny feeding habits! Or tell us how your feathered friend likes his new treats! Upload a photo (JPEGs only, please) of an avian who's "nutting out" for a yummy snack!


Nov. 13, 2009
No nuts
My budgie Bigfoot has never had nuts.He would probably be afraid of them. Ive had him for 4 years and he is just now trusting me so maybe he'll eat a nut out of my hand. We'll see!!

Janet, Lake Ariel, Pa

Apr. 4, 2009
38 birds are NUTS
I have 38 birds that go nuts for nuts...this will be one of our favorite sites!~!

Jennifer Smith, Lake Providence, La.

luv nuts

Jul. 15, 2008
nuts about nuts
my ricco luvs his almonds,we are like everyone else they are so hard to find this time of year.thanks for your website.

Ron, Belton, TX

I thought you might enjoy a picture of Zazu eating his NutsOnline Walnut this morning

Sep. 10, 2007
Zazu loves his walnuts!
Service was fantastic from the time I placed my order, to the very short time it took to receive my shipment. I have an Umbrella Cockatoo who loves Walnuts (in shell only) and had just enjoyed his last one. I was frantic to locate more for him even though they are out-of-season. NutsOnline came through for me in a quick and efficient manner. Zazu, my Cockatoo is a happy bird! Thanks for the great service and quality product I received!

Shawn, Los Angeles, CA

This is my bird Zusya after eating some delicious brazils!

Sep. 9, 2007
My keet luvs Brazils!
It's really weird but I think my parakeet likes Brazil nuts. Usually these birds prefer peanuts but in this case, I think my parakeet is just taking after its owner! Just wanted to pass along this tip that everyone should try feeding Brazils to your parakeets!

Julie, Des Moines, IA

Here's my macaw chowing down on a tasty nut!

Sep. 9, 2009
My macaw and I wanted to thank you!
Thank you!! My nephew has a blue and gold macaw who loves his walnuts, pecans, peanuts, and most of all pistachios. It is hard to find walnuts and pecans this time of year and all of the pistachios are salted. Thank you for offering a wide variety of quality unsalted nuts that arrived in a matter of two days. I thank you, my sister thanks you, my nephew thanks you, and most of all, Zebra (the macaw) thanks you. I am sure we will be back to order more nuts in the future.

Fun and Playful Feeding Tips

We know that birds love to crack our nuts in their beaks and pick out the tasty morsels inside. But you can make snacktime even more delicious for your bird. Here are some great ideas.

Put the nuts in foraging toys. This could be as simple as putting a couple of almonds (or nut of choice) in a small cardboard box and letting the bird work to get the nut out of the box. Shredding the box is a fun activity for many birds (especially parrot-type birds) and then they find the reward — a yummy nut! Thanks to The Conure Handbook author Anne C. Watkins for this great tip!

We'd love to hear your thoughts