Submitted by: Debbie F
Recipe Ingredients:
cup wter room temperature
cup butter
cup honey
cup flour
2 1/4
tsp yeast
tsp cinnamon
cup diced apricots
cups raisins
Cooking Directions: |
Place ingredients, liquids first, in bread machine. Next place all other ingredients with yeast, cinnamon, and dried fruit last.
Make a well in middle of the top, then close the top and hit START.
If making by hand, mix liquids and yeast together, first. Add flour and keep beating with mixer, knead until dough is of an elastic consistency, then let rise in a greased bowl for one hour. Grease loaf pan, punch down dough and shape into loaf pan, let rise one more hour, bake 42 mins at 350. Bread should sound hollow when tapped.
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Diced Apricots
Diced apricots are perfect for cooking, baking, mixes, or just snacking. Packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
Ground Cinnamon
Ground cinnamon is a widely used spice found in many desserts, chocolates, spicy candy, tea, hot cocoa, and liqueurs. It can also be used in pickling.