Chick-O-Stick Bites (Sugar-Free)


Size:1lb bag ( $11.99 /lb)

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Shelf Life: Store at room temperature for up to 1 year.

Pieces per pound: Approx 82

Origin: United States

Product ID: 6248

Remember “Chicken Bones?” The name has changed but the candy remains the same. Everything from the recipe to the ingredients to the manufacturing process and even the manufacturing equipment is EXACTLY as it was in the 30’s when this candy was born. Only, now we have it in a sugar free variety! Just imagine the best fresh-roasted Texas Grade A Jumbo peanuts. Those are sprinkled with salt while they’re still warm, and ground in a patented process. This concoction is then rolled into sticks that are the perfect mix of peanuts and crunchy candy. Then, each is dusted with lightly toasted coconut. What you’re left with is the most perfect candy on earth. It’s kind of flaky, kind of crunchy, kind of crispy, kind of chewy, and VERY peanutty.

Manufactured by Atkinson Candy Company.

Customer Reviews

5 out of 5 stars

– February 4, 2023

Michael, Shreveport, Louisiana

Verified purchaser

My wife is from New Zealand, so she had never experienced the magical crunchy goodness of a Chick-O-Stick! She finally tried one, and now we never run low on them. The sugar free variety tastes and crunches EXACTLY like the fully loaded version! We love'em!

Featured Review

Size: 1lb bag

5 out of 5 stars

– December 19, 2024

Roberta, Charleston, West Virginia

Verified purchaser

Very good for sugar free

Size: 1lb bag

Showing 2 of 159 reviews

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