

Size:1lb bag ( $9.99 /lb)

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Shelf Life: Store at room temperature for up to 1 year.

Origin: United States

Product ID: 8416

Freekeh (pronounced “FREE-kah”) is an ancient Middle Eastern cereal that is made from whole grain roasted green wheat. Freekeh is a promising superfood that is often compared to quinoa and farro. Freekeh is an easy-to-make grain that can add flavor and nutrition to a balanced meal.

How to Cook Freekeh

To cook, combine one cup of our freekeh with two and a half cups water or broth, 1/2 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp olive oil. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer for about 25 minutes. It’s ready to serve as-is or with your choice of seasonings. Cooking freekeh is extremely easy to do and difficult to mess-up.

Recipe Ideas

But this basic freekeh recipe is just the beginning. Cooked freekeh is similar in flavor, texture and consistency to both rice and couscous, but it is much more nutritious. Try substituting this superfood for rice or couscous in all sorts of recipes–salads, soup, casseroles and more– to reinvent it as a high-fiber meal. You can also make freekeh flour by grinding the grains.

Store freekeh in sealed plastic or glass containers in a cool, dark, dry cabinet. Freekeh will stay fresh for one year if properly stored.

Customer Reviews

5 out of 5 stars

– June 24, 2024

Ángeles, Durham, North Carolina

Verified purchaser

I love freekeh. I had bought it from you in years past and had stopped because my grocery store in Texas began to offer it. When I moved to NC I was unable to find it; therefore, to the rescue.

Featured Review

Size: 1lb bag

5 out of 5 stars

– August 30, 2023

Gigi, Las Vegas, Nevada

Verified purchaser

I cook whole grains instead of just rice. Freekeh, rye, barley...more protein and fiber. Love that has a great variety of whole grains.

1 person found this review helpful

Size: 1lb bag

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