Organic Goji Berry Powder


Size:8oz bag

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Shelf Life: Store at room temperature for up to 1 year.

Origin: China

Product ID: 8444

Our organic goji berry powder is an easy and convenient way to enjoy the health benefits of goji berries. Made from the world’s most powerful anti-aging food, organic goji berry powder can enhance the immune system, protect eyesight, and support the liver. This powder can be mixed with water to make goji juice, or enjoyed in smoothies and teas for a superior boost of antioxidants and other nutrients.

How to Use Organic Goji Berry Powder

To make goji juice, add 1 tablespoon of organic goji powder to 8 ounces of water, and stir until dissolved. Goji berry juice has a pleasant and mild sweet taste that is similar to prune juice.

Organic goji berry powder can also be blended with other fruits to make smoothies and juices. Add an antioxidant boost to your favorite teas and drinks by stirring in a few teaspoons of the powder. It can also be enjoyed with yogurt, oatmeal, and chia seed pudding. Get creative by adding the powder to some of your favorite everyday foods or including it in your recipes.

Our organic goji berry powder is non-GMO. We also sell dried organic goji berries.

Health Benefits of Organic Goji Berry Powder

  1. Goji berries are rated #1 on the the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scale, the most widely accepted system for measuring the antioxidant level of foods. Antioxidants are protective nutrients that fight off damaging free radicals to protect against chronic diseases and premature aging.

  2. Organic goji berry powder contains 18 amino acids, which help build protein, repair our muscles, and support metabolism. More importantly, goji berries contain 8 out of 9 essential amino acids, which are compounds that our bodies do not produce naturally and must obtain through food.

  3. Organic goji berry powder is an excellent source of vitamins A and C. Both of these powerful vitamins are important for boosting the immune system to ward off illness. Vitamin A also plays a special role in eye function; it supports the health of the retina. Vitamin C helps repair tissues, heal wounds, and support the cardiovascular system. Per ounce, goji berry powder contains even more vitamin C than oranges.

  4. Goji berries may also delay age-related eye diseases. Taurine, a compound in goji berries, was found to be helpful in protecting eyes from diabetes-related vision loss, according to a study by researchers from the University of Sydney. Another study, published in the February 2001 edition of Optometry and Vision Science found that goji berry supplementation may slow the progression of macular degeneration in elderly patients.

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Customer Reviews

4 out of 5 stars

– January 21, 2017

Claudine, Ozark, Alabama

Verified purchaser

I am now on my third pack of Goji Berry Powder, which I like immensely! I actually had no idea that it would taste as good. Knowing how beneficial it is to the body, I most definitely will be taking this product as long as it's available. Thank You...Claudine

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Size: 8oz bag

5 out of 5 stars

– April 14, 2023

David, Nazareth, Pennsylvania

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Size: 8oz bag

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