

Size:1lb bag ( $8.99 /lb)

Out of stock until Fri, Mar 7 (3 days from now).

Shelf Life: Store in a cool dry place for up to 1 year. It is ok to refrigerate.

Origin: India

Product ID: 7163

Turmeric is a fragrant spice powder used primarily in South Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine. It makes a great addition to any dish needing some extra kick, and is an important ingredient in curry and some types of mustard. Medical research is exploding regarding the numerous health benefits of turmeric.

A natural antiseptic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory agent, turmeric is used by some to relieve pain, headaches, upset stomachs, and arthritis, and has even been compared to some over-the-counter drugs. However, far more significant are preliminary studies that show that turmeric can help slow the growth of cancer cells and reduce the risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and child leukemia. Turmeric may also help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

Also known as Indian saffron, Turmeric has been used in Indian cuisine for thousands of years and is found in many foods as a food coloring.

What Experts Say

Dr. Oz of the Dr. Oz Show: Turmeric was listed on Dr. Oz’s Top 5 Superfoods for 2010 list:“The brain boosting spice that can help keep you sharp…helps your brain clear out the gunky proteins that can build up and might lead to Alzheimer’s. It also contains a chemical called curcumin, which researches say help us learn so you can lose a few from Alzheimer’s and still stay sharp. It’s no wonder turmeric is called the Spice of Life.”

Dr. Bharat Aggarwal, PhD, professor of cancer research at the University of Texas: “Taking 1 ½ teaspoons of turmeric everyday can lessen inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and asthma.” Aggarwal also states that turmeric could potentially be used to treat depression, fatigue, and diabetes.

Turmeric in Food

Turmeric makes a great addition to any dish that needs an extra kick of flavor. Turmeric has an earthy taste with hints of mustard, horseradish, ginger, and bitterness. Just a small amount of the spice is necessary; most recipes call for less than 1 teaspoon of turmeric. When turmeric is raw, its sharp bitterness is more profound and, as it’s cooked down, its flavors mellow out and adapt a heartier flavor in the dish.

This spice is a fundamental ingredient in curries, giving curry its distinct yellow color. Turmeric’s flavor goes especially well with rice, couscous, and lentils imparting them with heartier flavors. And turmeric’s yellow-orange color, along with its flavor, can be used to brighten blander white foods like tofu and cauliflower.

You can also sprinkle some turmeric powder to add color into your chicken noodle soup or add it to your mayonnaise for a unique sandwich spread. Another way to enjoy turmeric powder is to sprinkle it in tea or add turmeric to hot milk for a drink that will warm your body during the colder months of the year.

Turmeric Crafts

In addition to being used in foods, turmeric is also a popular Easter egg dye. All you need to do is boil water, vinegar, salt, and turmeric, let the mixture cool, and you have a beautiful yellow dye ready for Easter!

Turmeric for Skin

Use turmeric powder in a facemask to rejuvenate your skin by mixing the spice into yogurt, honey, or milk. Turmeric has been used in India for years as a beauty product and is believed to help skin conditions from acne to eczema to rosacea. It’s also a great way to rejuvenate skin!

Our turmeric contains 5% curcumin.

Customer Reviews

5 out of 5 stars

– May 27, 2021

Andrea, Shelby Township, Michigan

Verified purchaser

Looks nice and orange, smells great, good value. I add a tablespoon to my daily fruit smoothies. (Along with a small amount of black pepper!) IDK about any effects, but it's healthy and tastes really nice.

Featured Review

Size: 1lb bag

5 out of 5 stars

– August 7, 2024

Pam, Overland Park, Kansas

Verified purchaser

If you like the flavor of turmeric, this one has the most intense flavor of any I've tried.

Size: 1lb bag

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