Organic Mesquite Powder


Size:1lb bag ( $10.99 /lb)

Out of stock until Thu, Mar 27 (23 days from now).

Shelf Life: Store in a cool dry place for up to 1 year. It is ok to refrigerate.

Origin: Peru

Product ID: 7517

Indigenous populations in the Americas have long used mesquite powder. It’s tasty as a sweetener, flour, or fermented into an alcoholic beverage. Mesquite has a unique sweet, dark, and nutty flavor.

Our organic mesquite powder is never heated and is considered raw.

How to Enjoy Mesquite Powder

Our organic mesquite powder has a sweet caramel-like flavor, with a hint of nuttiness. Mesquite can be used in breads, biscuits, baked goods, and dietetic desserts. Unlike white flour, mesquite powder does not cause spikes in blood sugar levels so it is an ideal sweetener for diabetics. When baking with mesquite, substitute up to 25 percent of the wheat flour in your recipe with mesquite powder. Since mesquite is naturally sweet, you may consider reducing the amount of other sugars and sweeteners in your recipe.

Mesquite can be added to drinks and smoothies for a boost of sweetness and nutrition. It can also be used to add a classic sweet flavor to savory dishes, baked beans, and smokey barbeque sauces. Experiment with mesquite powder to add the perfect touch of natural sweetness to your recipes.

Health Benefits of Mesquite Powder

Mesquite powder is a great option for diabetics because it prevents spikes in blood sugar associated with eating white flour and high-sugar foods. Mesquite’s natural sweetness comes from fructose, which does not require the body to produce insulin and therefore helps maintain steady blood sugar levels. It is also high in soluble fiber, which takes the body longer to digest and prevents you from getting hungry again too quickly.

Mesquite powder is also rich in protein, particularly in the form of the amino acid lysine. Lysine helps the body’s uptake of calcium and assists in the formation of new bone tissue. It also helps relieve stress and anxiety. Additionally, mesquite powder provides a boost of minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium.

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Customer Reviews

5 out of 5 stars

– August 14, 2016

Barbara, Flagstaff, Arizona

Verified purchaser

Because of its natural sweetness I substitute it for 1/3 of the flour when I make Belgian Waffles (and do not add any sugar). The mesquite powder is a little lumpy and does need to be sifted ( I do this with a little strainer and it sieves easily) so you do not have lumps in your batter. You may need to add a little extra moisture to your recipes when using this powder as a flour substitute. This is the best product that I have found this year!

Featured Review

4 people found this review helpful

Size: 1lb bag

4 out of 5 stars

– May 11, 2022

Tod, Mount Vernon, Washington

Verified purchaser

I love the Mesquite smoke. I was intrigued and not sure quite what to expect. Flavor is non-descript. Not particularly "sweet" or nutty as described. I will be trying it out in several applications. I am making a dry rub with it now and will try it on grilled burger meat later. Might be nice as a seasoning in a bowl of chili. Worth a try.

Size: 1lb bag

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