Jericho Timeline
11:50 AM EST Hey guys! A fan just told me that you can pre-order the Season 2 DVD of Jericho!
4:02 PM EST Jericho lovers! Looks like tonight is the season finale. Whether or not Jericho will be picked up by another network / station remains to be seen. Regardless, please enjoy tonight's episode. You deserve it!!!
3:10 PM EST Guys and gals, I certainly wish I had better news to offer you this holiday weekend, but unfortunately it looks like CBS is pulling the plug on Jericho. Tuesday will be the finale. "The ending that will air Tuesday night doesn't entirely slam the door on the series, but is different than the cliffhanger version, sources said. It also doesn't preclude the possibility of "Jericho" finding a second life on cable, though the economics of the production will likely prevent a continuation of the show."
Try and have a great weekend though!!! You still can look forward to Tuesday! (Glass is half full, right?)
1:42 PM EST I hate to admit it, but I had to watch Jericho last night instead of Tuesday night because it's hard for me to stay up late after running and biking. So, the verdict?!?! Wow. I enjoyed the first couple of episodes, but these last 2 have totally kicked some major butt! I can't wait for next week.
9:45 AM EST Wow! Don't want to spoil it for anyone, but last night's episode,! Did you guys see this message from the cast and crew?
4:52 PM EST Happy leap day Jericho fans! Today we are shipping our Nuts for Jericho T-Shirts along with peanuts to London!!! The company in charge of UK distribution of the Season 1 Jericho DVD wanted as many shirts and peanuts to go with them to go along with the DVD promotion! :-) Awesome, eh?
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
8:40 AM EST Good morning Jericho lovers! I'm a little tired, but staying up was well worth the price! It was a bit surreal seeing Jericho back on the air, and I couldn't help but giggle. (Were these the same people I was hugging back in July in LA?!?! (Guys, don't get too jealous with this photo of Ashley Scott and me!) Haha!!!)
It feels good to have Jericho back.
And Bill eating peanuts in Jimmy's hospital room was priceless!!!
Keep on enjoying Jericho!
7:40 AM EST Tonight is YOUR night! You actually did it! You saved Jericho! Sit back, relax, and enjoy! Thanks for inviting us to the show!
6:50 AM EST One more day guys and gals!!! I woke up this morning to a few emails from friends saying they saw a Jericho commercial last night mentioning our campaign with a shot of our peanuts and our Save Jericho t-shirt!!! Haha!
1:10 PM EST 4 days until Jericho!!! But if you only count business days, that makes it 2. Hehe. Sorry, I am lame. I know. :-) Just heard from the creator of Jericho about a "kickass review in variety today.." Check out the Jericho Review in Variety Magazine (be patient- the page loads slowly). Have a delicious weekend!
8:03 AM EST Good morning Jericho lovers!!! Don't these Jericho commercials get you all fired up? Get this...I was over my parents' house the other night when I suddenly heard a shriek from my mom, "Jeffrey, Jeffrey! Come here! Come here! Look what's on TV!" mom got all giddy with excitement after seeing her first Jericho commercial. Ah, feels so good!!!
5 day until Jericho!!! Are you ready?!?! N.U.T.S.!
10:06 AM EST Hey Jericho lovers! February 12 is getting closer!!!
You probably heard the news by now, but Sci-Fi has picked up the rights to Season 1 of Jericho beginning February 11 with a four-hour marathon from 7 PM to 11 PM and then on Mondays at 10 PM beginning February 18. Yippeee!!!
10:15 AM EST Check out the weekly high scores of our wicked Jericho Peanut Assault Game. Have a nuttily wonderful weekend!
7:20 AM EST Hello Jericho lovers! Happy New Year! Yeah, I know, I haven't had much to say lately, but I wanted to wait for something meaningful. When I met the writers, producers, and actors back in July, I was assured that the new episodes were going to be fantastic and even a notch above Season 1 episodes. Of course they're biased, but they were pretty emphatic and I wanted to believe. Well, finally, a third party confirmation...I just spoke with a TV drama journalist and here's a snippet of what she had to say, "I've now seen the first 3 episodes of the second season and all I can say is WOW!!!! My first thought was how pleased all the fans will be with these episodes. You all did not put forth those efforts in vain. They are above and beyond anything I could have hoped for - I think they may even be better than any season one episode! Oh - and the nuts got a cameo in the first episode! You guys will love it!"
I'm excited! How about you?!!?
9:41 AM EST Of course nothing would be sweeter than Jericho for Christmas, but February will do.
I'm bursting with anticipation to watch Season 2 and you must be going completely NUTS by now.
Our nutty elves are working around the clock to handle holiday orders, but we couldn't resist giving you a little Jericho treat!
What if we can help Jericho defend itself against New Bern right now? NUTS!
Our nutty elves whipped up a wicked Jericho themed game to help your Jericho craving this holiday season!!! There will even be prizes each week for the high scorer, including Jericho DVD's, Jericho Shirts, Jericho Snackers, and more!!!
8:13 PM EST Just in from CBS. Jericho returns, February 12, 10 PM on CBS.
4:28 PM EST Wowsers! My last post was over 2 weeks ago. Doh! Things have been crazy crazy here. When we free up for a sec I am hoping to show you something totally awesome. No, no news on Jericho coming back yet. Just heard from someone at CBS today and he said, "No word yet on an airdate." I did hear from Patrick, Jon Turtletaub's assistant, and although no news from him either, he did write this: "Are you excited for season 2? I've seen a couple of the cuts and I've got to say, it looks really good. I think you guys will be pleasantly surprised." No surprises here. I have sky high expectations.
Ok, back at it. Have a wonderfully nutty Thanksgiving!
8:05 AM EDT Fans, I just received something very special in the mail that really touched me.
It's a
Proclamation of Gratitude and Thanks from the City of Greensburg, Kansas. I am so proud of you Jericho fans for helping us raise over $20,000 with our nutty campaign to help rebuild Greensburg. Touches my heart.
8:28 AM EDT Happy Friday Jericho lovers! Working all day and then heading to the Arena each night for Bon Jovi or the NJ Devils is tiring stuff (see more photos), but I have not forgotten about you guys. I heard back from someone at CBS yesterday - sadly, still no news. We've waited this long and will keep on waiting, but come on, let's get on with the show!!! Maybe next week we'll have to whip up some more energy again. (hint hint, we've been working on something you will totally love...stay tuned).
Ok, how about some levity and something to chuckle over this weekend? As a little boy I thought it was so cool to come to work with daddy and get to climb on what seemed to be mountains and mountains of peanuts. Maybe one of these days I'll grow up, but not yet.
7:53 AM EDT Hello hello! Here's 1 of 10 reasons why I have been so busy- tonight is opening night and we go back to our roots on Mulberry Street as the exclusive nut vendor at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ, home of the NJ Devils, Seton Hall Basketball, and NJ Ironmen. Oh, and lots of performers too! Tonight Bon Jovi is in the house. Check out more details and photos and take a walk back in time on Mulberry Street, our home for 76 years until 2005. Now the Arena sits right on top of our previous store, so WE ARE BACK IN BUSINESS!!!
9:05 AM EDT Hello Jericho lovers! I'm about to board a plane to Chicago and am bringing my parents along for the weekend. They fly back Sunday night, but I stay in Chicago. What the heck does this have to do with Jericho you might ask? EVERYTHING!
I will be speaking at the DMA07 Conference and Exhibition. This is a huge conference led by the Direct Marketing Association. And guess what the topic is!!! Nuts to Jericho: The Method Behind the Madness that Brought Back a Canceled TV Show. Bring it on! This is another great opportunity to draw new fans into the fold!!! I'll do my best to represent and will try to remember to take photos! Nuts for Jericho!!!
9:42 AM EDT Hey guys! Remember when CBS came here months ago with a camera and film crew to put together an Electronic Press Kit? I was told that it would be shown on Eye on American (American Airlines Inflight Television) and the "outernet," which consists of malls, doctors' offices, supermarkets, and the like. Well, I never really heard anything after that...Until Saturday night that is! I went to dinner with my sister, her husband, and believe it or not, my sister's first boyfriend, Seth! So, turns out Seth was getting his oil changed the other day and looked up at the TV screen and was in utter disbelief. There I was on the TV talking about our fight to save Jericho! Hehe.
12:00 PM EDT Ok Jericho lovers, us nuts over here need your help. We've been working on something very very exciting for you fans and I think it just might even help promote the show to new viewers. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag and am intentionally going to be sparse on details, but we need help compiling awesome sound clips! If you've got tech skills, time, and an encyclopedic knowledge of the show, then you can help!! Here's what we are looking for:
1. The Jericho theme music (especially the main theme, or battle theme!)
2. Jake saying NUTS!!!!
3. Jake saying Go to hell!
4. Constantino on the radio making various threats and asking for surrender - he needs to NOT be addressing Grey, or Johnston, it needs to be generic. (If you can clip the name out, that's fine.)
Then we need two clips for each character: Jake, Hawkins, Emily and Mimi
1. A very typical "hello" from that character - if they had a theme line, what would it be? These can be funny! Don't have to be serious!
2. Some "fightin words" - something this person might yell as s/he fires a tank.
If you can help, we need all files to be in AIFF or WAV formats. When you are ready, fire them over to Sarah. Thanks guys!
9:33 PM EDT Happy Season 1 DVD Day! Yup, in case you forgot, today is October 2nd, the day of the release of the Season 1 DVD!!!
I had a rough day at work today and my mood was hardly reflective of this celebratory day, but now I am feeling and behaving much more appropriately. Hehe...I guess that can happen when your running club runs to a chichi rooftop bar on 5th Avenue with free drinks and food. Silly me didn't take the time to notice the word "Livestrong" on the shirt they gave me to wear and I was wondering what speaker had the nerve to interrupt the festivities. Silly me indeed. Less than 10 feet away from me was Lance Armstrong. Hehe. I'm still giddy. Now we're talking. Yay Jericho Season 1 DVD Day! Oh, and if any of you are still reading this, be on the lookout for something cute up our sleeve!!!
7:40 AM EDT Hello Jericho lovers! It's still great to hear from you guys and to see how committed you are to Jericho. I guess now we just wait for a slot to open up in the CBS lineup, eh? My family is now hooked on the show too, so we are equally eager for the start of Season 2. And of course the Season 1 DVD becomes available next Tuesday.
Even though I am quiet these days, I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here. The holidays are huge for our business and I have less than 2 months to ramp up and get ready for the onslaught. Also, in less than 4 weeks we are slated to run concessions as the exclusive nut vendor in the brand new Prudential Center in Newark, NJ, the home of the NJ Devils, so we have our hands full. If I have anything interesting to share with you, I will!!! Oh, and I may have a cute promotional thingie for Jericho up my sleeve and I will need your help on this, but I will keep you posted! Ciao for now!
2:30 PM EDT Hehe...get this. Ahead of the Jericho DVD release on October 2, CBS Home Entertainment has sent hundreds of video retailers, buyers and journalists small bags of peanuts. We just caught wind of this in Variety magazine. Even though they're not our peanuts (hint hint CBS ;-)), we certainly hope this stunt works!
2:46 PM EDT Hello Jericho lovers! While some die-hard fans are going to the Jericho Convention in Oakley, Kansas this weekend, the people of Greensburg, Kansas are rebuilding. Dea, the kind woman in charge of collecting the monies for the Greensburg Rebuilding Fund just wrote me this, "Hey, Jeff. Exciting things are happening in Greensburg. People are rebuilding while we are working on long-range planning ideas. We have had help from some really great thinkers. It amazes me that people are interested in our little "burg". Thanks, we are still here. Hope you can come see us sometime."
Guys, together we raised over $20,000 to help Greensburg. That is just wonderful. Enjoy your Jericho packed weekend and keep up the support!!!
1:57 PM EDT Wowsers, completely overlooked this. Jericho is not only on this Friday, but the season finale is on Saturday!!! Awesome!
3:21 PM EDT Hey there guys! Sorry, been totally remiss here! :-) Two quick things to share with you. First, most of you probably know this already, but you can pre-order the Season 1 DVD of Jericho, which will be released on October 2. Yes, I know, you are dying to see my interview, but I think that is slotted for the Season 2 DVD :-) Second, a loyal Jericho Fan wrote me this email on Saturday, "Greensburg, KS had it's first high school football game since the tornado last night.....I thought that was VERY, VERY awesome..." Everyone should give themselves a pat on the pack for the commendable effort we made in raising over $20,000 for Greensburg. And remember, you can continue to give to Greensburg or whatever great charities of your choosing to continue to make an impact.
12:20 PM EDT Hello hello! I'm back from China. It was an amazing trip. Check out the photo of me sporting my Jericho shirt at the Great Wall!!!
8:57 AM EDT Guys, as many of you know, most of the peanuts that we shipped to CBS ended up in the hands of our troops. This is wonderful, but we didn't want to stop there. Check this out!
I am really proud of this. On that note, I am going to be awfully quiet for the next 3 weeks or so. Within the hour I leave for the airport to go to China! You know, lots of people in China, all potential Jericho fans!!! Take care everyone!!!
4:07 PM EDT You fans just keep at it! Incredible. Lara from Canada and some other fans are running a video contest. Check it out here. Keep on rocking!
12:55 PM EDT Okay okay Jericho fans. Many of you guys loved one of the goodies in the Jericho Party Snacker and were asking if you could buy it in bulk, so yes, here goes with our Jericho Party Mix. It's very very good.
4:05 PM EDT I just got off with phone with Patrick over at Jericho to vet this...There's a charity auction to visit the filming of Jericho. The auction closes in less than 24 hours and the winning bidder gets a set visit for two to watch production of Jericho and to meet the cast and take photos!
11:17 AM EDT Wow, back to back...Definitely listen to this audio interview of the Jericho team. I am still in the process of listening to this, but it is really good and had to share right away!
11:05 AM EDT Justin in Michigan sent me over this link a few minutes ago. I really enjoyed meeting the cast and crew watching this. Oh, wait, I already met them in person. Hehe...Crazy, I know. Almost feels live another lifetime. Check out this rockin video. Trust me! Thanks Justin!
9:29 AM EDT Happy August 1st! Just wanted to let you know that we have less than 60 Nuts for Jericho Shirts left in stock! You will definitely turn heads wearing this shirt, and when people start asking you questions, bam, time to rope in another Jericho fan!!!
10:48 AM EDT Hello there Jericho lovers! I caught wind of this last week, so I am sure many of you know this by now, but I finally was able to read it myself and wanted to share this exciting news with those of you that might not have heard. Nina Tassler posted that "preliminary research indicates that 23% of the viewers tuning in did not previously watch the show. This adds up to more than two million new viewers for "Jericho." Just as encouraging, this research shows that one million viewers who left the show after the mid-season hiatus have returned this summer to catch up on the episodes they missed."
I'm no expert, but I think this bodes well! Keep on watching and spreading the word.
4:11 PM EDT Hehe...Jonathan just took a phone call from a woman at CBS. She said, "You sent us a lot of peanuts. I normally don't try nuts in the shell, but those were fantastic. Which ones were they so I can place an order?" Haha! Enjoy Jericho tonight and have a great weekend!!! :-)
3:42 PM EDT You guys are wonderful! I didn't post anything for a few days and emails start coming in seeing if I am all right! Haha! I am all right and doing very well. Just overhauling much of our production systems, which is keeping me very busy. My dad's away on vacation now, which means things are calmer, and we want to take advantage of this calmness to do pretty major things :-P
Did you guys know that Shaun O'Mac went out to the set of Jericho earlier this week for about 12 hours and saw them filming?!?! He is such a great guy and I am so happy for him!!!
Most of you guys probably know this by now, but if not, there's a Jericho Convention in mid-September!!! Not sure if I can make it or not, but many fans seem to be going!!! Ok, back at it. Talk to you soon!!!
12:58 PM EDT Note to self: avoid landing at midnight and getting home at 2 AM before an early morning race. :-P Despite being really tired, I was inspired, especially wearing my We Saved Jericho shirt from the CBS party (see here), and I put in my best running time yet!!! Yippee. I should be napping, but instead I decided to watch last night's episode of Jericho. It's just still so surreal to me. Now seeing them on TV after meeting them in person is just too much. I keep on blinking. Ok, now back to normalcy. Have a wonderful weekend!
7:35 PM EDT (4:35 PM PDT) Just a quick note from Sarah to tell you to GO CHECK OUT THE PHOTOS! What a thrill to post these...enjoy!
11:40 AM EDT (8:40 AM PDT) It is with great pleasure that I share this post with you. The CBS party last night was another dose of "pinch me, am I dreaming?"
First, again, fans, I am proud, yet surprisingly humbled to be chosen to experience all of this. I know I played a part in helping the show come back on the air, but my part was a small one compared to what you guys did. When going on the set or going to the party, I felt like my vision was magnified by a power of 10 or even 100 as I was capturing the moments for not just me, but for my family and my extended Jericho fan family. Sometimes my eyes are bigger than my stomach, but not last night, as I swallowed everything I could, deeply cognizant that there are some, if not many of you vicariously standing by.
Before diving into specifics, I want to share a general impression with you that made all of this doubly rewarding. We often place celebrities on pillars and think of them as something altogether different from all of us. However, meeting the cast, producers, and writers obliterated this preconceived notion for me. Maybe the Jericho crew is unique from other shows. I don't know. What I do know is that they are all very real people with husbands, girlfriends, children, and dreams. Meeting and hanging out with the Jericho crew for a little bit of time felt no different than hanging out with friends and family. Everyone I met was so incredibly nice and grateful. I was personally really touched and just feel so good that you and I were able to not just help ourselves get this great show back on the air, but to also help this great crew. When Jericho comes back on in the fall and we strive to grow an even larger audience, please remember how nice everyone was to me and let's redouble our efforts!!!
So, hopefully we will get the photos up soon and they will tell all, but here's a quick synopsis. In order of appearance (haha, or at least when I was able to meet them), I met Jake, Mimi, Hawkins, Eric, Stanley, and finally Emily. Oh, and I don't want to leave off Nina Tassler. :-P Hehe...
Ok, men, I know you are dying to hear this part. If you thought the actresses were attractive on TV, gee, you should have seen them in person. Way better!!! Mimi (Alicia Coppola) is stunning. She's tall and beautiful, and refined and elegant, along the lines of Princess Diana even. But more importantly, she has a heart of gold. She actually spoke with me for 5 minutes or maybe even longer and she could not have been more sincere and genuine. Alicia is a real gem, couldn't stop expressing her gratitude, and she even got choked up before giving me a big hug. Our campaign has meant a lot to her.
Emily (Ashley Scott) was the last actor I met and it was well worth the wait. I saw her walk in to the party and later on I passed her doing an interview while I went for a stroll, but towards the end when I saw this cute blonde girl coming my way, I immediately broke out into a smile and started waving. Guys, you pigs, I didn't even think or attempt to pull anything funny. I did get 2 hugs though. And let me tell you, Ashley is a complete knockout. Stunning. Gorgeous. And with a new hairstyle she looked incredible. Calm down guys. Emily was so cheerful and sweet, and even silly. I couldn't believe it when Ashley told me her brother called her over to the radio to listen to me do an interview! Haha...
So, ladies, the guys weren't too shabby either, but I might not do as good a job at describing them. And ladies, sadly I couldn't read the list of your names and give the guys kisses for all of you!!! Jake (Skeet Ulrich) was really cool. He quickly got swamped by the press for almost the entire time. Good thing I got to meet him right away!!! Hawkins (Lennie James) had a brilliant accent and was really thankful. Eric (Kenneth Mitchell) was about to shake my hand, but then brushed that off and insisted on a big hug. And then another hug. Ya see what I mean when I say how real these guys are? Stanley (Brad Beyer) was just like his character. He appeared really down to earth and I even caught him giving his girlfriend a kiss. They both were excited about taking the We Saved Jericho t-shirts!!!
The CBS team was also super and did an amazing job with this party. We owe them a lot of thanks for bringing back Jericho and for turning on their publicity machine now. As for the producers and writers, I am so happy to have been able to meet them. They treated me like family. I even hung out and spent a good deal of time walking around the party and eating with Jon Steinberg and Dan Shotz. These guys looked out for me (even offering me a ride home!!!) and are the types of people I would call my good friends. With that, I will wrap up this post, enjoy the California air, and get ready to head back East. Again, thank you thank you thank you. (Oh, and be on the lookout for the photos...remember, seeing me in the photos is really like seeing yourself.)
10:00 AM EDT (7:00 AM PDT) Fans, my internet connection is awful right now, so I need to type fast. I tried to get on after the party to share my experience with you, but I had no luck. So, 1 word for now: AWESOME. The photos will knock your socks off. I had high expectations for the party, but they didn't even come close to the real experience. And I will elaborate more later. Just want to submit this post before I get kicked offline again!!!
4:46 PM EDT (1:46 PM PDT) Oy, had a bit of a scare there. CBS still hadn't received the banner for the nut booth tonight that I had couriered over there yesterday afternoon from a local sign company. The sign company tracked down who received the sign, I called her, and the banner is now in transit to the party!!! Haha...Get this. The guy at the sign company said, "Thank you. I love Jericho." What a coincidence!!!
11:20 AM EDT (8:20 AM PDT) Tonight is the big night for the CBS party! I am really excited, especially since yesterday I made new friends from Jericho that will be there!!!
But first, let me tell you a little bit more about yesterday. I got picked up in the morning by the company responsible for the Jericho DVDs. We then drove to the set for Jericho in Van Nuys. Being on the set was incredible, and frankly I had to pinch myself. I couldn't believe I was actually there. Did you see some of the photos I posted?
So, they filmed me for the Season 2 DVD. Not sure if my bit definitely gets included, but they definitely want to include a tribute to the fans. A fan named Matthew was there with me as well. I also mentioned to the DVD company about the convention, and they didn't know anything about it, but were stoked about that and hope to be able to go and film there!!!
I need to step back and thank you guys for inviting me along for this ride. Without you, I would have never even heard about Jericho, would have never become a fan, and wouldn't find myself in LA right now. Thank you thank you thank you.
So, at first I hung out and waited a bit for them to figure out where they were going to interview me. I kind of peeked at the outdoor scenery, but didn't shoot any pictures yet because I didn't want to get in trouble. Then I was walking around a bit and couldn't believe my eyes. Seeing town hall and Gracie's Market was so cool! I was actually on the set of Jericho!!! Unreal! And then Carol Barbee and crew came out to say hello!!! Haha!!! Everyone was so incredibly nice and hospitable. And down to earth!!! The weirdest part was that everyone working there seemed to know me!!! Hehe...Who would have thought?
I was filmed for about 30 minutes for my interview and then Patrick and Christine took me all over the set, took tons of photos, and let me shoot anything and go anywhere. Walking through the Green house, Bailey's Tavern, Gracie's Market, Hawkins' basement, Town Hall, the jail, etc. brought me right back to Jericho. Pinch pinch...
At around 3 o'clock I realized I hadn't eaten anything and was invited to munch away in their kitchen!!! After a slice of pizza I grabbed an apple and walked around their offices and just sat down on a couch in the office that leads into Carol Barbee's office and John Turteltaub's office. Can you believe this? There was a lot of activity going on, discussing the script et al., and there I was, just sitting in the middle of all of this. It was like I was a part of the family.
Early on in the campaign I had received some email from Jon Steinberg, and after mentioning his name within 30 seconds I was shaking his hand! I didn't want to distract him though from writing some great episodes. Then we shot the photo with the 5 of us!!! Awesome. And before leaving Dan Shotz spent a good deal of time talking to me and teaching my the ropes of their business.
Guys, I ate up this experience. I loved every second of it. This was a world so far from my own and spending a good 4 hours on site was remarkable. Throughout this campaign I developed a connection with so many fans and it made me so happy to help you guys and now share this experience with you. And after meeting the team responsible for Jericho, seeing how real and genuine they are, I am really happy that we were all able to help them.
Ok, time to play outside a bit!!! And then the CBS party tonight!!! Yippee!
8:20 PM EDT (5:20 PM PDT) Wowsers!!! Just got back from the set of Jericho!!! It was surreal. It was amazing. I met with the producers and writers as well. They are such nice and wonderful people and I was really touched by their kindness. Okay, I need to unwind a bit and hang out with my friend, but be prepared for awesome photos!!!
1:18 PM EDT (10:18 AM PDT) Hello Jericho lovers! LA is beautiful! I am staying with a friend who is studying at UCLA and the campus is incredible. Went to the Santa Monica Pier and then the 3rd Street Promenade for dinner last night!
Don't worry, I am still working. I am always working. You know this by now.
I just took a dry run to the location of the CBS party tomorrow night. Literally. Well not entirely literally. I did run there, but I was sweating a bit. :-P It is conveniently less than 2 miles from my friend's apartment.
Ok, better wrap up this post, shower, and make myself look pretty (er, handsome)...I am getting picked up in an hour and going to a special location in Van Nuys to be filmed for something...Shoot, did I just spill some beans?!!? Uhoh...I can't take it back now.
12:18 PM EDT Gonna board any minute now for LA. I'll save the picture taking for LA! Yippeee!
4:48 PM EDT Hello hello. I hope you had an amazing weekend. Just finalizing plans for tomorrow's trip to LA!!!
7:34 PM EDT Boy has time flown by since my last haircut! Just got another one to look sharp next week in LA :-P. And on the LA press conference front, CBS has already received the goodie bags and bags of nuts. Isn't it ironic that CBS actually asked us to send them nuts?!?!?! Hehe...And they should be getting the We Saved Jericho t-shirts on Monday or Tuesday. We also just finalized the artwork for the banner for the nut booth at the party on Thursday night! I will have to show you that soon. And there are a few more surprises for ya, but now it's time to get ready to watch Jericho. Enjoy and have a great weekend! (My weekend is going to be action packed with running, soccer, going on my cousins' boat, going to the beach, and maybe even going to the zoo. I hope your weekend is equally exciting!!!)
11:50 AM EDT Friday the 13th is ordinarily a less than auspicious day, but this Friday the 13th is a great day for Jericho Fans. At 8PM tonight catch recap episodes 2-11, and then episode 13, Black Jack, at 9PM.
2:13 PM EDT Doh! Almost forgot. You can now get the latest Jericho t-shirt separately from the Jericho Party Snacker. This awesome shirt is only $9.99 plus shipping, and if you'd like you could pick whatever goodies your heart desires to go with it!!! We've already sold out of a couple of sizes, so these won't last long. For that matter, I'd better set aside a shirt for myself. :-P
8:44 AM EDT Good morning Jericho Fans! Patxi, my sister's and my friend in Spain, just emailed totally excited about Jericho airing on Telecinco over there!!! He's all set to watch!!! Amazing, huh?
As for the CBS Jericho press conference and Fall lineup party next week, we have already shipped the peanuts, the actual goodie bags arrived in LA yesterday, and t-shirts will be printing in California in a couple of days!!! So far so good. Hope everyone is doing well out there!
10:05 AM EDT Good morning guys! I hope you had an awesome Friday and a super weekend. Normally I'm not a proponent of watching shows twice, but let me tell you, this time around watching Jericho on a big screen TV (as opposed to my computer the first time around) was as if I was watching a brand new episode and was so much better. It was great. And my friends, my parents, and their friends all said the same thing...They really enjoyed the show. This is great news. And it turns out the ratings were pretty good. Our friend Michael Hinman at SyFy Portal has a great writeup on how Jericho fared in the ratings for Friday night.
4:54 PM EDT Wrapping up the day here, and totally stoked about tonight. I've had to dig in lately to very detail oriented work. Don't worry, I won't bore you about warehouse layout designs and beams, uprights, shelves, etc., but I will tell you this! Some of my detailed oriented work has had to do with Jericho and the CBS Fall lineup press conference and party the following day!!! The small part we are going to play is going to be awesome. And, I might have a few detours to take while in LA that you will flip head over heals about, but I can't spill the beans just yet...Hey, what's that song in the background I hear? All These Things That I've Done by the Killers!!!! Unbelievable. 9 o'clock tonight baby! Good night, and good luck! I'm out of here!
12:55 PM EDT Jericho Returns!!! Tonight! A lot of press today too. So, yeah, break out your party hats, turn on your TV's tonight, tune into CBS, 9PM, and enjoy the return of Jericho.
11:11 AM EDT Yes! We just heard from the first Jericho Fan to receive his Jericho Party Snacker. Ranger Dave, from Seaford, Delaware says, "Cool Nut Package and the T-Shirts are superior in quality. Even love the exterior packaging with the Jericho mention because it allowed a brief conversation with the UPS guy about Jericho and the nut shipments. He's seen it!!! I know I'm a Jericho fan but now I think I'm a NutsOnline fan, too. Imagine that."
9:33 AM EDT Hey Jericho fans! I hope you had an awesome 4th of July. Get this!!! I went with my family to see a movie (Live Free or Die Hard, in case you were wondering ;-), and it was pretty good!) and my mom was sporting a Jericho shirt. A woman and her family were in line behind my mom and she struck up a conversation after reading my mom's shirt. Of course you know what I am about to say...She and her family love Jericho and were thrilled to hear about its return this Friday. They were giddy with excitement when they found out we were the nut guys too!!! Hehehe.
5:54 PM EDT Howdy. Good news is shirts look awesome for the Jericho Party Snacker. Bad news is they got here at 4:30 PM and we have been jamming since to ship these out. Good news is I think we packed all of them up. Bad news is UPS's truck broke down and we now need to hand stack today's orders in a couple of package cars :-P. But you know what?!?! Tomorrow we are off!!! Yippeee. Have a happy 4th of July!!!
9:48 AM EDT Good morning Jericho lovers! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Mine certainly was! We won't even get the t-shirts in until tomorrow and we are already selling out of certain sizes. I guess you really meant it when you asked us to put together a Jericho Party Snacker. Ok, back at it. Mondays are busy busy. Have a great day!
4:20 PM EDT Haha, and finally, the Electronic Press Kit from CBS.
4:10 PM EDT Wowsers, what a busy week! We want to finish this week strong, so within an hour or two we will clean up this page a bit and post some great photos.
As for the CBS Fall Lineup party on July 19th, here's a sneak peek of 1 part of our act.
Have a fantastic weekend!!! Oh, and don't forget, Jericho is on 1 week from today!!!
4:19 PM EDT Quiet nutty Jeff here. Cooking up a lot of good stuff though. :-P
1. CBS Fall Lineup Press Conference and Party in LA - we are making some awesome goodie bags for all the press and CBS stars - they will contain Nuts for Jericho tee shirts and a bag of our famous fresh roasted peanuts! Plus, CBS is helping us find a real, old fashioned nut roaster so that I can roast away at the party!!! Very exciting stuff!
2. I just received photos from Susanna, Director of CBS Photography, from when their team came out here for a photo shoot...and from their photo shoot with Shaun and the Jericho cast in LA! I want to make sure I have permission first before sharing, but these photos totally rock. You will love them!!! I promise.
3. And finally, we are proud to announce the Jericho Party Snacker.
This is a great gift for a fan, or a delicious way to convert a new one.
This party package includes great stuff selected just for you nuts:
* A limited edition "NUTS Stand Up for Jericho" tee! Let us know what size you wear and we will outfit you in true Jericho style. * A pound of roasted peanuts in the shell (OF COURSE!!!)
* A pound of pistachios (salted in the shell)
* A pound of Turkish apricots
* A pound of our "explosively" delicious, sweet-and-spicy Jericho party mix (including - of course - CORN nuts, pepitas, roasted almonds, cajun peanuts, roasted cashews, fried green peas, and sugar toasted peanuts).
Finally, every Jericho Party snacker includes an all-about-Nuts for Jericho flyer to help get your friends up to speed on the NUTS campaign...and totally addicted to Jericho!
Note: Jericho Party Snackers will ship immediately after we pull these tee-shirts off the press Tuesday afternoon, July 3. Preorder now to reserve your size selection!
3:53 PM EDT Hello hello. We're cooking up the Jericho Party Snacker right now and shooting some photos. The t-shirts need some time to print, but we might go ahead and post the snacker up anyway tonight or tomorrow and allow you to pre-order!!! Very exciting! :-P
3:33 PM EDT Hey guys! Busy busy over here digging in and designing systems to get us through the Christmas holiday this year. Yeah, seems like a long ways off, but this year I personally don't want to pack orders for 14 straight hours a day and pull any more all-nighters (especially after the Jericho campaign :-P).
Oh, and working on the LA nut booth thingie. Trying to figure out a way to either freshly roast peanuts or make some type of sugar/honey peanut on the spot!!! Gonna be awesome! Ok, back at it. Just wanted to say hi!
7:25 AM EDT Good morning Jericho fans! I hope you had a fantastic weekend! My uncle Sandy had another run-in at the grocery store this weekend. He was wearing a NutsOnline shirt this time and a woman stopped him and asked, "Are YOU NutsOnline?" My uncle loves celebrity-hood and rose to the occasion, "Why yes, I am." Turns out this woman works for CBS and said our Save Jericho campaign completely shut down their operation for a full week. She did however add that the peanuts were delicious!!! :-P Have a great Monday!
6:45 AM EDT So, what in the world did CBS do with 20 tons of peanuts? Watch here and feel good about yourselves, because this will surely bring a much needed smile to the faces of our troops. Dylan, again, I salute you. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
4:27 PM EDT Yohoho! I did not forget about you. Dylan didn't either. He had to work really late last night, but promised to get us his next masterpiece video later on this evening!
So, we've gotten tons of emails for Jericho Fan Party Snackers. We are cooking up something AWESOME. I repeat, AWESOME. Inspired by you guys, fermented while I was bored on the treadmill, and finally coming together nicely after Sarah attacked this with her creative powers. The Jericho Fan Party Snacker is going to include peanuts for sure, some other snacks, an insert about Jericho, and an amazing t-shirt. The t-shirt is the cause of the delay. We are going to print them locally so we can make sure we get the best quality at a great price, to keep this snacker super affordable, whether you want to show it off and indulge at your own Jericho party, or if you want to send to a friend! Did I mention that the shirt is AMAZING? Oh, yeah, I did, but it's worth repeating. Those other shirts we made were designed in under 2 hours. This one has taken a couple of days! The moment the shirts are finished printing (you might need to be patient), we will put this Jericho Fan Party Snacker up on our site.
8:45 PM EDT Tomorrow we are in for another surprise from Dylan. Today he filmed his visit to the Staten Island Homefront Project, the organization that is shipping our nuts to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. And tomorrow Dylan will unveil another one of his masterpieces. I can't wait. Have a wonderful evening!
4:15 PM EDT Oh, almost forgot...A fan told me about this yesterday I think. Looks like the Jericho Season 1 DVD will come out on October 2nd. Cool!
4:08 PM EDT Darn, I've been quiet today. It would be nice to say I took the day off to enjoy the summer solstice, but no, hard at work. Hey, speaking of summer, as I am sure many of you know, towards the end of summer there's going to be a Jericho Convention. September 14-16th in Oakley, Kansas. I heard some great things are being planned, and as far as I know, I am going! I can't wait to meet many of you!!! Ok, back to work. Talk to you later!
9:51 PM EDT Hmmm, good thing for Wes's homemade brownies and blondies and Lisa's breads! My cousin David and I played in a 6 on 6 soccer league today, but since no girls showed up for our team, they had us play 2 men down, 4 against their 6 :-P Lots of running, so we needed our energy...And then stubborn me insisted on going for a run afterwards. Gotta be in tip top shape though to represent Jericho fans well, not just for the Fall lineup party, but also in my race!!! :-P
Ok, going to work on putting together a Jericho Fan Snacker. Stay tuned and have a good night!
1:14 PM EDT You guys see TV Guide yet?!?! There's Stanley, Jake, Bill, and Jimmy surrounding Shaun O Mac. And look what shirt Shaun is holding up!!!
8:57 AM EDT Good morning Jericho lovers! Yippee! I just booked my flight to LA, leaving Tuesday, July 17th and returning Friday, July 20th. I would have loved to stretch out my stay and enjoy the weekend, but I have a running race early Saturday morning. (Hehe, that will be fun landing at midnight and then having to wake up real early for this race! :-P)
So, you ask, why the trip to LA? Well, I believe on Wednesday, July 18th there will be a press conference for CBS's Fall Lineup with the Television Critics Association Members. I won't be there, but I will supply goody bags containing nuts and Jericho t-shirts! Then on Thursday night (July 19th) CBS wants me to come to their Fall Lineup party. They mentioned having me walk the red carpet and talk to reporters. Crazy, I know!!! I hope I am not too shy!!! Assuming I don't violate any dress code, I will wear our We Saved Jericho t-shirt. :-) Then I will man a nut booth, either near the entrance or exit to the party. I will most likely have barrels filled with nuts and will be giving away nuts and our We Saved Jericho t-shirts. There should be about 400-450 people there, including Skeet Ulrich (Jake), Lennie James (Hawkins), Ashley Scott (Emily), Carol Barbee (executive producer), maybe some other writers/creators, the same press from the conference the day before, CBS executives, and maybe some radio people.
Guys, this is going to be awesome, and I really hope the nut angle can continue to bring attention to the show and help further grow the Jericho fan base! Never in my wildest imagination did I think 1 month ago that we would be here today. When I go to LA, I wish all of you could be there with me. I just happened to be in the nut business and then became a fan, but you guys are the true fans and heroes, and I will do my best to represent you well. (Oh, I wanted to bring my camera along, but CBS said they will take the photos and then share them with all of us!!!)
9:30 PM EDT Hey again! Heck, I cannot resist 1 more note to self for the day. Note to self: Don't gorge yourself with brownies and blondies on the same day of a long and fast training run. :-) Wes (from Texas), they were oh so good and I ate a few too many. Please, no more food guys :-P We're in the food business, remember, and munch away too much as is :-P Plus, I need to watch my waistline to walk down the red carpet on July 19th. ;-) Ooops...Did I just slip there?!?! Good night!
8:20 AM EDT Good morning Jericho fans! Note to self: when you move out of this apartment, don't loft your bed, especially during the summer! :-)
Guys, as you know, I was insistent on you not sending us anything. This campaign was so exhilarating and exciting for us, and your outpouring of support meant everything to us. Yet, without persistence this campaign to save Jericho wouldn't have gotten anywhere, so of course you sent us stuff. :-P Hehe...From flowers to candy bouquets to plaques to DVDs to bears to cakes to homemade brownies and blondies, I must say, you guys do rock. Without such warmheartedness that I recognized in all of you early on, I would never have thrown myself into this. I am grateful to have met all of you beautiful people and have truly been touched. Thank you. Oh yeah, check out this adorable photo.
Ha, 1 more thing...Almost forgot. As soon as I free up a few minutes I will book my flight to LA. Then I will fill you in on the details!!! Until then, have a great day!
4:39 PM EDT Hey guys! Gosh, busy day here. Dad on vacation, Uncle playing golf, and 3 days of orders to ship out! Puts me on triple duty. But...make that a big BUT, just got off the phone with CBS. We're working on some really fun stuff. For now, let's just say that I will be off to LA in July!!! Will fill you in on more later!!!
9:19 PM EDT :-) What a day! With my folks away on vacation, Father's Day has turned into Children's Day. My sister and her husband came in to visit early in the morning and we ate our way through Manhattan :-) Then I even got to take a nap, which was wonderful. I was re-energized and put in a solid run and swim! Now, maybe I'll re-watch some Jericho! I hope you had an equally fantastic (or more fantastic) weekend. This week I hope to relay some really exciting news, but I want to iron out the details first. Until then, Happy Father's Day!
6:58 PM EDT Last night I went to a party and spread the word about Jericho and tonight I have another party and will do the same. But before this birthday party tonight, I'm going with some buddies to a macaroni and cheese restaurant. Yup, you read it right. A restaurant for macaroni and chesse! :-P Oh, I can't wait! Good thing I went to the gym and then ran around the park, because I am going to indulge big time! Have a good night!
5:19 PM EDT Happy Saturday! I've been eager to post all day, but I was out and about and am finally on my computer now. My Uncle Sandy was grocery shopping this morning and proudly wearing his We Saved Jericho T-Shirt. As he was walking out of the store a couple stopped him after seeing his shirt. This husband and wife are huge Jericho fans, knew about our campaign, and were endlessly thanking my uncle. Hehe...My uncle immediately called me and was so excited. I think he felt like a million dollars, and I bettya he had a smile beaming across his face! Jericho fans are everywhere and so rock!!! Thank you.
5:59 PM EDT I've written this already, but I want to reiterate this. I have truly been blessed by all of this. You fans are such real and nice people and I have been touched by all of you. Something one of you did today was so unexpectedly nice that tears started welling up in my eyes. Thank you. I am not sure exactly why, but I think this connection we've established has turned me into a better person. I find myself being a lot friendlier and nicer to people. People from all over the country and world invited me into their family and the concept of "stranger" dissolved. Remarkable. I think during this campaign we all might have hit on this to some degree.
I've been so happy and grateful that I just got my mom, dad, sister, and her husband iPod shuffles. And I even loaded up music and charged the iPods for my mom and dad ahead of their plane flight now to a much deserved vacation!
Ok, enough babbling. Have a really great weekend and an awesome Father's Day!!!
1:39 PM EDT I just got off the phone with Bob from CBS Entertainment Communications. First, Shaun OMac did an awesome job when he flew out to meet the cast in LA on Monday, and we hope to get our hands on a photo of Shaun with the cast and our We Saved Jericho T-Shirts! As for the Electronic Press Kit, it should be finished early next week and begin its first round of distribution to Eye on American (American Airlines Inflight Television) and the "outernet," which consists of malls, doctors' offices, supermarkets, and the like. Then, it looks like a week before Jericho returns (July 6), the Electronic Press Kit will go out to all affiliates and national entertainment outlets!
7:29 AM EDT Good morning Jericho fans! Today is a day to be proud. I am so proud of you. We have now passed $20,000 in donations to help rebuild Greensburg!!! And guys, as of yesterday the entire fund had raised a paltry $181,754.52. A very nice woman named Dee is responsible for collecting the monies for the fund. She told me yesterday that her house was severely damaged and her family is now living in a mobile home with another family. But she was one of the lucky ones. Rebuild she will, and she hopes to move back ASAP!!!
And guys, the people in Greensburg and in surrounding areas are so grateful for your help. See their local paper, the Kiowa County Signal. We have also received emails, like these:
To all the Jericho & non-Jericho fans who have given so much money for Greensburg,
I live in Wichita, KS. Wichita just a couple of hours from Greensburg, so the effort to help the real-life Kansas disaster is especially poignant to me and my family.
I wanted to send out a heartfelt thank you from my family for the generosity that you have shown to the tiny town in the middle of nowhere. I know they can use all the help they can get.
I know a simple thank you isn't enough, but know that your help and generosity touches more people than you realize. So thank you from all of us.
Love, Jenny
A loyal fan named Steve thought this quote from Winston Churchill would be appropriate:
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
3:16 PM EDT Hey Jericho lovers! Throughout this campaign I was repeatedly approached by many fans to create a forum, but I was always reluctant to do so and didn't want to take anything away from any of the other boards. Frankly, I have gotten along very well with everyone in this campaign and I have no intention of changing that. A group of fans has continued to encourage me to post a forum, and for them, I will give this a shot. This forum is not about me. This forum is not about NutsOnline. This is completely for the fans. If fans like this forum and it can add value to the fan community, then awesome. If not, no biggie. We might even choose to move this to a standalone site, since new fans might be confused coming to NutsOnline. So, Dylan, Lisa, Wes, Chuck, all the other vocal fans, and silent ones out there, this is for you. Dylan (Baginz) will moderate this forum. Dylan is a really sweet guy with a great heart and only has pure intentions. Sure, he would love to get a great acting gig at some point, but he is, simply, a humble Jericho Fan. Oh, and please continue to visit CBS and the other boards and sites. For you, Jericho fans, your forum, your voice.
1:17 PM EDT My mom has been working so hard to help us our through our Jericho campaign and then our Father's Day rush that today she is resting. I know a bunch of you have even spoken to her on the phone (my mom's name is Aimee - she has done a great job. Go Mom!!!). So, get this!!! She brought her We Saved Jericho T-Shirt to the salon to show off, and the people next to her were huge fans, signed the petition, and emailed CBS. Small world, eh? You guys rock!!!
11:53 AM EDT Our 20 tons of peanuts have now all been distributed to good causes! In NY, they went to the Staten Island Homefront Project, City Harvest, Food Bank NYC, and St. John the Baptist Church. In LA, they were distributed to Food Bank LA and the Covenant House. Thanks CBS!
02:28 AM EDT Good early morning Jericho fans! A couple of weekends ago when I was in California I had a good chuckle. Before going hiking I stopped off with my buddy at a supermarket to pick up some food to take along with us. (Turned out we really did need the calories after getting lost and hiking 15 miles!) When we were checking out, I told my buddy I wanted to show him something. I told him to look for the National Enquirer and to turn to page 20. (I hadn't seen it in print, only digitally.) Hehe...You can only imagine the look on his face when he saw this. Well, guys, looks like I might have to go back to the supermarket. The National Enquirer revisited our successful campaign. See here! On sale this weekend. Circulation of about 1 million! Hehe
11:18 AM EDT Morning Jericho lovers! My mom just got her We Saved Jericho T-Shirts and is so excited. Looks like you guys have already received or will be receiving your Jericho gear really soon! It's awesome that we can show our Jericho pride and in the process donate close to another $4,000 from the proceeds! Here's what has shipped so far:
446 Nuts for Jericho T-Shirts
220 We Saved Jericho T-Shirts
10 Save Greensburg T-Shirts
48 Nuts for Jericho Mugs
18 We Saved Jericho Mugs and Steins
23 We Saved Jericho Magnets
10 We Saved Jericho Buttons
17 We Saved Jericho Bumper Stickers
2 We Saved Jericho Hats
2 We Saved Jericho Bibs
2 We Saved Jericho Dog T-Shirts
Haha! You gotta laugh over the last one! Hehe. And hey, you'd better email us your photos sporting this gear around town to
8:57 PM EDT Jericho Returns!!! Sorry for the delay in posting this (by now, most of you probably are aware of this). I went to the gym and then finally cooked a meal for the first time in weeks!!! So, yup, looks like CBS is bringing Jericho back to the lineup on July 6, starting with the pilot, then a recap of the first 11 episodes, and then a repeat of the last 12 episodes. Get the word out. We need new fans to watch and validate CBS' decision to listen to us!!!
3:15 PM EDT Even CBS yesterday asked me this question, so to answer your question that I keep on getting, we will definitely put together a special Jericho basket or mix (imagine if we could include the Jericho DVD!). But, you guys are way too quick for us. We offer custom mixes that you can cook up on your own and name it whatever you like. Some fans have already jumped on this and are sending their dads mixes either inspired by the characters in Jericho or simply with Jericho in the name of the mix. Hehe!!!
11:51 AM EDT Howdy Jericho fans! Hopefully I will have some good stuff to post soon. Still jamming away here with the Father's Day rush. Do you understand how painful it can be sometimes to work here and not want to eat everything? I have a sweet tooth that really does me in (you can see some of my favorites here). Ciao for now!
3:22 PM EDT CBS has just left the building. They were awesome. A crew of 5 showed up. They interviewed and took video and photos of all of us nuts! Got footage of the roaster in action too!!! As soon as I learn more about the next steps, I will let you know immediately. Ok, back to the Father's Day rush!!!
11:39 AM EDT And guys and gals, don't get any funny ideas about sending nuts to HBO because of the way the Soprano's finale ended!
9:49 AM EDT Hello hello Jericho fans! I hope you all had a super weekend. Today I might be a little quiet, as we are really really busy for Father's Day and CBS is scheduled to come to shoot and interview in the early afternoon. If anything exciting or interesting pops up, I will post immediately. Until then, have a great day!!!
8:44 AM EDT Happy Sunday Jericho lovers! About to go for a run in Central Park...I wanted to share this with you first. I just got an email from my second cousin Nancy. She signed onto AOL and read about our Save Jericho campaign on the Welcome Screen!!! :-) Goes to show that we have lots of hope and plenty of opportunity to spread our story and the Jericho story. Remember, by tomorrow you need to tell 10 more people about Jericho! Better hurry on up!
11:42 PM EDT Hey Jericho lovers! I have not forgotten about you. Today was a day of normalcy for me and it was great. I hope things have gotten somewhat back to normal for you guys, and heck, that I am the only one reading this post here now!!! In case you are reading this, I will tell you that I topped off the day with some of the most amazing rice pudding. I wonder if only in NYC can you find a shop that only sells rice pudding, and in the craziest flavors. After sampling pecan pie and then tiramisu rice pudding, I decided to go with cheesecake rice pudding. And for $5, it had better be was oh so good! Oh, and turns out Dylan is working the door at a bar around the corner from me, so I stopped by and said hello to him for everyone! (Dylan was just awesome with those videos, wasn't he?!) Ok, gonna turn in early for an exciting day tomorrow, which will be highlighted by indulging at the Big Apple BBQ. Since I have spent so much time interacting with fans from all over the country, there's now way I can pass up the chance to sample BBQ pit masters from all over the country!!! Once again, I hope you are having a fantastic weekend. Good night!
7:31 PM EDT Ok, after this post I am gonna take a break. Just popped on Generation Crossroads on BlogTalkRadio because I owe it to you fans!
Oh, as for the waiting on line for my haircut, I recognized Claudine from a previous great haircut she gave me from several months ago, so I had to get in line for her! It was well worth it, because, yup, she and her husband Joe are Jericho fans. Her husband is a huge fan. So let's just say I got special treatment and a great haircut. When I went to pay I pulled out my computer and showed off what we did to 4 or 5 people and I told them to watch Jericho online!!! Awesome! One girl knew all about the peanuts!!! We rock! Ok, time to go out and fraternize with the opposite sex, especially with this long overdue haircut :-P Hehe...Good night guys!
6:31 PM EDT I am such a dork! Waiting on line for a hair cut...thought you might like to hear this...Pecany Sarah did it again. First Save Jericho T-shirts, now Save Greensburg T-Shirts. Check it!
5:01 PM EDT Ok, I'm gonna get myself a haircut tonight and then have some fun. Guys, what a week! You did it! Have a wonderful wonderful weekend! You all deserve it! Whew!
4:14 PM EDT Jericho lovers, are you sitting down? Phase 2: Grow the Jericho Fan Family is on! CBS Entertainment Communications is rocking and rolling folks!!!! Unless I fly out to LA, CBS is coming to film and interview us nuts on Monday to put together an Electronic Press Kit (EPK). Shaun OMac might be flying out to LA to be with the cast. And, get this? We are overnighting Victory Jericho T-Shirts for the cast to possibly wear and film!!! Amazing!
The Electronic Press Kit will most likely go out on Tuesday to all CBS affiliates and the outer edges of the media empire and appear on TV in the evening across the entire nation!!!! See, I told you to stay tuned. More to come...
12:32 PM EDT I'm getting caught up on some normal work, as well as cooking up a few interesting things...Stay tuned!!!
7:16 AM EDT Sorry, forgot to say good morning Jericho Fans. :-) In case you are still wondering, I am sticking around. For 3 reasons.
1. I love you fans.
2. I love Jericho and want not just a season 2, but also a season 3.
3. I want to continue to help Greensburg, Kansas.
At 8 AM this morning I will be talking with KFKF 94.1 in Kansas City, Missouri to air later on and at 8:30 AM I will be live on The Keeler Show.
5:51 AM EDT Had a great talk with Shaun OMac last night. Stayed up late for this, so you'd better listen up!
Oh, and don't forget your Jericho Victory Bumper Sticker.
7:51 PM EDT Yippee! Was able to go to the gym and exercise. Nice! Have to be in top form for Shaun's show tonight! Hey, you guys have been asking for hats, magnets, and coffee mugs. Go get 'em here!
4:07 PM EDT I'll be on tonight at 11 PM EDT with Shaun OMac. Haha, ok, maybe life goes back to normal tomorrow (I'll try and nap). Shaun was a driving force here!
3:32 PM EDT Hey fans...Sorry for being so quiet. Many of you are asking, "What's next?" Now we regroup. But the great thing is, we are now going to be working with CBS Entertainment Communications to really grow the Jericho audience. No details yet, as the ball is just starting to roll and we need to help get CBS up to speed. Stay tuned. For now, let's try something very simple. The number 10. Between now and Monday, try and tell 10 people about Jericho. 10 people that never watched it before...Tell our story. Tell the Jericho story. I haven't seen my friends in weeks, so I have a lot of telling to do :-) Or maybe I'll just have to go on 10 dates. Haha! Let's do this.
11:55 AM EDT Haha! My nutty uncle Sandy just bought 5 Victory Jericho Shirts for his family! Guys, these shirts really rock. Sarah really did a great job here. I suggest you zoom in on the shirt and look at the details in comparison to Rosie the Riveter, the iconic figure that helped sustain us in WWII. We might have won this Jericho battle, but the war continues to keep it alive. And a reminder, all proceeds will go to help rebuild Greensburg.
9:47 AM EDT Hundreds of emails down, hundreds to go! I really love you guys.
And I have finally been able to post why I love Jericho.
Haha! My mom just ordered 2 Victory Jericho Shirts, one for her and one for dad!!!
5:48 AM EDT Ahhh! Good morning troops! Nothing but smiles today. Better late than never, here's a little treat from our counterparts in LA and the Western Front Peanut Delivery, courtesy of Jeff Knoll and Macadamia Mary. You guys rock! You all rock! You all rocked! Yipppeee. Again, congratulations everyone.
10:11 PM EDT Jericho lovers, you gotta love Nina Tassler's P.S. - "Please stop sending us nuts :-)." Haha! On that note, I am going to eat a celebratory cupcake and go to bed. This is only the beginning...Thank you so much everyone. Really. Tomorrow I will write back to all of your wonderful emails. For the rest of the night, I will relax. (Oh, right, that's called sleep :-P )
9:12 PM EDT Pecany Sarah, you are a creative genius! Inspired by the iconic Rosie the Riveter, Sarah has already cooked up one Victory Jericho Shirt that totally rocks in all kinds of colors and sizes. More to come...
8:05 PM EDT Fans, we're still scrambling here, and you will see why, but I had to share this with you immediately. Dylan Patrick, you did it again, and in a hurry. See another of Dylan's Masterpieces. There's some symbolism in there too! Dylan, if you don't get an acting gig out of all of this, whaddya say to being Head Roaster? :-P (And guys, I almost got beaten up for my t-shirt filming this last night!!!)
6:15 PM EDT N.U.T.S. - N.U.T.S. - N.U.T.S. NUTS NUTS NUTS!!
Holy brazil nuts! Incredible! This is unbelievable! UNBELIEVABLE! I knew something was up on my way home from work. First a call from Dylan, then Jeff Knoll, and then a gazillion emails, including one from CBS!!! I was about to jump off the train and push it to get me home faster. Fans, you have done this! CBS, you have done this! We love you!
6:06 PM EDT Sarah and Ben here. We're scrambling to update these pages with the great news. Keep on checking back for new details and thoughts from everyone! (And yes, there will be a new nutty tee shirt soon celebrating VICTORY!!!)
4:22 PM EDT Over 40,000 pounds!!! That is totally nuts! 20 tons of peanuts. 8 million peanuts. NUTS! Wow, fans, we have sent our message to CBS. And it looks like CBS might be listening. Still nothing concrete yet. At this point, I would encourage you to direct peanut monies to the Greensburg Rebuilding Fund instead.
3:06 PM EDT Jericho fans, we might be in the clear now. Once again, I am so so sorry. Unfortunately this was out of our control. Way up the food chain we fell victim to a denial of service attack that targeted another server. We were an unintended victim. This is the last thing we wanted to happen today!!! Whew, fingers crossed that we are now in the clear.
11:36 AM EDT Guys, I am so so sorry...Of all days for this to happen, something went wrong with our upstream connection to the Internet. Hopefully we will be fully up and running soon.
7:26 AM EDT Fans, 2 weekends ago I saw the 'NUTS' clip from the 1965 Battle of the Bulge. Just 2 minutes ago I saw Jake say "NUTS" to Constantino. Funny how 1 word can change lots of things for all of us. Fans, Season 2 awaits us. CBS, today is your day to defend Jericho!
5:55 AM EDT Rise and shine Jericho Fans! The people of Jericho stand with us. (A special thanks to Jeff and Mary on this one!)
10:37 PM EDT Geez louise! I'm going to bed now just to get to tomorrow faster and hopefully learn something beautiful. You guys must be going NUTS with the suspense, eh? Me too!
Well, I just finished watching Episode 21. Tomorrow, Episode 22! Yes, tomorrow! Hopefully a fitting day to watch the final Episode of the first of many seasons!
One more thing before I sign off. I was wearing my Jericho shirt outside and some guy tried to buy it off my back for $10. I am not kidding. He was really big and strong, but I wasn't about to part with it. Haha! I told him to go online :-P Good night, and good luck!
6:55 PM EDT Rumors schumors! We've got some quotes here. See The Los Angeles Times. Thank goodness I skipped the gym!
6:22 PM EDT Wowsers, this excitement is incredible. I called one of my good friends that I haven't spoken to much in the last few weeks and he asked, "Are you back on Earth yet?" Haha...I told him yeah, but heck, I am not so sure. Forget about going to the gym. Episodes 20, 21, and 22, here I come! And guys, we're at 39,123 pounds. Don't you think 40,000 would be something else? 20 Tons. Roughly 8 million peanuts!!! U.N.B.E.L.I.E.V.A.B.L.E.
4:47 PM EDT Gosh, isn't it hard to concentrate with all of this chatter? We shipped out 600 pounds of peanuts from LA, but banked the rest for LA and NY for tomorrow. Still waiting on footage from yesterday's LA delivery...If and when that comes in, it should be sweet! Keep on rocking! Gotta go...Interview time!
3:09 PM EDT Fans, I did use this line earlier in the campaign, but I want to reiterate what my dad taught me. Don't count your chickens before they hatch! Yes, rumors are flying about a mid-season 8 episode renewal. But, they are still rumors. Until something is inked, hang in there! Follow the lead of Lisa in the post below this one and keep on doing your thing to Save Jericho! Because guys, even if this rumor is true, we still need to keep on spreading the word to really grow the Jericho Family! 8 episodes is certainly better than 0 episodes, but eventually we shoot for seasons 3, 4, 5,...!!! CBS, just say the word, and we will be on the same team again!
2:28 PM EDT Fans, WE ARE going to SAVE JERICHO! Do you know why? Jericho is an amazing show. That's for sure. But the fans are even more amazing! Here we are, approaching 3 weeks into this campaign, and you fans just don't give up. Incredible! Lisa from Overland Park, KS has been fighting tirelessly and is one of the many heroes of this campaign. Listen to Lisa's radio interview yesterday morning on KFKF 94.1 in Kansas City, Missouri (courtesy of Dylan, again!). Thanks to all you Lisa's out there for making yourself heard! And Episode 20, here I come!
12:33 PM EDT Lots of chatter going on out there folks!!! Keep up the pressure. Nothing concrete yet, just lots of chatter from various places.
8:19 AM EDT Nuts have been an incredible tactic to let your voice be heard. At the onset of this campaign, I had never watched Jericho. Now, after having gotten through 17 episodes so far, I am a fan. Throughout this campaign, you fans have sent me hundreds of emails simply to tell me why you love Jericho. Many of you wanted us to create our own board, but I didn't and still don't want to dilute the great work and influence of the other boards. However, I also know there is a silent group of fans, that are equally passionate and doing their part, but are just quiet on the boards. I figured that as we are on the verge of Season 2, we should all voice our feelings about Jericho. This campaign isn't about nuts, it is about Jericho. Speak up and let your voice be heard, among the Jericho family, and to the soon-to-be Jericho family! Tell the world why you love Jericho here, and then see what everyone else has to say here. Save Jericho!
7:33 AM EDT Good morning Jericho lovers!!! Gosh, sorry for being so quiet yesterday. Monday's are hectic days for us, and doubly so when the valve to our compressor blows and shuts down our conveyors :-P And then after work I decided to catch up on sleep, oh, and most importantly, watch more Jericho. Episode 18, here I come!!! (I must not be working Ben hard enough. He was already up to 19 on Sunday!!!) Ben and I are so loving Jericho! Ok, I will post again soon once I get caught up with email! Keep on rocking guys!
5:16 PM EDT As some of you may have noticed, our server was down for about 40 minutes. Everything is running fine now and we're looking into the cause. Sorry for the inconvenience!
3:33 PM EDT Just spoke with our nutty friends in LA. They are preparing to ship out 3,000 pounds to CBS LA any minute now. And Mary from the Jericho camp is filming away!!! Sweet! I can't wait to see the footage. Stay tuned.
12:19 PM EDT Hello again Jericho fans! About to steamroll past 3,000 pounds for LA. Wouldn't it be swell to hit 2 tons, especially with us trying to film this delivery to CBS LA?!?!
7:55 AM EDT Good morning Jericho lovers! I just landed back East. I hope you had a fantastic weekend! Incredible! Approaching 38,000 pounds of peanuts! Incredible. When we first launched this page we were going to put up a thermometer to track the progress of contributions, and the top was going to be $5,000. Who would have thought we would hit 10x that!!! Wow!
Guys, we've been taking this battle to CBS, which has been amazing. I think it's time to bring CBS to the battle. Take this campaign local. Local papers, local radio stations, local TV stations. Just last week I called a radio station in Topeka, Kansas at the request of a Jericho Fan, and another fan and I got right on. Each and every one of us can make this same call and take the offensive here. We have fans all over the country, from big cities to small towns, and we can each have our voice be heard. Make the call, write the email or letter, and really go back to the roots of this campaign. Local!
8:36 PM EDT (5:36 PM PDT) My friend Matt and about 1,800 people escaped from Alcatraz this morning to Save Jericho!!! If you don't believe me, take a look over here. (Hehe...don't worry, my friend didn't really escape from Alcatraz. Escape from Alcatraz is a triathlon- 1.5 mile swim, 18 mile bike ride, and 8 mile run that starts from Alcatraz:-)
4:09 PM EDT (1:09 PM PDT) Fans, show your support for Jericho in public. I'm a little shy, and if I can parade around San Francisco in my Save Jericho shirt, then so can you!!! And when you do show your Jericho love, we want to see and share your photos with all the Jericho Fans!!!
10:56 AM EDT (7:56 AM PDT) Good morning Jericho lovers!!! One good thing about still running on East Coast time while out West is that I can wake up way ahead of my friends and watch more Jericho!!! :-) Episode 11, here I come. I am so hooked. And then I am off to cheer on another friend in a triathlon, but I'm gonna figure out a way to watch more episodes then. (I mean, I will only see my friend for a handful of seconds each hour, so why not, right?!!?) Catchya later gator!
2:03 AM EDT (11:03 PM PDT) :-) I am crashing tonight at my friend's house in Pacifica, California. He has a bunch of friends over right now and I had no choice but to disrupt their pool and dart games, put them in front of the tv (connected to the computer and Jericho on, and convert them into Jericho Fans. Yeah, Jericho Party!!! See photo on The Nutty Scoop for now.
9:49 PM EDT (6:49 PM PDT) Hey guys...Today and tomorrow I am hanging out with my friends on the West Coast. The first thing I say when I see them is, "you have to watch Jericho." I hope each and every one of you are relaxing this weekend, and spending time with friends and family. Please tell them all about Jericho. And if you miss seeing some friends this weekend, fill them in with this really simple tell-a-friend page we put together.
9:10 PM EDT (6:10 PM PDT) Note to self: when tired, don't go hiking. And if you still go hiking, don't follow your friend the wrong way and get lost. And if you do get lost, don't leave the trail and hike along the curvy, steep, and dangerous coastal highway. And if you hike along the curvy, steep, and dangerous coastal highway, don't hike for 15 miles. Why why why do I do this to myself? :-P Oh, I think I am on episode 9 now. Guys, Jericho is such a good show. Last check: 102,362 signatures on the petition. Nice.
9:31 AM EDT (6:31 AM PDT) I just finished Episode 6. Towards the end, the town comes together to help Stanley harvest his crop. Interesting how the virtues exhibited in Jericho resonate so much in what we are doing here. This show and this campaign are wonderful.
8:41 AM EDT (5:41 AM PDT) Dylan does it again, with gusto! Again, Dylan, amazing work. You just keep on going. You inspire me. And this isn't even Dylan's trade. Believe it or not, Dylan's a carpenter from Idaho. But ever since he was a little boy he dreamed of acting. So, one day, his belief in acting and in himself put him on a bus to New York. Dylan, I am proud to be on your team. When Jericho comes back for Season 2, you deserve a spot!!!
10:00 PM EDT (7:00 PM PDT) What a week!!!! We are approaching 35,000 pounds of peanuts. We've hit $10,000 for Greensburg, Kansas. And, almost 300 t-shirts will be on your backs!!! Super duper!!! And check out the beginning of our Save Jericho Fan Club!
Ok, rest up, have fun, and regroup for Monday Madness, when we redouble our efforts!!! You guys have been awesome! Really. Thanks for letting me join your family.
4:25 PM EDT (1:25 PM PDT) Hey fans...We're going to put together a multimedia project showing everybody's Jericho pride. Take a photo of yourself doing your thing (keep it clean) showing your pride in t-shirts, hats, with signs, writing a letter to CBS, etc. Email Sarah at If possible, crop photos to 600 wide x 400 tall if you can. And include your name, city, and state if you want to!!!
3:46 PM EDT (12:46 PM PDT) Hello from sunny California! We tried to consolidate the shipping stats, but we got lots of emails wanting to see the details. You can see the shipping details here, and later on in the day we will break this down into greater detail between LA and NY.
12:05 PM EDT (9:05 AM PDT) An amazing Jericho fan named Donna, from Rossville, Kansas has been doing her part to help save Jericho. She asked me to call into her local AM talk radio show in Topeka, Kansas. I called in, but had problems with the connection. I finally got on again, but only had 30 seconds before the show ended. But get this. Between my 2 calls another Jericho fan, Lisa, from Overland Park, Kansas, got on the air and discussed our campaign! Ya see, each and every one of you can make a difference. I repeat, let your VOICE BE HEARD!
10:51 AM EDT (7:51 AM PDT) Hey guys!!! I've gotten thousands of emails, tons of phone calls, and endless amounts of encouragement and support. At some point in time I hope to share all of this with you, but for now, you can let your voice be heard by all Jericho Fans on this CBS message board thread that I just started (UPDATE: The message board is no longer available).
9:22 AM EDT (6:22 AM PDT) Good morning Jericho lovers!!! Yippeee! I slept. Like 9 hours! I'm feeling energized now! (Hey, sorry for being so quiet yesterday. When I landed I had to dive right into meeting with my team here to work on our *day job* :-). Hehe.) Fans, you guys are remarkable. Absolutely remarkable. Your continued enthusiasm and devotion will go down in history, especially as we get closer to saving Jericho. Already another almost 2,000 pounds of peanuts and approaching $9,000 to Greensburg, Kansas!!! Go you! You've ordered 207 t-shirts and 8 mugs so far!!! When you get these shirts, parade them around town and engage people in conversation. Keep your head held high and smile, because we're about to save Jericho!!!
And guess what!!! I'm about to watch more episodes of Jericho. I can't wait!!! And, Ben is hooked too!!!
3:28 PM EDT First, I want to convey with you that I am directly in touch with all of the *leaders* and their optimism is the highest it's been since I joined this campaign. Second, things are happening. We are all working every angle we can and we are making progress. However, we are nothing without you. We need your help in the following ways:
1. Contact CBS. We must keep the call volume up.
Ms. Nina Tassler
President, CBS Entertainment
CBS Television City
7800 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Remember, at the end of the day, CBS is our friend. We need them as much as they need us.
2. Encourage sponsors and advertisers on CBS to donate directly to the Greensburg Rebuilding Fund on behalf of Jericho Fans. Fans, you all love Jericho and want it back. One way to get it back is to draw even more attention to our campaign. The Nuts have been our tactic. The Greensburg Rebuilding Fund is our humanity. This increases our credibility to the world at large, helps save the real people and community of Greensburg, Kansas, and this gives us even more traction. See sponsor listings here . FYI, be creative too and work any angles or contacts you have. I personally have begun to reach out to both UPS and the American Peanut Council. You can too!!!
3. Tell everyone you know about Save Jericho! We've created a tell-a-friend page . Get them to do stuff like:
sign the petition
and watch Jericho.
4. Contact any media outlet you can think of. Newspapers, magazines, televisions shows, radio shows, trade journals, alumni magazines, college papers, etc. Place special emphasis on LA and entertainment oriented stuff (cough, cough Entertainment Tonight).
5. Donate to the Greensburg Rebuilding Fund and Contribute Nuts!!
6. Take the fight offline. Wear Jericho shirts and hats in public (make them yourself if you'd like or order ours), make signs for your car, throw an episode watching party after work, etc.
7. Reach out to CBS affiliates
8. Do anything you want, no matter how little you might think it is.
1:43 PM EDT Nut-boy has landed and is in transit with Benny-boy!!! Guys, 2 things happened on the plane.
1. I had an epiphany. This campaign is turning me into a better person.
2. Before I was with you, but now I am one of you. On the plane I was able to focus and I re-watched the first 2 episodes and watched 3 more! I am one of you now. I am a fan!
6:56 AM EDT LA, here we come with a huge wave of peanuts. Just finished loading these planes with peanuts. Ready for takeoff!!! I will post again at 1:30 PM when I land. Nap time! They are about to take my computer away. Got to go!!!
6:47 AM EDT Rise and shine sleepy heads. Today we rise Jericho Fans!!!
I want to introduce you to Mike, from Elmira, NY. He's 37 years old and has been a cashier at the local grocery store for the last 17 years. Mike is one of our Save Jericho heroes. He has persistently written to his local paper, and finally it has paid off. Read Mike's letter to the editor . Mike, you are a champion.
Guys, what is going on here?!?! You love Jericho. You want it back. That is clear. I won't try and pontificate. Instead I will point you in the right direction: Time's Person of the Year: You.
Fans, It's all about you. You as individuals. You have opinions. You have a voice. Express yourself. Make decisions. Be bold. Be empowered. Control your destiny. Effect change. And remember, the greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground. Be like Mike, make yourself heard, stretch yourself, and make a difference. And let's do this together!
3:30 AM EDT My mind is racing too much for me to fall back to sleep. This is good though. I'm a pretty fast runner (see here), but it's the mind that wins races. A building block of Western philosophy was Renee Descartes "I think, therefore I am." Couple this with the idiom "When there's a will, there's a way," and we are in great shape. Jericho Fans, our campaign has been phenomenal so far! The tide is turning in our favor. Today is the day we really set our sights on bringing Jericho back, we visualize victory, we home in on it, and we take it! (But first, I will try to sleep again :-).
1:40 AM EDT Guys, it's me again. I had a tummy ache and woke up...I am so sorry for the delay here. Ben lost track of time. We both feel terrible about this. So, yeah, National Enquirer. This will certainly raise eyebrows fans and get us more notice! I am having trouble corroborating circulation figures, but I think in the low millions is probably pretty close. Nice!
1:32 AM EDT :-) National Enquirer, June 11 issue. :-P (On sale this coming weekend.) (Sorry this didn't go up at 12:01 AM, it's my fault not Jeff's! -Ben)
10:42 PM EDT We crossed the $7,000 threshold for Greensburg and on top of this I have heard of many people mailing in contributions directly!!! On that note, I am going to sleep, and sleep well. Ben will post something neat at 12:01 AM and will have some new and improved statistics coming right up. Once again, good night, and good luck.
9:34 PM EDT Guys, just a quick post. I am finally planning for my trip tomorrow to California. I leave at 7 AM, so nothing like last minute planning. I just looked at the numbers here and am amazed at the continued support. I really love you guys. The passion, dedication, and determination is remarkable. And, as Sarah just posted below, The WSJ is beginning to pick up on our campaign!!! I really encourage you to post comments in the WSJ, but please be very polite. Read post, comment, watch video, and email to friends. We want this to be most read and most emailed.
7:28 PM EDT Pecan Sarah here. The video posted by the Wall Street Journal of CBS CEO Les Moonves speaking at D: All Things Digital conference is priceless. I had to share this with you after we got an alert from Jericho fans and activists Tony and Bridget. At the very end of the video, a journalist stands up and asks the question we were all dying to hear. Sadly, the clip ends soon thereafter, but you'll all enjoy seeing Les squirm!
5:44 PM EDT That's a wrap, folks. Gonna grab some dinner with my sister. I will write back to emails afterwards (maybe go for a run first) and then I will admire the new presentation of stats that Benny is working on. Until then, have a good one. And don't forget about our little surprise at 12:01 AM!!!
4:56 PM EDT And now, the Eastern Offensive. 1Z686E020392794348. Boy am I chirpy this afternoon. Radio time!
4:40 PM EDT Reminder, at 5 PM EDT today (in less than 20 minutes), check out NewsTalk, a live Paltalk video chat with me about the NUTS campaign. You will need to visit their site early to download the video chat software. I'd better hurry and snap some pictures first!
4:24 PM EDT In the Jericho spirit, teamwork in action, from coast to coast. See photos of 2,000 pound LA shipment going out now!
4:12 PM EDT Ok, with such a walloping, we need to make this competition fair. LA was set as the default (first) pull-down option. The default option will now appear randomly. Even playing field...Send your nuts!
3:51 PM EDT Gosh, rapid fire posting here!!! :-P The heat between NY and LA doesn't appear to be much of a heat fans! Since we implemented the pull-down mechanism last night to designate the shipping address, LA is delivering a walloping to NYC, by a 3 to 1 margin. Last time I checked, 1945 LA, 635 NY!!! Looks like sentiment has shifted towards LA. Bring it!
3:37 PM EDT Ok, the format of the table above with the numbers isn't finished being revised yet, but Ben is getting there! Keep on checking back. As for the dual-pronged, bi-coastal peanut assault, it looks like both NY and LA will be getting 2,000 pounds of peanuts!!! Yeah! Photos coming soon...
At first I was hesitant to explore the West Coast option. Sure, someone out there is my competition online, but frankly, I didn't have a moment to spare, as many of you know. If I had a choice of sleeping more than 4 hours a night and calling California, which do you think I would pick? Well, let me tell you, I am thrilled I finally made the call to LA. Pete Calvano at (Western Mixers) is a swell guy and we immediately struck up a friendship. We have plans to visit one another soon. This is a win-win for everyone involved. NutsOnline has gotten a lifetime of press, so we can certainly afford to share the wealth. And, a little bit of rest is good for us. As for the campaign, we can now hit both coasts at a great price.
And, of course, the kicker! Pete didn't need much convincing, but I pinched an extra 5 cents per pound from the LA shipments to go to the Greensburg Building Fund. Yipppeee!!!
2:45 PM EDT Holy macadamias! This is not letting up fans!!! You are incredible. Quickly approaching another 4,000 pounds!!! Wowsers! Pretty soon we will update the format of the stats to show you better breakdowns between LA and NY and watch them duke it out!!! At 3:00 PM EDT I will communicate with our partner in LA the exact count and will then give you an update on everything. AND, almost $6,000 to Greensburg!!! Rock on!
SPOILER ALERT: skip this blog post to avoid spoilage :-P
12:45 PM EDT Hi fans and all other interested folks! With this second New York Times Article, increasing exposure, and a national print publication that I will tell you about at 12:01 AM EDT Thursday, I realize that more than just fans might be reading this. Sure, we are barraging CBS with peanuts. It's a great story and campaign that we have all embraced. But, peanuts are just *a vehicle* Jericho fans are using to express themselves. Albeit, quite palpably, but peanuts are not the underlying thing here. Jericho is. What is Jericho though? Before this campaign, I had no idea. After having watched 2 episodes so far, I have a little better idea, but I'm not the one who can answer this question. I felt guilty not knowing this answer, so I reached out to some of the most vocal fans. Until I find the time to watch more episodes, I am in no position explain or interpret the essence of Jericho. In a second I will show you exactly what Diane had to say about Jericho. After reading what she wrote, I think I have a better understanding, and I am more eager now than ever to watch each and every episode. I don't know what is being talked about on the boards, but I strongly consider Jericho fans to share their take, not just online, but offline, with friends, family, co-workers, and the mailman.
Here is what Diane had to say:
In our world we always have the threat of nuclear war. It's one of those things that's just there, in the background all the time. What if...?
Jericho shows us how one small town in America reacted to the disaster while at the same time showing us how the individual characters with their different outlooks, dealt with it. We have the solid first family of the town - the Greens - with Dad Mayor Johnston Green and his devoted wife of more than 40 years Gail. Son Eric is the deputy mayor, married to Doctor April (and, we later find out, having an affair with Mary, owner of Baily's tavern). And then there's Jake Green, prodigal son who has been gone from town for over 5 years with nary a word. He just happens to be in Jericho on the day the bombs are dropped. Around the Green family we have friends and neighbors. Each person is affected by the bombs and their aftermath in some different way. Some people change for the worse, others for the better. Some die, some grow much stronger.
Jake Green (Skeet Ulrich) is really the major character of the show. He left town under a dark cloud and now he's back and he's become the reluctant hero. He starts by saving a school bus full of kids and continues by fixing things and helping people and unintentionally taking a role as one of the leaders in the town. Much of what Jake does relates back to his secret past - which remains mostly secret through the first season. Also through the season we see Jake and Johnston Green finally coming to a peaceful acceptance of each other. At one point Johnston tells Jake that a punk kid left, but a good guy came back (I can't remember the exact words). At the very end of season one is an emotionally charged scene where Johnston tells Jake that he's proud of him. Quite a difference from the hostile attitude we saw in the pilot episode.
After any event of this magnitude, there are all kinds of problems. Food shortages, violence, refuges, black market dealings. Trying to find a way to survive without the conveniences we've all become accustomed to - vehicles, electricity, medicine, etc. People are dying because there is no medicine to treat what should be treatable. There is no electricity for heat - people are freezing to death. A trip out onto the highway to go hunting for game makes you a target for rogues travelling around to steal from you. There are splinter military groups out to take what they can by force, and even people impersonating marines to lead you astray. And then there is your neighboring town, the people that you've shared social events and football games with for years. Suddenly they see you as the enemy who isn't sharing or is responsible for their hurts. And suddenly you're at war with the neighboring town.
A real twist to Jericho is Mr. Hawkins. He and his family arrived in Jericho about 2 days before the bombs dropped and bought a house for cash. They have a story of where they came from that appears to hold true. Actually Mr. Hawkins is known to the viewers as being somehow connected to the bombs. He has a secret room in his basement with intel information and a working computer, and he has a nuclear bomb. Through the first season we're given glimpses of who Mr. Hawkins really is and what he knows AND who dropped the bombs.
Different characters handle things differently. We have Dale - the nerdy trailer park kid. His mother died in the blast and then he lost his home to fire. We have Skylar Stevens, the spoiled rich daughter of one of the salt mine owners. Her parents were in NYC when the bombs fell and no one knows if they are dead or alive. Skylar and Dale are an unlikely pairing, especially when you throw in the town's general store which is bequeathed to Dale after its owner is killed, but they are a pair, acting like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde.
Jake Green has two love interests in the show. The first is Emily Sullivan. Jake and Emily were a couple before he suddenly left town 5 years ago. Now he's back and things are unresolved between them. They didn't break up per se - he just left. She is now engaged to Roger, a steady investment banker who is missing at the start of the show because he was on a business trip when the bombs fell. He comes back to Jericho later, bringing a group of refugees, which causes its own problems. Emily is clearly torn between Jake and Roger. Jake's other love interest is Heather Lisinski - the school teacher he meets on the stranded school bus. She immediately appears smitten with him, but he clearly doesn't know what to do with a girl like her.
Jericho has action sequences - the fight with New Bern, the race to Rogue River to get life saving antibiotics for Johnston Green, the shoot-out with the escaped prisoners, etc. Jericho also has tear jerker moments, when April dies of pregnancy complications, when Johnston Green dies in the season finale - after telling Jake that he's proud of him. Jericho has secrecy - what is Hawkins hiding and who is Sarah? Where has Jake really been for the past 5 years? Jericho has romance - Stanley Richmond ends up falling for the IRS lady who came to Jericho to audit his farm. Jericho has humor, the scene with Mimi talking to the chicken that she was supposed to kill for dinner.
Jericho was a show that you could share with your kids. There was some violence, but a lot less than many shows on television today. It also gave viewers a chance to talk to their kids about these real life situations and what they would do if such a thing ever really did happen. This in turn could lead to other family talks about any number of matters.
All in all, Jericho was different. It wasn't another sit-com with the same bad jokes. It wasn't another police drama with blood and guts shown in a new way each week. It wasn't a reality show where you could watch people fight for money. It was something totally different and it was appealing because of it.
End of Spoiler
10:52 AM EDT Hey, quick note about the Greensburg Rebuilding Fund. You can contribute through our website or contribute directly to the fund. Again, the address is:
Greensburg Rebuilding Fund
Greensburg State Bank
ATT: Fans of Jericho
240 South Main St.
Greensburg, KS 67054
If you are considering large sums, please donate to them directly. Steve Hewitt, the city administrator, will track contributions from Jericho Fans and let me know. As for the tax deduction issue, the Greensburg Rebuilding Fund is not a 501(c)3. It is a municipal agency. If you donate directly, they will mail you back a thank you letter. Steve said the contribution is tax deductible, but that you would have to have a tax professional handle the deduction.
Thanks again for helping to save Jericho and Greensburg!
10:45 AM EDT Our friends in Virginia are responding to our cry and are loading up 40,000 of peanuts to replenish our dwindling supplies. See photos here.
6:02 AM EDT Good morning Jericho lovers! If you are awake, just a reminder to tune into "The Kirk and Mark Show" on CBS Radio Baltimore (105.7 WHFS- FM) this morning at 7:40 AM EDT. Also, did you see the NY Times?
7:58 PM EDT Hello Jericho lovers! Wow, today was a productive day. 10,000 pounds to CBS. That's about 2 million peanuts. Unbelievable. We now also enabled each fan to pick between sending the peanuts to NYC or LA. So, pick whichever destination you prefer and we will gladly ship away. I am very friendly now with Pete in LA and I will encourage him to give us a great price to donate more proceeds to charity. (And Pete, in case you are reading, you'd better give us a good price- then I will share your company name :-P). All the details are pretty much worked out. But don't worry guys. You can continue to make your contributions on our site. I would prefer this, but when Pete launches feel free to contribute on his site as well. I prefer you using our site because A. I would love for you to support Greensburg and B. so we can have a united front. Any contributions that you designate from LA on our site will ship from Pete in LA at the same conversion ratio we have now. So, nothing changes, just that we save on shipping charges across the country, and we get it there immediately. And, just like before, I don't want these peanuts being thrown out, so I just got confirmation from Chris Ender, Senior VP, CBS Communications, that "through various charities, we have been able to find homes for all the deliveries, and we would make every effort to do the same in LA." Remember, Nina Tassler is the decision maker and is in LA. We've certainly overwhelmed NY, so it might make sense to shift attention to LA. Up to you!
I busted my butt all day (you can even see me in action in Dylan's Video), but the results have been totally worth it. Fans, I couldn't ask for more from you. You are amazing human beings, and if nothing else, I have been touched tremendously by this experience. Let's save Jericho and save Greensburg too.
Ok, I am for the most part caught up with emails. I think I will try and do something normal now. Oh, this evening we will update the Donations to Greensburg info to include not just our contribution from NutsOnline, but also from you guys and from the t-shirt. If you don't hear anything else from me tonight, I will part with these words: Fans, today you made me proud!
7:41 PM EDT Hey Jericho fans in Baltimore - tune into "The Kirk and Mark Show" on CBS Radio Baltimore (105.7 WHFS- FM) tomorrow morning (Wednesday) at 7:40 AM for an interview with Jeffrey and discussion about the NUTS campaign.
7:14 PM EDT Another incredible video by Dylan! Check it out now on youTube and let Dylan know in the comments how much you appreciate him. Can you believe this guy? NUTS!! to CBS Super NUT Tuesday! Wave 4
6:31 PM EDT Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 5 PM Eastern, check out NewsTalk, a live Paltalk video chat with Jeffrey about the NUTS campaign. You will need to visit their site early to download the video chat software...this is cool, we will all get to see each other in the chat...spread the word!
4:09 PM EDT On May 4th, at around 10 PM, a horrible tornado tore through the town of Greensburg, Kansas, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake: loss of life, injuries, 1,000 destroyed homes, 250 destroyed businesses, and 90-95% of the community wiped out. It will cost upwards of $100 million to rebuild the community, parks, streets, roads, community center, city hall, and to restore some degree of normalcy to this small town. You can learn more about this terrible disaster yourself here.
Our favorite show, Jericho, takes place in a fictitious town in Kansas that is clinging to hope and survival in a time of massive disaster. The real Kansas needs our help, too. (And note that both these terrible things happened in Kansas the same week!) Let's act with the same fierce love and dedication we've shown our favorite show!
I spoke to Steve Hewitt, the City Administrator, first thing this morning, and he said they need help desperately. wants to help. Will you join us? will donate 10 cents per pound of all peanuts shipped in the NUTS for Jericho campaign, both retroactively and going forward. We will also donate the entirety of proceeds (about $5) from each shirt that we sell. We encourage you Jericho Fans to help out directly as well. You can make extra cash contributions along with your peanut contributions...or just on its own, right on this page. Alternately you can mail contributions directly to:
Greensburg Rebuilding Fund
Greensburg State Bank
ATT: Fans of Jericho
240 South Main St.
Greensburg, KS 67054
Guys, I think this is just wonderful. Thank you.
3:47 PM EDT Hey, as for this LA / NY debate, why debate? FYI, Nina Tassler is the final decision maker on Jericho and is in LA. Regardless, in a few hours we will include a pull-down menu and you can designate going forward where you want the peanuts to go!!! Cool? United we stand! SAVE JERICHO!!!
3:37 PM EDT Pecan Sarah here. I've updated our shirt collection - by popular demand - to include some colorful tees - royal blue, navy, green, yellow, pink, light blue, burgandy and of course BLACK! Check them out here, and remember, not all styles come in all colors, so be sure to click around and see what's available in each style! Remember - ALL PROCEEDS GO TO CHARITY!
3:32 PM EDT FYI, I will continue to ship to NYC and redirect to LA as instructed by you guys!!! And get this! I am flying to California on Thursday (been booked for a month) to meet with my nutty team there (Ben, Sarah, Brian). :-) Imagine the possibilities...
3:04 PM EDT West Coast update!!! Sorry, been quiet, but for a reason. I just got off the phone with a nut company in LA. It was a wonderful conversation guys. And just so you know, I am not mad at you. I am adamantly opposed to airing any more stuff to LA though. However, I am totally open to shipping out of LA. I am actually eager, as we are dying on our end, and this venture is not exactly an immediate money maker for us. Details will come soon. Today we will ship about 1,500 pounds to NYC to get them out of our system. Assuming you fans come to a consensus about shipping the rest out of LA, I will work directly with them. You could still contribute to this site to achieve a unified voice and I would simply send materials and monies to the great company in LA. Please don't bombard me with emails on this. Discuss on boards and ensure the leaders communicate with me.
1:42 PM EDT Fair Game on Public Radio International will air tonight at 8 PM EDT in the NY area and at other times throughout the country. You will be able to listen online here around 9:30 or 10 PM EDT tonight.
12:47 PM EDT Peanut drop went great! Fans, thank you for coming out. Dylan and I have now set up command center in the Hilton on 54th and 6th Ave. We are doing a radio interview now to air tonight...Public Radio International - Fair Game.
10:41 AM EDT Running a little late, as we had to actually dump 50 pound bags of peanuts that were for our wholesale customers in order to hit the 6,000 pound mark. See what a truckload of peanuts looks like over here. Closer to 11:30. And just got a call from the AP. They will be shooting photos!
10:08 AM EDT T-10!!! Check out what this massive shipment is going to look like here. And we're not finished building this load!!!!
8:22 AM EDT Ok, Jericho lovers! So, as you know, UPS is delivering 4,000 pounds of nuts today to CBS. Great! That's 2 tons. Super. Well, what would you say to 10,000 pounds or 5 TONS?!?!? Yup, you got it. As soon as we are finished roasting an extra 6,000 pounds of peanuts, we are heading into NYC on a truck way larger than the NutsOnline nut-mobile!!! We plan on leaving around 10 and should get to CBS around 10:45 / 11 AM. I will keep you posted!!! (Now maybe you know why I have been a little quiet!) If you are in the NYC area, come! 51 W 52nd St. If you have friends or family in the area, get them to come!!! I will be along for the ride and Dylan will be filming!!!
6:35 AM EDT These t-shirts are awesome guys! Sarah, you rock. And when Sarah wakes up we will post shirts in color too!
Fans, I need your help. Whether you are a student, have a child or relative that is a student, or simply know a student, please join or have them join the "Nuts for Jericho" group on Facebook. Join Dylan and me on Facebook! Ah, it turns out Facebook is open to everyone now, not just students. Everyone can get in on the action at
5:48 AM EDT Good morning nut lovers! After a little extra sleep last night, I am heading in early to get a jump on roasting. You will see why very shortly!!! Today is going to be fantastic Jericho fans!!! We can do this!!!
12:31 AM EDT Hey nutty readers, it's Pecan Sarah here. Just wanted to share the news that I've uploaded our fun NUTS for JERICHO shirt to Cafepress so that you can get the tee shirt Dylan and Jeffrey are wearing in the photo in whatever color or size you want, including for kids. Get your shirt here.
Oh, and the best part? ALL PROCEEDS from these shirts are being donated to charity. Every cent. (Those of you who know how Cafepress works know that they charge a base price and you get to mark it up. We've marked it up $5 per shirt, every cent of that $5 will go to charity. We're not making anything off these at all, we're just happy to share our fun design with everyone and raise some money for a great cause. Jeffrey is almost done sealing the deal with this really amazing organization - all of you will be excited about them. He will post details tomorrow (Tuesday) morning once he gets off the phone with these incredible people. STAY TUNED!
4:35 PM EDT Holy almondolas! Talk about coincidences. I just had to share this with you. I needed an extra hand today at work, so Jonathan, the first kid I ever baby-sit for, came in to help out. I was dropping him off at home and get this...His dad had just finished watching the 1965 movie Battle of the Bulge. I SAW THE NUTS SCENE! I REPEAT, I SAW THE NUTS SCENE!
12:34 PM EDT Tomorrow is Super-Nut Tuesday! Super-Nut Tuesday is the day that our ads hit the industry (particularly CBS) in Variety and The Hollywood Reporter (thanks so much for leading the charge on this Jeff Knoll and for being such a swell guy), our nutty press kits will be arriving at all of the entertainment media outlets, and a large shipment of our tasty legumes will be arriving at CBS.
To support all of this, we need you! If you live in, or can travel to, the New York area WE NEED YOU TOMORROW more than ever before in this campaign!!
I am roasting away in preparation for a "special" shipment to CBS in addition to the 4,000 pounds already on their way through UPS and we need you there to help (to rally and unload) and to show the media and CBS our resolve to bring Jericho back!
It is going to be really important that we have a show of support by actual fans - so try and round up your friends, family members, neighbors or anybody else you can find and plan to be at 51 West 52nd Street tomorrow morning for a great demonstration of fan loyalty.
Please RSVP to if you can attend and instructions will be forwarded once all the details are finalized.
11:47 AM EDT Me again!!! :-) I can handle almost anything, but my dad's been getting a bit tired. I sat down with him and explained that this is something I really believe in. My dad is my hero. See daddy and me hard at work. Yeah, I know, you guys are thinking we must be nuts to be working today, but it will be worth it. I want to make sure we are way ahead to handle whatever comes our way tomorrow...(hint, hint ;-). Working up something for tomorrow's delivery...details coming soon.
6:24 AM EDT Good morning Jericho lovers! Pecany Sarah :-P did her magic again and really cleaned up the shirts. She created a version for white on any darker color shirt, and a version for any dark color on a light color shirt. You can see the revised design on The Nutty Scoop for now. When Sarah or Ben wakes up they can post the high resolution Illustrator AI file and Illustrator EPS file. I am aware of the many print-on-demand e-commerce vendors out there, but I want to make sure we get the best deal for you guys. Tomorrow would be the earliest ship date anyway, so at the latest I will figure this out tomorrow morning.
11:13 PM EDT We're going into work tomorrow, so I have to force myself to go to bed now. Just wanted to mention a few random things:
1. Peanut sourcing from LA - Several people have asked about finding a source of peanuts in LA. We do buy many of our nuts and dried fruit from California growers and processors, but I have no contacts in peanuts out West. If someone wants to put together a plan, I am all ears, but unfortunately I cannot be of much help.
2. T-shirts. We plan on initially posting a new t-shirt design on the site, in the event you want to print a shirt for yourself on your own. On Tuesday I will explore other printing possibilities, but it looks like we would want to outsource fulfillment too, as we can't handle much more work. For us to order, manage, and maintain different sizes, get them to our facility, and ship to you in a timely manner would prove extremely challenging. An on demand e-commerce printing vendor might be the way to go. More details will come as we explore our options.
3. I had an encouraging set of telephone conversations today with various leaders in this movement. I can tell you that everyone is extremely nice and normal. Yes, normal, like most of us. Surprising, I know. We are all normal. I want to commend them for dedicating so much time to this effort. One leader slept 6 hours over 3 days and another leader is actually taking this week off from work to better focus. All in, a great job. And the enthusiasm and optimism continue to rise.
4. Last thing and then sleep...Who would have thought one could make so many friends so quickly from all parts of the world and from all walks of life?
10:35 PM EDT I've been hearing a growing chatter about increasing the pressure on the LA front. As for peanuts, to ship on Tuesday and arrive on Wednesday or Thursday is very expensive (circa $65 and $45 a case in shipping alone, respectively), and as much as I love UPS, I prefer this money to go towards a more worthy end. Instead, I strongly encourage you to call, email, and snail mail:
Ms. Nina Tassler
President, CBS Entertainment
CBS Television City
7800 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Both Nina and her assistant Lori are nice people, and it's important to keep that in mind when we send our correspondence. Speak and write from the heart. Be passionate, persuasive, and wholesome. Tell your story.
9:04 PM EDT New York Times: Fans of Canceled 'Jericho' Mobilize With a Very Literal Protest
12:22 PM EDT Happy Sunday Jericho fans! My computer has been stubborn for the last 5 hours, but I will get it back up and running soon and reply to emails then.
To me I'm just the nut guy. Yet, for some reason I get emails and phone calls thanking me for being the spokesperson, hero, champion, etc...I'm none of the above. I'm just a normal 26 year old kid that cares about people and wants for his friends what they want for themselves. But yes, considering I keep on getting contacted for all sorts of media interviews, I do recognize that I am in an interesting position. This past week I found myself reacting, acting, and doing. This weekend I find myself thinking. I have become extremely zealous with this campaign, but I am also able to separate out the emotion and think rationally. And yes, I do have ideas...
First, I want to be very up front with you. I am not omniscient. I've spent so much time *doing* this week and unfortunately have not been able to spend much time on the boards. Yes, I do communicate with some of the leaders out there via phone and email, but I need an education, and fast. I implore you to reach out to the Rangers and other leaders and spread my message. Jericho fans, please do not write to me individually about this. Spread the word to the leaders out there and encourage them to either contact me collectively or individually, even if I have spoken to them already. I need to know who is who out there. And this doesn't mean screen names. I need to know real names, email addresses, and phone numbers. It's time I get smart, and I need your help so that we can all get smart.
Oh, 1 more thing. We need to work together. I was apprised by a few leaders out there about differing opinions, conflicts, and tensions. This is insane. We all want the same thing. I think our intentions are all pretty pure. I'm no orator, but I know someone who was, and he said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand.." Guys, unless we work together, how else can we expect others to follow.
4:29 AM EDT It's amazing what passion, motivation, and mental stimulation can do to you. I can't believe I am still awake. I couldn't go to bed though without telling you this...After Dylan and I finished our work together and grabbed a bite to eat across the street from me, the waitress asked him for his phone number. Go Dylan! You da man! Geez louise, already 4,280 pounds to ship on Tuesday!!! Good night!
9:54 PM EDT Great news on the home front. Turns out the little t-shirt place beneath my apartment worked like a charm. I tried to hit them up at 1:30 AM last night, but they had just closed. Right after my run I emailed them some artwork. To get this done today, I had to rework the art with the t-shirt guy, and I'm no artist, so consider this a first draft. Photos are on The Nutty Scoop until we get them up here.
While printing this up I had Dylan on call and he quickly met me in my hood. Let me tell you, as awesome as it is interacting with everyone online and over the phone, it's really wonderful seeing fans face to face. And Dylan is such a great guy to hang out with. Dinnertime. Until later... .
10:35 AM EDT I just re-read the ABC News article and experienced another one of those very happy moments that seems to be repeating itself during this campaign. But this is something extra special. When I spoke with CBS to ensure that the peanuts would not be discarded, they had confirmed the peanuts would go to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan through the Staten Island Homefront Project. There was general mention of charities, but nothing set in stone. Just now I caught what I had missed in this article, that "They will be donated to City Harvest, a New York-based program that takes excess food and distributes it to community food programs for the poor." On all of the cases that shipped out during our first wave on Monday I had attached a label that included a suggestion of City Harvest. I am ecstatic right now. Fans, thanks for putting me in this position to just feel so good.
Ok, talking about food just made remember that I need to eat...something that I have been forgetting to do this week. :-) Then off for a 2 loop run around Central Park!!! It'll be a great chance to breathe, think, and plan. Remember, if you come up with any ways in which I can be of further help, let me know!!! .
10:07 AM EDT Michelle Malkin has just taken notice. When she notices, lots of other people begin to notice. Check out Michelle's post.
8:40 AM EDT Good morning Jericho lovers! The fight continues, yet again. Guys, have you ever heard of the slashdot effect? According to wikipedia, "The Slashdot effect is the term given to the phenomenon of a popular website linking to a smaller site, causing the smaller site to slow down or even temporarily close due to the increased traffic. The name stems from the huge influx of web traffic that results from the technology news site Slashdot linking to underpowered websites." Don't worry, our server can handle the traffic, but check out the Jericho post on slashdot and comment away. For the geek in us, Ben and I have religiously read slashdot for years, that is until this week when we simply had no time.
11:58 PM EDT Before heading out today I brought the remaining guys for the day from our NutsOnline team into my office and spent about 30 minutes showing them our campaign. Unfortunately I was too busy this week to sit down with all of them, but let me tell you, they were amazed at what we're doing and how far we've come and have now joined Team Jericho!!! Only JP, Willie, and Tony (aka Cousin) had enough energy to go to dinner, but we had a great meal together. They sure deserved it. Thanks fellas! We snapped a good photo and hopefully Ben or Sarah will post soon. Ah, for now, check out The Nutty Scoop.
Ok, I admit, I multi-tasked, but, guess what!!! Just watched 2 episodes of Jericho!!! Yipppeee. Ok, I tried to keep an open mind and not be biased by all this hoopla, but guys, is it possible to be hooked after only 2 episodes? I understand that the episodes get even much better later on in the season, but I think I just might be hooked already!
I am about to sign off for the night, get some much needed rest, and wake up when I wake up (ah, what luxury), but I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on things. This grassroots campaign has been impressive. The media is beginning to respond and we have some nice opportunities this coming week. We need to keep the momentum going. That being said, let's take a step back, clear our heads, spend a great weekend with friends and family, and be prepared to renew this fight with vigor. Oh, just keep your eyes open. Especially on Monday!!! Good night friends.
5:20 PM EDT Hello Jericho lovers!!! Wow, we have pulled this thing off. I can't believe it. Unreal. Here's an account of the afternoon: 4,000 pounds to CBS and 30 individual cases shipped to very good, hand selected media targets. A loyal fan named Bridget helped coordinate printing all our materials - two press releases (ours and yours) and the amazing Hollywood Reporter/Variety ad - at Staples. My mom ran over there to pick up the materials and got back a few minutes before 5. (See the photos below.) We just made the UPS deadline.
Wow. Awesome. Catching my breath. I will write back to everyone's emails later but for now I am exhausted. My guys busted their butts all week, so I am taking them out to dinner. Wish you were here, Jeff Knoll. And my dad and uncle aren't here, so you know what they say- when the cat's away...Hehehe.
Ah, I am so looking forward to sleeping on my own bed for the first time this week. Fans, I commend you. What a week!!! Current tally, 19,463 pounds. Remarkable. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Let's keep this going strong. I love you guys!!!
4:42 PM EDT Working on some precision mailings now to about 30 locations in NY. Each will be a 25 pound case and contain a media kit!
4:32 PM EDT Crunch time! 4,000 pound shipment via ups, tracking number: 1Z686E020392432818. Arrives Tuesday, sometime around 10:30 AM, CBS NYC.
1:50 PM EDT I just spoke with a fan who has had a lot of experience working with the CBS affiliates. He encourages us to voice our opinions to our local affiliates. See the list of affiliates here.
1:25 PM EDT I wish we had a live counter, but I promised to let Ben take it easy today. I figured you guys might be interested in this. Courtesy of our friends at Google Analytics, from the start of this campaign until this morning, this page has had 172,817 visits, 73,384 of them unique. Gee, maybe I'd better check my spelling a little more closely. Hehe!!!
1:00 PM EDT
11:56 AM EDT If I go quiet for a little bit, I want to reassure you that I will read and write back to each and every email. With my cousin David on vacation I need to be a little more responsible with our regular operation. And of course give my undivided attention to these media interviews. Fans, this is not letting up. Yesterday, although still a believer, I wasn't sure how long this could last. Today, I have dispelled any such doubts. Yes, we're approaching 20,000 pounds and growing. But more importantly, I am picking up a scent. A scent that is about to spiral into a media frenzy. Whatever you fans are doing, keep it up. My family will keep on shipping the peanuts. Our extended Jericho Family, reach out to family, friends, and colleagues!
1. Sign this petition.
2. Dig this story.
3. Watch this video.
Every media outlet in the country needs to be apprised of our campaign. CBS might have thought the audience was too small, but you know what, it is growing, and growing fast.
11:19 AM EDT Wow, what a great one-two punch. I only had a 10 minute heads up on this interview, but that was awesome that you guys wrote in. I don't necessarily have time to pull up websites or email addresses, so you guys just rocked for jumping on that and emailing them. I felt so proud when I heard them mention the emails pouring into the station. Keep up the great work! And I hope I didn't speak too quickly...My sister told me yesterday that I need to slow down. Not only am I from Jersey, but I talk fast for a Jerseyan to begin with, especially when I am pumped up about something.
10:37 AM EDT I will be on Quality Rock 99.9 KTYD - Santa Barbara, California at 10:45 AM EDT. Make that 10:50. Here goes.
10:06 AM EDT Holy cashew! I just got off the phone with Kim at our peanut supplier in Virginia to reorder peanuts. Get this!!! She and her husband are huge Jericho fans!!! She made sure to watch it every Wednesday (live, no dvr, tivo, etc.) and never missed an episode. Yippeee!!!! Save this show CBS!
9:29 AM EDT Ok, my dad always told me not to count my chickens before they hatch, but the media inquiries continue to grow. Just got off the phone with something big. I'm not savvy about what to do and not to do, but I will just hint at these things and wait for them to be set in stone before spilling the beans. I would hate to have anything I write here stop something from happening. But, fans, we really need to inflect this baby...and, if you guys keep this up, the inflection point is approaching.
7:27 AM EDT Sorry for inundating this thing with posts, but we are finally able to show your messages to CBS on the contributions page. We just need to manually go through each one and strip out last names and phone numbers to protect your privacy. But you know what, I've been remiss here...When you submit your messages to CBS, include demographic info (age, income, gender, location, etc.) if you think it will help. Thanks!
7:07 AM EDT Oh, almost forgot...Virginia, Virginia, dial us up some peanuts. My uncle is ordering another 40,000 pound load today of raw super jumbo peanuts. Seriously. Back to work...I will of course keep you posted of any new developments.
7:05 AM EDT And guys, again, I must thank all of you for your support. When I gashed my head open a few days ago running around crazily I immediately received emails from many of you and now with me staying up late and waking up early the emails keep on coming in telling me to rest. And this is on top of 1500 or so other emails cheering on this campaign. Thank you. By recording our video, I was hoping to convey the human element to all of this. Hopefully at some point we can post some of your emails as well. Fundamentally, this is all about wonderfully nice and caring people uniting for what they believe in. But please, don't worry about me..I'm 26 years old, healthy, and don't have to put any kids to bed at night or be attentive to a girlfriend or anything :-P Tomorrow I will rest.
6:37 AM EDT Ok Jericho lovers! I hope you enjoyed our video!!! I have one favor to ask of all of you. Today please direct your attention to the media. Write, call, email, fax, etc. We love hearing from you guys on the phone and via email (heck, this sustains me), but today I need to concentrate on the media campaign. Also, my cousin David is on vacation today, my uncle Sandy is leaving early, my parents need to leave at 5 PM sharp to take a much deserved break, Ben and Sarah need to rest, and we will be roasting away with the outside temperature approaching 90 degrees! Thanks Jericho fans. Today, we roast enough peanuts to feed an army, literally. As always, incredible.
6:19 AM EDT We have another genius amongst us. Sarah has transformed my amateur video into this sheer awesomeness. Ok, time to enter the nut-mobile and drive to work!!!
5:58 AM EDT Here we go again! Sarah is moments away from rocking our video!!!
1:55 AM EDT Sarah here! (Ya'll haven't heard from me before because I have been buried under a pile of peanuts. *grin*) KFSM's broadcast tonight was amazing. Here's how it happened - fierce fan activist Kevin Russell (of Fort Smith, Arkansas) contacted his local CBS affiliate KFSM, and spoke with Daren Bobb about possibly doing a story...he gave him a tour of the website and lots of ideas. One thing led to another, and Kevin was able to set up an interview between the station and Jeffrey! Way to go, and let it be an inspiration to everyone else about how they can make a difference in their hometowns with their local affiliates (...and not just CBS stations.) The wonderful Keith Hocott, also from the Ft. Smith area recorded and digitized the clip - check it out here...pretty amazing stuff! Thanks, Keith!
1:37 AM EDT Ok, problem fixed. This will not happen again. How do you like the new page layout? Ok, off to bed to catch some sleep before another day of battle. This effort is phenomenal, by each and every one of you!!! Tomorrow (darn, not again), I mean today, will become a much more calculated battle with a multi-pronged plan of attack. I was going to throw in a joke here, but my brain is slowing down right now and I will mess it up. :-P So, yeah, signing off. I look forward to waking up and seeing my lousy video shooting beautifully touched up by Sarah!!! Good night, and good luck!
12:11 AM EDT Darn, and here I was going to post about how great the new layout looks on this page...Guys, looks like when we upgraded a bug popped up. We are aware of this and will hopefully fix momentarily. Ack...Ben was going to see a movie, so we missed this until I caught up on emails. Ok, this will be fixed within a half an hour...Have some transportation logistics to sort out first. We are so sorry. Please please please be patient.
9:39 PM EDT Whew, just got home. Good news. Finally got the video off of my friends' camcorder. Later on tonight we will post it for you guys. I'm a stinky cameraman, but I think it will be worth the wait!!! Ok, 200 emails to write back to. Amazing.
6:16 PM EDT - One of your Jericho rangers posted about the NUTS for Jericho campaign to digg, and the community is going wild - we are in the top ten! Go digg it too! Let's hit #1!
5:09 PM EDT - Ok, so as you all know, I hand delivered 1,000 pounds with my uncle earlier. There wasn't much to it...Just a lot of security. Yes, I was taking a video, until a security person hit the camcorder. So I didn't get too far once we arrived at CBS. I hopefully can figure out how to upload the video tonight. I had some difficulties with the camera, but I think I can figure it out once I can breathe. So, there was some debate amongst the fans - we talked to a LOT of people - about what to ship out via UPS. We ended up shipping 2,000 pounds, bringing today's total to 3,000. Yes, this is less than yesterday, but I think the idea is to really bulk up and do something big tomorrow. The balance of nuts is HUGE!!! Just keeps on growing!!! Once the plan is refined, I will let you know. There won't be as many people at CBS tomorrow anyway, the day before the holiday weekend. Anything we ship out locally tomorrow will land on Tuesday with a big splash. The UPS tracking numbers for today's shipment are 1Z686E020390706562 and 1Z686E020394982597. All to NYC.
4:42 PM EDT - Guys, sorry for being quiet, we are totally scrambling here...Between the delivery and a bunch of interviews, I am way behind. I will let you know today's shipment update soon and will eventually get to emails. I am so sorry for the delay...
4:19 PM EDT - Dylan, you are a genius. I am so happy I was able to shake your hand today. Nut-mobile delivery video!
3:14 PM EDT - Heh, actually we're talking 15,600 lbs! I've just updated the stats (and contributor list) to include orders going to other CBS employees besides Nina and Kelly. The biggest part of this sudden increase is because we were accidentally omitting orders that were shipping to Les Moonves, oops! -Ben
3:10 PM EDT - Holy sugar toasted peanuts! I've seen a lot of nutty things in my 26 years, but never have I seen something like this. I am at the edge of my seat. We just crossed the 15,000 pound threshold!!!
1:58 PM EDT - Ok, just went off the air. Seconds before, I finished a call with a reporter from a national newspaper. They are doing a piece on Monday about our campaign!
1:50 PM EDT - I am back!!! 570 KVI Radio Fox News & Talk Radio Seattle. Now! Call in! They are asking for you guys to call in!!!
12:14 PM EDT - A little sweaty, but we did it!!! 1,000 pounds in addition to the 4,000 pounds that UPS was unloading right next to us. I at least had my uncle to help. The poor UPS guy is all on his own! Security was tight - and in fact someone almost pushed my camera out of my hand - but we will have some footage for you soon.
Thanks to the great fans who turned out. We didn't get the mainstream media coverage we were hoping for and it is increasingly clear to me that this is an INTERNET story, and that we, the little people, have to use our own media - and the more open minded Internet media - to keep telling this story. Let's keep up the great work hitting bloggers, wikis, MySpace and youTube, folks! More to come soon.
11:07 AM EDT - 52nd and 8th!!! I need to go offline now and focus. FANS, it is game time!!!
10:51 AM EDT -
In the Lincoln Tunnel! Traffic isn't too bad. [Update: here's a shot entering the tunnel. I'm using an EVDO card in my laptop to post these.]
10:33 AM EDT - CBS, here we come!!! On the NJ Turnpike with my Uncle!
9:49 AM EDT - I hope I just did the campaign justice! Got the petition linked in the nick of time. I am so happy. Ok, gonna eat real fast before I pass out and then we will start loading the nut-mobile!
9:35 AM EDT - 2 minutes til KROQ!!!
9:26 AM EDT - Ben is sleeping, so for now this will have to do. Sign this petition, please. 76,246 signatures...Come on fans, sign away!!!
9:06 AM EDT - KROQ just called. Gonna go on the air a little early. Either 9:30 or 9:30 AM EDT. Very exciting. Stay tuned.
8:55 AM EDT - Ok, I have a video camera and am practicing with it. I almost threw up watching my first take, but hopefully I will get the hang of it. Blair Witch anyone?!!?
8:23 AM EDT - Just in from UPS. Expected 2 ton delivery between 11 AM and 12 PM EDT, 51 W 52nd St., NYC. We will try and time our arrival for around 11 AM, but I will keep you posted. Please come and help us unload. We'll be sure to have plenty of warm, just roasted peanuts for you to snack on!!! Haha! SAVE JERICHO!!!
7:26 AM EDT - FYI, we added this in the checkout- "Fine print: For the sake of the campaign, we may divert some of the NUTS to other destinations if the community believes that to be the right course of action. Save Jericho!" If you are not comfortable with this, we encourage shipping your nuts individually, precisely where you want them to go. We were going to use a drop-down, but it would be dilutive and the logistics would be challenging. As for the destination, I take my cue from the Rangers and forum leaders out there. I'm just the nut man :-P
6:59 AM EDT - Remarkable! This outpouring is remarkable. Almost another 3,000 pounds already and it's not even 7 AM. And the emails. We have received over 1,000 emails, and we're just the nut guys! And please be patient with me today. I am caught up now, but for today, be patient, as I will write back to each and every email as soon as I can. To pull off this in person delivery with my uncle, I need to help pack our normal orders in the operation this morning.
6:37 AM EDT - In the nut-mobile with my dad and uncle heading to the nut shop. If any Jericho fan near Linden, NJ has a video camera, knows how to operate it :-P, and post online, please call 908-523-0333 from 6:55 AM until about 9 AM. We really need to record this journey into NYC to CBS. If not, we will try to make do with what we've got or somehow hire someone. Linden is about 45 minutes from NYC.
5:55 AM EDT - The days are a blur now. Regardless, good morning Jericho Fans! We're ready for an exciting day. Momentarily we are dropping a media alert with PRNewswire. Help us spread word of our huge Wave 3 peanut drop at CBS in NYC!!! If you cannot show your support in person, help us send this release to as many newsdesks as possible!!! As soon as I get off the radio interview this morning I will jump in the nut-mobile and head to NYC with my uncle!!! ETA: 11 AM EDT +- a few.
12:51 AM EDT - Listen to the recording of The Two Doctor's show here. Various callers talked with Jeff and the hosts about Jericho and about the NUTS campaign! Also, a reminder that Jeff will be on LA's 106.7 KROQ in the morning, on the Kevin & Bean show which starts at 7 AM PDT/10 AM EDT. You can listen live from the KROQ website. (it requires registration though so do that ahead of time if you can) -Ben
12:15 AM EDT - Ok, I should go to sleep. Tomorrow, uh, today, is going to be a big day. Good night Jericho fans.
10:59 PM EDT - Hey guys, Jeff is going to be on The Two Doctor's show right now on Blog Talk Radio, Tune in here
9:35 PM EDT - I owe you guys a huge thank you. My spirits were down from that shipping to LA grumbling, but now I am totally reinvigorated after plowing through another 300 emails. Every single fan was fully behind what we did. Thank you. This is a testament to Jericho and to Jericho fans as people. Yes, this campaign is about saving Jericho. But I think this campaign also transcends Jericho and touches the essence of humanity. Such good people from all walks of life, from around the world, coming together and fighting for something they believe in. I think I can speak for many, if not all of us, when I say that we have been touched by this unity. (I hope that didn't sound too cheesy, but I really mean it. I have experienced the gamut of emotions today. After one email I even got the chills and tears came to my eyes).
So, as for tomorrow, I am trying to figure out how to video tape stuff tomorrow as we plan on bringing out the nut-mobile to CBS!!! Ideally we could tape the whole journey, from roasting, to boxing, to loading the truck, to driving, to the final delivery. If we can't get our hands on a functional camera (as you know, we were caught off guard by this), at least we hope fans will be on site for the delivery as well as the media. We will need to coordinate timing. Rough game plan- 10 AM live interview with The Kevin & Bean Show - KROQ-FM, Los Angeles. As soon as that is over we get moving in the van and head towards CBS. The UPS delivery should be close to 11 AM again.
7:31 PM EDT - There's been some grumbling out there about diverting the 200 pounds to LA. Please don't be mad at me. First, a bunch of contributors wanted to do this, and second some influential people leading the charge out there called me and suggested this. Some suggestions were for sending all or half to LA. If I offended anyone, I am really sorry. And if necessary, I will eat the cost. We are now scrambling to build in a shipping option pull-down. Maybe like, "Your call- which could include, NY, LA, or various media outlets," "NY," or "LA."
6:56 PM EDT - Oy...the details were different than what I expected. One of the contacts I made at CBS came out and confirmed the donation of the peanuts. From the article on the left, CBS spokesman Chris Ender estimated Wednesday that about 300 boxes of nuts ranging in size from three pounds to 10 pounds had arrived. "We've made arrangements for the bulk of the boxes to be picked up by Staten Island Project Home Front, an organization that focuses on fundraising and supporting military serving in Iraq and Afghanistan," Ender told "We've also made contact with the Bronx Zoo to see if they'd like some of these, as well as local homeless shelters and food banks." ( just updated this story) Jericho fans, this is still great news, but we need more...Looks like my previous comment might just have to become a reality.
6:49 PM EDT - Guys, now that my head is feeling a little better, are you ready for this??? If fans promise to come out in numbers and the media is swarming, what do you say we reroute our deliveries and my uncle and I use our NutsOnline nut-mobile (delivery van) to personally deliver some nuts to coincide with UPS?!?!?! And maybe fans could help us carry the cases!!!
6:47 PM EDT - Oh, forgot to mention...Someone I spoke to at CBS said the peanuts were delicious :-P
6:33 PM EDT - This just in from a source at CBS. CBS corporate is finally responding to onslaught. Details coming soon...Here we go folks!!!!
6:29 PM EDT - Haha! No time to go to my apartment. Went to my parents' house instead. Hehe...Ok, I need to apologize. Looks like I deleted a previous posting on here. This is all new to me!!! So, yes, we have been contacted from people from Jericho (no names, as I am sure you can understand) who are totally on board with our campaign and their parents' and other family members are contributing. CBS, the fans are behind this campaign though, not Jericho people.
6:17 PM EDT - * We've updated the "shipped" stats above to include the 200 lb shipment to LA but to cover the extra cost of overnight shipping we counted it as 550 lbs out of this pooled order. [9:42 clarification: this was 200 lbs nuts + 350 lbs to cover shipping, not 550 lbs just for shipping costs. we got a good discount from UPS. sorry for the confusion! -Ben]
5:49 PM EDT - Just sent the crew home and I will be heading out shortly. We will post a photo soon, but I really want to thank our NutsOnline team for staying late and working extra hard in support of this campaign. I want to apologize for the delay in writing back to emails. I will get back to everyone real soon. I think I have a few hundred to write back to since I was away from my computer a bit this last hour.
I want to emphasize the need for every Jericho fan to contact media outlets in NYC and implore them to be ready for the UPS delivery tomorrow...We NEED all the coverage we can get for this!!! It will be awesome. And, another great note. I was really concerned about these peanuts being thrown out, even with special notes on them. I just received confirmation from CBS that the peanuts will be donated to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and possibly food banks, homeless shelters, and maybe even the Bronx Zoo. On that note, I am heading home. Many things throughout the day made me smile, and this is really fantastic!!!
5:00 PM EDT - We are totally scrambling here, but we will get the 2 shipments out- 4,000 pounds to NYC (ups tracking number 1Z686E020398376039) and 200 pounds to LA (ups tracking number 1Z686E020191467411). (Ha, not to mention our normal business :-). Too early to track now, but later on tonight! Overnighting the 200 pounds to LA was costly, and we didn't have time to explore a local solution, so we'll just deduct the extra amount from the surplus. Many contributors said this was ok. We will get a nicely discounted rate from UPS! And tomorrow will be a new day of maybe different tactics!!!
4:35 PM EDT - Okey dokey...We're gonna overnight 200 pounds to LA as well...FYI, individuals have been shipping stuff to LA as is, so they have not been neglected!!!
4:15 PM EDT - NYC bombardment, day 3!!!! 4,000 pounds going to NYC. Not sure where the "various media outlet" crusade is, but the number of pounds is sky rocketing...Maybe send some Jericho love to LA!!!
3:42 PM EDT - Unbelievable...I write back to 1 email and 10 come in...No joke...CBS, this is amazing. FYI, on our own we sent packages to The Late Show with David Letterman, The Howard Stern Show, and CBS Evening News yesterday. Gosh, consensus is 20 to 1 to blitz NYC. Maybe we send 4,000 to NYC and send the balance to various other outlets and/or LA.
3:22 PM EDT - Wow, the emails continue to pour in. From every part of the US and Canada and now we can add England, Malaysia, Poland, and, shoot, forgot some others, but you get the point...Fans are overwhelmingly in favor of shipping a huge quantity to NYC again for maximum exposure. We are beginning to get lots of calls and email from the media, so I think this might be the way to go. We can then make new decisions about the balance of nuts, which looks to be ever increasing. I repeat, holy macadamia nut!!! 4200 pounds or so!!!
2:31 PM EDT - Darn, I find myself on both sides of the fence (heck, on top of the fence too) on where to ship these. The majority of emails favor another huge blast to NYC for tomorrow, especially with the media beginning to circle...Almost game time to decide!!!
1:44 PM EDT - Holy macadamia nut!!! With all this excitement I took my eyes off the nut-o-meter. We are quickly approaching another 4,000 pounds, several hours ahead of schedule from where we were yesterday! Geez, we might have to order up another 52 foot container of 40,000 pounds of peanuts from Virginia at this rate!!! So, the debate is still on as to what to do with this next wave. Ship again to CBS NYC as the media begins to circle? Ship to LA? Ship to individual media outlets throughout the country? You guys decide in the forums and hopefully come to a consensus...We are on board with whatever you decide, so long as we don't go totally NUTS!!!
1:03 PM EDT - Details are scarce, but the UPS driver reported seeing a crowd of fans and the media upon his arrival...Now let's wait to see how this unfolds from the media and fans!!! We could use some more great youtube videos!!!
12:58 PM EDT - UPS just finished unloading...Details from driver momentarily...He probably needs to catch his breath :-P
11:15 AM EDT - I have a UPS employee next to me now. Packages are being unloaded and will take about an hour to be fully unloaded...UPS driver did notice fans in the area...Once delivery is complete, UPS driver will call in and update us on the situation!!! Thanks UPS!!!
11:01 AM EDT - Driver is there now, unloading packages...They are accepting the delivery...Details to follow!!!
10:57 AM EDT - I am dying here...I put out a call to UPS, but still no word!!! Traffic maybe ;-) Well, FYI, we continue to roast away here and will evolve and adapt plans as you guys come to a consensus out there about the next wave. And just so you know, this support is incredible. We are getting hundreds of emails (maybe into the thousands by now), and from all over the world, even as far away as Estonia...I am not kidding!!!
10:15 AM EDT - Guys, get ready for this. I just got off the phone with Ray Faiola, the Director of Audience Services at CBS. First, he said he was confident they would not discard the peanuts and would be sure to donate them to a food bank or the like. Second, our campaign is being heard. Even Ray has been on this page here!!! CBS is looking to provide some closure, but no programming changes have been made...yet!!!
10:03 AM EDT - We have called in the reinforcements here at NutsOnline. Got my mom here helping answer the phones! But we need help from the troops out there. If you are in midtown Manhattan, converge on CBS at 51 W 52nd St. The 4,000 pound delivery of nuts will be in the next 15-30 minutes!!!
9:29 AM EDT - Gosh, this is exciting...Had to pause Jericho to take some phone calls. The package car has fit all 160 cases and is on the move...The drop should be closer to 10:15 / 10:30!!!
9:21 AM EDT - I am multi-tasking here, but I couldn't be true to this crusade without watching Jericho, so right this second I am watching the series premiere!!! You can see all episodes here.
9:13 AM EDT - Getting closer to touch-down. Let's make sure CBS does not reject the shipment. I have a note on each case that these are freshly roasted peanuts, and can be given to co-workers, food banks, shelters, zoos, bird/squirrel groups, etc. Or these can go to troops. If they reject, it will cost us over $1,000 to get back to us and from there we will find a place to donate the nuts, but let's not allow for this to happen. Show your support in person, and if not in person, try and call CBS or their mail room (maybe 212-262-2133).
8:25 AM EDT - Delivery update...UPS drivers will be dispatched within 45 minutes. UPS has arranged a separate vehicle for the drop off of the nuts between 10 AM and 10:30 AM. If any fans are in the area, try and get footage.
7:14 AM EDT - Ok, back in business. Day 3! First, I want to clarify something. As you all know, CBS NYC will be receiving over 2 tons of nuts this morning via UPS (we will try to reconfirm a delivery time). 2 tons is 4,000 pounds...4,000 is a tough number to comprehend. Here's some perspective. 4,000 pounds is 160 cases, each weighing 25 pounds. In photo 4 on the left (row 2, column 1) I have a 1 pound bag in my left hand and a 25 pound bag in my right hand. We're talking more peanuts than what you see in photo 3 (row 1, column 3). In photo 11 (row 4, column 2) you can pretty clearly see 3 full pallets/skids of 25 pound cases...Believe it or not, there is a 4th pallet in the back left corner of this photo. So all in, 4 pallets, 4' x 3.33' x 7'. This is NUTS! Second, the idea has sprung that we might want to consider targeting media outlets throughout the country with this campaign. I encourage you to participate on the forums, blogs, wikis, etc. out there with your input on this. If CBS didn't get the message yesterday, they certainly will today. Now we just need to get everyone else's attention. We'll follow whatever directive you guys come up with. 2,051 pounds! BATTLE STATIONS!!!
6:07 AM EDT - It's on again Jericho Fans. Already over 2,000 pounds for today!!!
3:09 AM EDT - Another Jericho fan, Dylan, got shots of the 1,000+ lbs being unloaded from the UPS truck yesterday! (5/22) Check it out to the left or go watch the full size version.
10:16 PM EDT - Ok, it's been a long day...but before I turn in for the night, I wanted to post this letter to you, Jericho fans. Our nutty family and I adore you guys. Have a good night! Oh, 1 more thing...I promise this is it for tonight. Another backup plan suggested by a fan (should we be forced to divert the nuts) is to send to our troops. Interesting idea. Ok, good night for real...need to get in early to start roasting!
10:14 PM EDT - quick note: the /gifts/jericho.html URL was hard to remember so this page now officially lives at ... both links will continue to work of course -Ben (the programmer)
8:50 PM EDT - Intrepid Jericho Fan Ian has come through big time. See the first wave of 1,000+ pounds of nuts delivered to CBS in NY today (5/22) to the left or a full size version here. Hopefully more to follow!
7:36 PM EDT - I would be derelict in my duty not to post the tracking number for today's massive shipment. You cannot track it yet (UPS has to unload all of these cases first!!!), but within a few hours you should be able to on - 1Z686E020391486067. And by golly, already up to 500+ pounds for tomorrow. Keep it coming!!!
6:17 PM EDT - Hmm, we removed the messages from the contributions page due to privacy concerns, maybe if we can filter out risky things we'll put it back up. You can at least see how many people have contributed so far...
6:10 PM EDT - We've added a page that shows all contributions and messages so you can see what your fellow campaigners are saying. (And how many there are!)
5:51 PM EDT - Just awesome guys! Kudos to all! I think this is really beginning to snowball. 4 tons for tomorrow :-P I am heading home now. In the craziness at the last minute to get this out I kind of busted up my head on a beam :-) I'm all right...Just taking 1 for the team. I'll get back to responding to emails within the hour! Save Jericho! Oh, 1 more thing...Apparently the delivery tomorrow should coincide with the shareholder meeting. More details to follow!!!
5:01 PM EDT - Aack, amounts other than $5 weren't working for a little while, fixed now, my bad... -- the programmer :)
4:59 PM EDT - You did it!!! 4,000 pounds!!! Keep 'em coming...We will continue to ship tomorrow. All 4,000 pounds today will go to NY. We could divert future nuts to CA, but I still vote for NY. Shipping is way less and we can get more bang for the buck! Time to wrap this up and take some photos. YES! NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:33 PM EDT - 3,819 pounds! Closing in on 4,000!!! And check this out...Been getting email inquiring about this....Shipping to the California office. Maybe if we hit 4,000 and keep on going up we divert to California? Just an idea based on fan feedback.
4:07 PM EDT - 3,671 pounds! We need 4,000 pounds...We will stay late again to get closer to 4,000, and even if we don't hit it, I'll throw in the rest to hit 4,000 pounds. 2 tons! Just imagine. The photos will be insane and hilarious. Stay tuned.
3:47 PM EDT - Phase 1 Update on multiple fronts: 1. Currently at 3,575 pounds. Can we hit 4,000 for today?!?! Emails continue to pour in, some in favor of staggering, others in favor of doing this in 1 huge shipment. The needle is leaning towards 1 huge shipment for maximum publicity. It remains to be seen how large this window of opportunity is as well... 2. Good news...Not only should we be getting footage tonight from a Jericho fan of the first wave delivery, but we believe a photographer for the NJ Star Ledger was on site as well!!!
2:40 PM EDT - Holy cow!!! Up to 3,361 pounds now for today's shipment!!! Incredible...We're just debating now whether to ship with UPS or deliver on our own in the NutsOnline mobile. Only thing is, we are jamming away here and are short on resources, and a fan said security is tight around the building and we might have difficulty getting through. If there's a will, there's a way, especially if some media outlet is along for the ride, but it looks like we might just go with UPS. There have also been suggestions about staggering the shipments from here on out. I think it would be amazing to ship 2 tons out today, especially if we find the window closes at some point and CBS starts rejecting the shipments. FYI, as far as we know, the mail room will accept everything, but in the event they do reject, we have placed instructions not to discard these freshly roasted nuts and instead donate to a food bank or to bird/squirrel groups.
12:47 PM EDT - Phase 1: Operation Nuts for Jericho- the eagle has landed!!! We have just received visual confirmation from a Jericho fan that UPS has delivered the first wave of nuts to CBS. Hopefully we can post photos/video shortly!!!
09:07 AM EDT - Just got off with UPS. Today's delivery should be between 12 and 1 EDT. Oh boy!!! The next wave will dwarf this delivery though. Gosh - Up to 2,027 pounds going out today so far...And it's early!!!
07:55 AM EDT - One word - UNBELIEVABLE! This outpouring has been amazing and we are proud to be a part of it. I just checked our peanut inventory (see third photo) and we are in good shape. We fired up the peanut roaster first thing and will GO NUTS roasting all day to keep up with things. UNBELIEVABLE. We are about to hit the 1 ton mark already for today's shipment!!! Jericho Fans are incredible. Oh, here's the UPS tracking number of yesterday's huge shipment: 1Z686E020398992266
03:03 AM EDT - All sorts of numbers are now shown above, updated every time you refresh the page. And your orders keep rolling in... watch out CBS! (The first shipment 1500 lbs will arrive today, but clearly the deluge has only just begin.)
12:59 AM EDT - Oops, for 15 minutes it was showing total orders to CBS instead of just this group order, it's fixed now and we'll put up both numbers shortly.
6:16 PM EDT - K one final note for now: Besides the 1000 lbs from this group order, we've shipped 509 lbs of various stuff to CBS, made up of 128 orders totalling $1774.60. So including this 1000 lbs, that means 1509 lbs and $3129.60 worth of NUTS! (with more on the way for tomorrow of course)
5:41 PM EDT - We got UPS to stick around late, and we shipped 1000 pounds of peanuts today for this massive ongoing order. Keep the orders coming! Next we'll tally up the various other items bound for CBS and let you know what else is in transit.
4:51 PM EDT - Okay we've now got a live counter over on the right side of this page! That's the total at this moment for this big group shipment. There are of course all the other orders for other items, and we'll keep posting updates about those.
4:26 PM EDT - Amazing...CBS, we hope you are listening. Counting this group purchase plus all separate purchases, we're at $2768.57, 207 orders, and 1244 pounds!
4:22 PM EDT - $950 now! Let's see, that comes to roughly 700 pounds!
3:43 PM EDT - Okay this group purchase thing is now at $585, this is going to be an insane amount of nuts!
3:33 PM EDT - Now 159 orders totalling $2138.98, of which $430 is going toward this group purchase.
2:54 PM EDT - So far we have received 126 orders shipping to Kelly Kahl or Nina Tassler at CBS totaling $1689.94 for 479 pounds of nuts (433 lbs of peanuts, 20 of mixed nuts, 17 of walnuts, 5 of sunflower seeds, 2 of almonds, 1 each of almonds and brazil nuts)
2:44 PM EDT - We just launched this page and will work hard to update with a lot more info as the day progresses. We will tally individual orders and set up a thermometer to reflect this massive pooled shipment on this page.
------ ^ Monday, 4/7 ^ ------
4:02 PM EST Jericho lovers! Looks like tonight is the season finale. Whether or not Jericho will be picked up by another network / station remains to be seen. Regardless, please enjoy tonight's episode. You deserve it!!!
------ ^ Tuesday, 3/25 ^ ------
3:10 PM EST Guys and gals, I certainly wish I had better news to offer you this holiday weekend, but unfortunately it looks like CBS is pulling the plug on Jericho. Tuesday will be the finale. "The ending that will air Tuesday night doesn't entirely slam the door on the series, but is different than the cliffhanger version, sources said. It also doesn't preclude the possibility of "Jericho" finding a second life on cable, though the economics of the production will likely prevent a continuation of the show."
Try and have a great weekend though!!! You still can look forward to Tuesday! (Glass is half full, right?)
------ ^ Friday, 3/21 ^ ------
1:42 PM EST I hate to admit it, but I had to watch Jericho last night instead of Tuesday night because it's hard for me to stay up late after running and biking. So, the verdict?!?! Wow. I enjoyed the first couple of episodes, but these last 2 have totally kicked some major butt! I can't wait for next week.
------ ^ Thursday, 3/13 ^ ------
9:45 AM EST Wow! Don't want to spoil it for anyone, but last night's episode,! Did you guys see this message from the cast and crew?
------ ^ Wednesday, 3/5 ^ ------
4:52 PM EST Happy leap day Jericho fans! Today we are shipping our Nuts for Jericho T-Shirts along with peanuts to London!!! The company in charge of UK distribution of the Season 1 Jericho DVD wanted as many shirts and peanuts to go with them to go along with the DVD promotion! :-) Awesome, eh?
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
------ ^ Friday, 2/29 ^ ------

It feels good to have Jericho back.
And Bill eating peanuts in Jimmy's hospital room was priceless!!!
Keep on enjoying Jericho!
------ ^ Wednesday, 2/13 ^ ------
7:40 AM EST Tonight is YOUR night! You actually did it! You saved Jericho! Sit back, relax, and enjoy! Thanks for inviting us to the show!
------ ^ Tuesday, 2/12 ^ ------
6:50 AM EST One more day guys and gals!!! I woke up this morning to a few emails from friends saying they saw a Jericho commercial last night mentioning our campaign with a shot of our peanuts and our Save Jericho t-shirt!!! Haha!
------ ^ Monday, 2/11 ^ ------
1:10 PM EST 4 days until Jericho!!! But if you only count business days, that makes it 2. Hehe. Sorry, I am lame. I know. :-) Just heard from the creator of Jericho about a "kickass review in variety today.." Check out the Jericho Review in Variety Magazine (be patient- the page loads slowly). Have a delicious weekend!
------ ^ Friday, 2/8 ^ ------
8:03 AM EST Good morning Jericho lovers!!! Don't these Jericho commercials get you all fired up? Get this...I was over my parents' house the other night when I suddenly heard a shriek from my mom, "Jeffrey, Jeffrey! Come here! Come here! Look what's on TV!" mom got all giddy with excitement after seeing her first Jericho commercial. Ah, feels so good!!!
5 day until Jericho!!! Are you ready?!?! N.U.T.S.!
------ ^ Thursday, 2/7 ^ ------
10:06 AM EST Hey Jericho lovers! February 12 is getting closer!!!
You probably heard the news by now, but Sci-Fi has picked up the rights to Season 1 of Jericho beginning February 11 with a four-hour marathon from 7 PM to 11 PM and then on Mondays at 10 PM beginning February 18. Yippeee!!!
------ ^ Wednesday, 1/30 ^ ------
10:15 AM EST Check out the weekly high scores of our wicked Jericho Peanut Assault Game. Have a nuttily wonderful weekend!
------ ^ Friday, 1/11 ^ ------
7:20 AM EST Hello Jericho lovers! Happy New Year! Yeah, I know, I haven't had much to say lately, but I wanted to wait for something meaningful. When I met the writers, producers, and actors back in July, I was assured that the new episodes were going to be fantastic and even a notch above Season 1 episodes. Of course they're biased, but they were pretty emphatic and I wanted to believe. Well, finally, a third party confirmation...I just spoke with a TV drama journalist and here's a snippet of what she had to say, "I've now seen the first 3 episodes of the second season and all I can say is WOW!!!! My first thought was how pleased all the fans will be with these episodes. You all did not put forth those efforts in vain. They are above and beyond anything I could have hoped for - I think they may even be better than any season one episode! Oh - and the nuts got a cameo in the first episode! You guys will love it!"
I'm excited! How about you?!!?
------ ^ Thursday, 1/10 ^ ------
9:41 AM EST Of course nothing would be sweeter than Jericho for Christmas, but February will do.
I'm bursting with anticipation to watch Season 2 and you must be going completely NUTS by now.
Our nutty elves are working around the clock to handle holiday orders, but we couldn't resist giving you a little Jericho treat!
What if we can help Jericho defend itself against New Bern right now? NUTS!
Our nutty elves whipped up a wicked Jericho themed game to help your Jericho craving this holiday season!!! There will even be prizes each week for the high scorer, including Jericho DVD's, Jericho Shirts, Jericho Snackers, and more!!!
------ ^ Friday, 12/7 ^ ------
8:13 PM EST Just in from CBS. Jericho returns, February 12, 10 PM on CBS.
------ ^ Monday, 12/3 ^ ------
4:28 PM EST Wowsers! My last post was over 2 weeks ago. Doh! Things have been crazy crazy here. When we free up for a sec I am hoping to show you something totally awesome. No, no news on Jericho coming back yet. Just heard from someone at CBS today and he said, "No word yet on an airdate." I did hear from Patrick, Jon Turtletaub's assistant, and although no news from him either, he did write this: "Are you excited for season 2? I've seen a couple of the cuts and I've got to say, it looks really good. I think you guys will be pleasantly surprised." No surprises here. I have sky high expectations.
Ok, back at it. Have a wonderfully nutty Thanksgiving!
------ ^ Wednesday, 11/21 ^ ------
8:05 AM EDT Fans, I just received something very special in the mail that really touched me.

------ ^ Tuesday, 11/6 ^ ------
8:28 AM EDT Happy Friday Jericho lovers! Working all day and then heading to the Arena each night for Bon Jovi or the NJ Devils is tiring stuff (see more photos), but I have not forgotten about you guys. I heard back from someone at CBS yesterday - sadly, still no news. We've waited this long and will keep on waiting, but come on, let's get on with the show!!! Maybe next week we'll have to whip up some more energy again. (hint hint, we've been working on something you will totally love...stay tuned).
Ok, how about some levity and something to chuckle over this weekend? As a little boy I thought it was so cool to come to work with daddy and get to climb on what seemed to be mountains and mountains of peanuts. Maybe one of these days I'll grow up, but not yet.
Check out this copy online of the UPS Compass Magazine Fall 2007 Print Edition!
------ ^ Friday, 11/2 ^ ------
7:53 AM EDT Hello hello! Here's 1 of 10 reasons why I have been so busy- tonight is opening night and we go back to our roots on Mulberry Street as the exclusive nut vendor at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ, home of the NJ Devils, Seton Hall Basketball, and NJ Ironmen. Oh, and lots of performers too! Tonight Bon Jovi is in the house. Check out more details and photos and take a walk back in time on Mulberry Street, our home for 76 years until 2005. Now the Arena sits right on top of our previous store, so WE ARE BACK IN BUSINESS!!!
------ ^ Thursday, 10/25 ^ ------
9:05 AM EDT Hello Jericho lovers! I'm about to board a plane to Chicago and am bringing my parents along for the weekend. They fly back Sunday night, but I stay in Chicago. What the heck does this have to do with Jericho you might ask? EVERYTHING!
I will be speaking at the DMA07 Conference and Exhibition. This is a huge conference led by the Direct Marketing Association. And guess what the topic is!!! Nuts to Jericho: The Method Behind the Madness that Brought Back a Canceled TV Show. Bring it on! This is another great opportunity to draw new fans into the fold!!! I'll do my best to represent and will try to remember to take photos! Nuts for Jericho!!!
------ ^ Friday, 10/12 ^ ------
9:42 AM EDT Hey guys! Remember when CBS came here months ago with a camera and film crew to put together an Electronic Press Kit? I was told that it would be shown on Eye on American (American Airlines Inflight Television) and the "outernet," which consists of malls, doctors' offices, supermarkets, and the like. Well, I never really heard anything after that...Until Saturday night that is! I went to dinner with my sister, her husband, and believe it or not, my sister's first boyfriend, Seth! So, turns out Seth was getting his oil changed the other day and looked up at the TV screen and was in utter disbelief. There I was on the TV talking about our fight to save Jericho! Hehe.
------ ^ Monday, 10/8 ^ ------
12:00 PM EDT Ok Jericho lovers, us nuts over here need your help. We've been working on something very very exciting for you fans and I think it just might even help promote the show to new viewers. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag and am intentionally going to be sparse on details, but we need help compiling awesome sound clips! If you've got tech skills, time, and an encyclopedic knowledge of the show, then you can help!! Here's what we are looking for:
1. The Jericho theme music (especially the main theme, or battle theme!)
2. Jake saying NUTS!!!!
3. Jake saying Go to hell!
4. Constantino on the radio making various threats and asking for surrender - he needs to NOT be addressing Grey, or Johnston, it needs to be generic. (If you can clip the name out, that's fine.)
Then we need two clips for each character: Jake, Hawkins, Emily and Mimi
1. A very typical "hello" from that character - if they had a theme line, what would it be? These can be funny! Don't have to be serious!
2. Some "fightin words" - something this person might yell as s/he fires a tank.
If you can help, we need all files to be in AIFF or WAV formats. When you are ready, fire them over to Sarah. Thanks guys!
------ ^ Thursday, 10/4 ^ ------
9:33 PM EDT Happy Season 1 DVD Day! Yup, in case you forgot, today is October 2nd, the day of the release of the Season 1 DVD!!!
I had a rough day at work today and my mood was hardly reflective of this celebratory day, but now I am feeling and behaving much more appropriately. Hehe...I guess that can happen when your running club runs to a chichi rooftop bar on 5th Avenue with free drinks and food. Silly me didn't take the time to notice the word "Livestrong" on the shirt they gave me to wear and I was wondering what speaker had the nerve to interrupt the festivities. Silly me indeed. Less than 10 feet away from me was Lance Armstrong. Hehe. I'm still giddy. Now we're talking. Yay Jericho Season 1 DVD Day! Oh, and if any of you are still reading this, be on the lookout for something cute up our sleeve!!!
------ ^ Tuesday, 10/2 ^ ------
7:40 AM EDT Hello Jericho lovers! It's still great to hear from you guys and to see how committed you are to Jericho. I guess now we just wait for a slot to open up in the CBS lineup, eh? My family is now hooked on the show too, so we are equally eager for the start of Season 2. And of course the Season 1 DVD becomes available next Tuesday.
Even though I am quiet these days, I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here. The holidays are huge for our business and I have less than 2 months to ramp up and get ready for the onslaught. Also, in less than 4 weeks we are slated to run concessions as the exclusive nut vendor in the brand new Prudential Center in Newark, NJ, the home of the NJ Devils, so we have our hands full. If I have anything interesting to share with you, I will!!! Oh, and I may have a cute promotional thingie for Jericho up my sleeve and I will need your help on this, but I will keep you posted! Ciao for now!
------ ^ Thursday, 9/27 ^ ------
2:30 PM EDT Hehe...get this. Ahead of the Jericho DVD release on October 2, CBS Home Entertainment has sent hundreds of video retailers, buyers and journalists small bags of peanuts. We just caught wind of this in Variety magazine. Even though they're not our peanuts (hint hint CBS ;-)), we certainly hope this stunt works!
------ ^ Monday, 9/17 ^ ------
2:46 PM EDT Hello Jericho lovers! While some die-hard fans are going to the Jericho Convention in Oakley, Kansas this weekend, the people of Greensburg, Kansas are rebuilding. Dea, the kind woman in charge of collecting the monies for the Greensburg Rebuilding Fund just wrote me this, "Hey, Jeff. Exciting things are happening in Greensburg. People are rebuilding while we are working on long-range planning ideas. We have had help from some really great thinkers. It amazes me that people are interested in our little "burg". Thanks, we are still here. Hope you can come see us sometime."
Guys, together we raised over $20,000 to help Greensburg. That is just wonderful. Enjoy your Jericho packed weekend and keep up the support!!!
------ ^ Friday, 9/14 ^ ------
1:57 PM EDT Wowsers, completely overlooked this. Jericho is not only on this Friday, but the season finale is on Saturday!!! Awesome!
------ ^ Thursday, 9/13 ^ ------
3:21 PM EDT Hey there guys! Sorry, been totally remiss here! :-) Two quick things to share with you. First, most of you probably know this already, but you can pre-order the Season 1 DVD of Jericho, which will be released on October 2. Yes, I know, you are dying to see my interview, but I think that is slotted for the Season 2 DVD :-) Second, a loyal Jericho Fan wrote me this email on Saturday, "Greensburg, KS had it's first high school football game since the tornado last night.....I thought that was VERY, VERY awesome..." Everyone should give themselves a pat on the pack for the commendable effort we made in raising over $20,000 for Greensburg. And remember, you can continue to give to Greensburg or whatever great charities of your choosing to continue to make an impact.
------ ^ Wednesday, 9/5 ^ ------
12:20 PM EDT Hello hello! I'm back from China. It was an amazing trip. Check out the photo of me sporting my Jericho shirt at the Great Wall!!!
------ ^ Wednesday, 8/29 ^ ------

I am really proud of this. On that note, I am going to be awfully quiet for the next 3 weeks or so. Within the hour I leave for the airport to go to China! You know, lots of people in China, all potential Jericho fans!!! Take care everyone!!!
------ ^ Thursday, 8/9 ^ ------
4:07 PM EDT You fans just keep at it! Incredible. Lara from Canada and some other fans are running a video contest. Check it out here. Keep on rocking!
12:55 PM EDT Okay okay Jericho fans. Many of you guys loved one of the goodies in the Jericho Party Snacker and were asking if you could buy it in bulk, so yes, here goes with our Jericho Party Mix. It's very very good.
------ ^ Tuesday, 8/7 ^ ------
4:05 PM EDT I just got off with phone with Patrick over at Jericho to vet this...There's a charity auction to visit the filming of Jericho. The auction closes in less than 24 hours and the winning bidder gets a set visit for two to watch production of Jericho and to meet the cast and take photos!
11:17 AM EDT Wow, back to back...Definitely listen to this audio interview of the Jericho team. I am still in the process of listening to this, but it is really good and had to share right away!
11:05 AM EDT Justin in Michigan sent me over this link a few minutes ago. I really enjoyed meeting the cast and crew watching this. Oh, wait, I already met them in person. Hehe...Crazy, I know. Almost feels live another lifetime. Check out this rockin video. Trust me! Thanks Justin!
------ ^ Friday, 8/3 ^ ------
9:29 AM EDT Happy August 1st! Just wanted to let you know that we have less than 60 Nuts for Jericho Shirts left in stock! You will definitely turn heads wearing this shirt, and when people start asking you questions, bam, time to rope in another Jericho fan!!!
------ ^ Wednesday, 8/1 ^ ------
10:48 AM EDT Hello there Jericho lovers! I caught wind of this last week, so I am sure many of you know this by now, but I finally was able to read it myself and wanted to share this exciting news with those of you that might not have heard. Nina Tassler posted that "preliminary research indicates that 23% of the viewers tuning in did not previously watch the show. This adds up to more than two million new viewers for "Jericho." Just as encouraging, this research shows that one million viewers who left the show after the mid-season hiatus have returned this summer to catch up on the episodes they missed."
I'm no expert, but I think this bodes well! Keep on watching and spreading the word.
------ ^ Tuesday, 7/31 ^ ------
4:11 PM EDT Hehe...Jonathan just took a phone call from a woman at CBS. She said, "You sent us a lot of peanuts. I normally don't try nuts in the shell, but those were fantastic. Which ones were they so I can place an order?" Haha! Enjoy Jericho tonight and have a great weekend!!! :-)
------ ^ Friday, 7/27 ^ ------
3:42 PM EDT You guys are wonderful! I didn't post anything for a few days and emails start coming in seeing if I am all right! Haha! I am all right and doing very well. Just overhauling much of our production systems, which is keeping me very busy. My dad's away on vacation now, which means things are calmer, and we want to take advantage of this calmness to do pretty major things :-P
Did you guys know that Shaun O'Mac went out to the set of Jericho earlier this week for about 12 hours and saw them filming?!?! He is such a great guy and I am so happy for him!!!
Most of you guys probably know this by now, but if not, there's a Jericho Convention in mid-September!!! Not sure if I can make it or not, but many fans seem to be going!!! Ok, back at it. Talk to you soon!!!
------ ^ Thursday, 7/26 ^ ------
12:58 PM EDT Note to self: avoid landing at midnight and getting home at 2 AM before an early morning race. :-P Despite being really tired, I was inspired, especially wearing my We Saved Jericho shirt from the CBS party (see here), and I put in my best running time yet!!! Yippee. I should be napping, but instead I decided to watch last night's episode of Jericho. It's just still so surreal to me. Now seeing them on TV after meeting them in person is just too much. I keep on blinking. Ok, now back to normalcy. Have a wonderful weekend!
------ ^ Saturday, 7/21 ^ ------
7:35 PM EDT (4:35 PM PDT) Just a quick note from Sarah to tell you to GO CHECK OUT THE PHOTOS! What a thrill to post these...enjoy!
11:40 AM EDT (8:40 AM PDT) It is with great pleasure that I share this post with you. The CBS party last night was another dose of "pinch me, am I dreaming?"
First, again, fans, I am proud, yet surprisingly humbled to be chosen to experience all of this. I know I played a part in helping the show come back on the air, but my part was a small one compared to what you guys did. When going on the set or going to the party, I felt like my vision was magnified by a power of 10 or even 100 as I was capturing the moments for not just me, but for my family and my extended Jericho fan family. Sometimes my eyes are bigger than my stomach, but not last night, as I swallowed everything I could, deeply cognizant that there are some, if not many of you vicariously standing by.
Before diving into specifics, I want to share a general impression with you that made all of this doubly rewarding. We often place celebrities on pillars and think of them as something altogether different from all of us. However, meeting the cast, producers, and writers obliterated this preconceived notion for me. Maybe the Jericho crew is unique from other shows. I don't know. What I do know is that they are all very real people with husbands, girlfriends, children, and dreams. Meeting and hanging out with the Jericho crew for a little bit of time felt no different than hanging out with friends and family. Everyone I met was so incredibly nice and grateful. I was personally really touched and just feel so good that you and I were able to not just help ourselves get this great show back on the air, but to also help this great crew. When Jericho comes back on in the fall and we strive to grow an even larger audience, please remember how nice everyone was to me and let's redouble our efforts!!!
So, hopefully we will get the photos up soon and they will tell all, but here's a quick synopsis. In order of appearance (haha, or at least when I was able to meet them), I met Jake, Mimi, Hawkins, Eric, Stanley, and finally Emily. Oh, and I don't want to leave off Nina Tassler. :-P Hehe...
Ok, men, I know you are dying to hear this part. If you thought the actresses were attractive on TV, gee, you should have seen them in person. Way better!!! Mimi (Alicia Coppola) is stunning. She's tall and beautiful, and refined and elegant, along the lines of Princess Diana even. But more importantly, she has a heart of gold. She actually spoke with me for 5 minutes or maybe even longer and she could not have been more sincere and genuine. Alicia is a real gem, couldn't stop expressing her gratitude, and she even got choked up before giving me a big hug. Our campaign has meant a lot to her.
Emily (Ashley Scott) was the last actor I met and it was well worth the wait. I saw her walk in to the party and later on I passed her doing an interview while I went for a stroll, but towards the end when I saw this cute blonde girl coming my way, I immediately broke out into a smile and started waving. Guys, you pigs, I didn't even think or attempt to pull anything funny. I did get 2 hugs though. And let me tell you, Ashley is a complete knockout. Stunning. Gorgeous. And with a new hairstyle she looked incredible. Calm down guys. Emily was so cheerful and sweet, and even silly. I couldn't believe it when Ashley told me her brother called her over to the radio to listen to me do an interview! Haha...
So, ladies, the guys weren't too shabby either, but I might not do as good a job at describing them. And ladies, sadly I couldn't read the list of your names and give the guys kisses for all of you!!! Jake (Skeet Ulrich) was really cool. He quickly got swamped by the press for almost the entire time. Good thing I got to meet him right away!!! Hawkins (Lennie James) had a brilliant accent and was really thankful. Eric (Kenneth Mitchell) was about to shake my hand, but then brushed that off and insisted on a big hug. And then another hug. Ya see what I mean when I say how real these guys are? Stanley (Brad Beyer) was just like his character. He appeared really down to earth and I even caught him giving his girlfriend a kiss. They both were excited about taking the We Saved Jericho t-shirts!!!
The CBS team was also super and did an amazing job with this party. We owe them a lot of thanks for bringing back Jericho and for turning on their publicity machine now. As for the producers and writers, I am so happy to have been able to meet them. They treated me like family. I even hung out and spent a good deal of time walking around the party and eating with Jon Steinberg and Dan Shotz. These guys looked out for me (even offering me a ride home!!!) and are the types of people I would call my good friends. With that, I will wrap up this post, enjoy the California air, and get ready to head back East. Again, thank you thank you thank you. (Oh, and be on the lookout for the photos...remember, seeing me in the photos is really like seeing yourself.)
10:00 AM EDT (7:00 AM PDT) Fans, my internet connection is awful right now, so I need to type fast. I tried to get on after the party to share my experience with you, but I had no luck. So, 1 word for now: AWESOME. The photos will knock your socks off. I had high expectations for the party, but they didn't even come close to the real experience. And I will elaborate more later. Just want to submit this post before I get kicked offline again!!!
------ ^ Friday, 7/20 ^ ------
4:46 PM EDT (1:46 PM PDT) Oy, had a bit of a scare there. CBS still hadn't received the banner for the nut booth tonight that I had couriered over there yesterday afternoon from a local sign company. The sign company tracked down who received the sign, I called her, and the banner is now in transit to the party!!! Haha...Get this. The guy at the sign company said, "Thank you. I love Jericho." What a coincidence!!!
11:20 AM EDT (8:20 AM PDT) Tonight is the big night for the CBS party! I am really excited, especially since yesterday I made new friends from Jericho that will be there!!!
But first, let me tell you a little bit more about yesterday. I got picked up in the morning by the company responsible for the Jericho DVDs. We then drove to the set for Jericho in Van Nuys. Being on the set was incredible, and frankly I had to pinch myself. I couldn't believe I was actually there. Did you see some of the photos I posted?
So, they filmed me for the Season 2 DVD. Not sure if my bit definitely gets included, but they definitely want to include a tribute to the fans. A fan named Matthew was there with me as well. I also mentioned to the DVD company about the convention, and they didn't know anything about it, but were stoked about that and hope to be able to go and film there!!!
I need to step back and thank you guys for inviting me along for this ride. Without you, I would have never even heard about Jericho, would have never become a fan, and wouldn't find myself in LA right now. Thank you thank you thank you.
So, at first I hung out and waited a bit for them to figure out where they were going to interview me. I kind of peeked at the outdoor scenery, but didn't shoot any pictures yet because I didn't want to get in trouble. Then I was walking around a bit and couldn't believe my eyes. Seeing town hall and Gracie's Market was so cool! I was actually on the set of Jericho!!! Unreal! And then Carol Barbee and crew came out to say hello!!! Haha!!! Everyone was so incredibly nice and hospitable. And down to earth!!! The weirdest part was that everyone working there seemed to know me!!! Hehe...Who would have thought?
I was filmed for about 30 minutes for my interview and then Patrick and Christine took me all over the set, took tons of photos, and let me shoot anything and go anywhere. Walking through the Green house, Bailey's Tavern, Gracie's Market, Hawkins' basement, Town Hall, the jail, etc. brought me right back to Jericho. Pinch pinch...
At around 3 o'clock I realized I hadn't eaten anything and was invited to munch away in their kitchen!!! After a slice of pizza I grabbed an apple and walked around their offices and just sat down on a couch in the office that leads into Carol Barbee's office and John Turteltaub's office. Can you believe this? There was a lot of activity going on, discussing the script et al., and there I was, just sitting in the middle of all of this. It was like I was a part of the family.
Early on in the campaign I had received some email from Jon Steinberg, and after mentioning his name within 30 seconds I was shaking his hand! I didn't want to distract him though from writing some great episodes. Then we shot the photo with the 5 of us!!! Awesome. And before leaving Dan Shotz spent a good deal of time talking to me and teaching my the ropes of their business.
Guys, I ate up this experience. I loved every second of it. This was a world so far from my own and spending a good 4 hours on site was remarkable. Throughout this campaign I developed a connection with so many fans and it made me so happy to help you guys and now share this experience with you. And after meeting the team responsible for Jericho, seeing how real and genuine they are, I am really happy that we were all able to help them.
Ok, time to play outside a bit!!! And then the CBS party tonight!!! Yippee!
------ ^ Thursday, 7/19 ^ ------
8:20 PM EDT (5:20 PM PDT) Wowsers!!! Just got back from the set of Jericho!!! It was surreal. It was amazing. I met with the producers and writers as well. They are such nice and wonderful people and I was really touched by their kindness. Okay, I need to unwind a bit and hang out with my friend, but be prepared for awesome photos!!!
1:18 PM EDT (10:18 AM PDT) Hello Jericho lovers! LA is beautiful! I am staying with a friend who is studying at UCLA and the campus is incredible. Went to the Santa Monica Pier and then the 3rd Street Promenade for dinner last night!
Don't worry, I am still working. I am always working. You know this by now.
I just took a dry run to the location of the CBS party tomorrow night. Literally. Well not entirely literally. I did run there, but I was sweating a bit. :-P It is conveniently less than 2 miles from my friend's apartment.
Ok, better wrap up this post, shower, and make myself look pretty (er, handsome)...I am getting picked up in an hour and going to a special location in Van Nuys to be filmed for something...Shoot, did I just spill some beans?!!? Uhoh...I can't take it back now.
------ ^ Wednesday, 7/18 ^ ------
12:18 PM EDT Gonna board any minute now for LA. I'll save the picture taking for LA! Yippeee!
------ ^ Tuesday, 7/17 ^ ------
4:48 PM EDT Hello hello. I hope you had an amazing weekend. Just finalizing plans for tomorrow's trip to LA!!!
------ ^ Monday, 7/16 ^ ------
7:34 PM EDT Boy has time flown by since my last haircut! Just got another one to look sharp next week in LA :-P. And on the LA press conference front, CBS has already received the goodie bags and bags of nuts. Isn't it ironic that CBS actually asked us to send them nuts?!?!?! Hehe...And they should be getting the We Saved Jericho t-shirts on Monday or Tuesday. We also just finalized the artwork for the banner for the nut booth at the party on Thursday night! I will have to show you that soon. And there are a few more surprises for ya, but now it's time to get ready to watch Jericho. Enjoy and have a great weekend! (My weekend is going to be action packed with running, soccer, going on my cousins' boat, going to the beach, and maybe even going to the zoo. I hope your weekend is equally exciting!!!)
11:50 AM EDT Friday the 13th is ordinarily a less than auspicious day, but this Friday the 13th is a great day for Jericho Fans. At 8PM tonight catch recap episodes 2-11, and then episode 13, Black Jack, at 9PM.
------ ^ Friday, 7/13 ^ ------
2:13 PM EDT Doh! Almost forgot. You can now get the latest Jericho t-shirt separately from the Jericho Party Snacker. This awesome shirt is only $9.99 plus shipping, and if you'd like you could pick whatever goodies your heart desires to go with it!!! We've already sold out of a couple of sizes, so these won't last long. For that matter, I'd better set aside a shirt for myself. :-P
------ ^ Thursday, 7/12 ^ ------
8:44 AM EDT Good morning Jericho Fans! Patxi, my sister's and my friend in Spain, just emailed totally excited about Jericho airing on Telecinco over there!!! He's all set to watch!!! Amazing, huh?
As for the CBS Jericho press conference and Fall lineup party next week, we have already shipped the peanuts, the actual goodie bags arrived in LA yesterday, and t-shirts will be printing in California in a couple of days!!! So far so good. Hope everyone is doing well out there!
------ ^ Wednesday, 7/11 ^ ------
10:05 AM EDT Good morning guys! I hope you had an awesome Friday and a super weekend. Normally I'm not a proponent of watching shows twice, but let me tell you, this time around watching Jericho on a big screen TV (as opposed to my computer the first time around) was as if I was watching a brand new episode and was so much better. It was great. And my friends, my parents, and their friends all said the same thing...They really enjoyed the show. This is great news. And it turns out the ratings were pretty good. Our friend Michael Hinman at SyFy Portal has a great writeup on how Jericho fared in the ratings for Friday night.
------ ^ Monday, 7/9 ^ ------
4:54 PM EDT Wrapping up the day here, and totally stoked about tonight. I've had to dig in lately to very detail oriented work. Don't worry, I won't bore you about warehouse layout designs and beams, uprights, shelves, etc., but I will tell you this! Some of my detailed oriented work has had to do with Jericho and the CBS Fall lineup press conference and party the following day!!! The small part we are going to play is going to be awesome. And, I might have a few detours to take while in LA that you will flip head over heals about, but I can't spill the beans just yet...Hey, what's that song in the background I hear? All These Things That I've Done by the Killers!!!! Unbelievable. 9 o'clock tonight baby! Good night, and good luck! I'm out of here!
12:55 PM EDT Jericho Returns!!! Tonight! A lot of press today too. So, yeah, break out your party hats, turn on your TV's tonight, tune into CBS, 9PM, and enjoy the return of Jericho.
------ ^ Friday, 7/6 ^ ------
11:11 AM EDT Yes! We just heard from the first Jericho Fan to receive his Jericho Party Snacker. Ranger Dave, from Seaford, Delaware says, "Cool Nut Package and the T-Shirts are superior in quality. Even love the exterior packaging with the Jericho mention because it allowed a brief conversation with the UPS guy about Jericho and the nut shipments. He's seen it!!! I know I'm a Jericho fan but now I think I'm a NutsOnline fan, too. Imagine that."
9:33 AM EDT Hey Jericho fans! I hope you had an awesome 4th of July. Get this!!! I went with my family to see a movie (Live Free or Die Hard, in case you were wondering ;-), and it was pretty good!) and my mom was sporting a Jericho shirt. A woman and her family were in line behind my mom and she struck up a conversation after reading my mom's shirt. Of course you know what I am about to say...She and her family love Jericho and were thrilled to hear about its return this Friday. They were giddy with excitement when they found out we were the nut guys too!!! Hehehe.
------ ^ Thursday, 7/5 ^ ------
5:54 PM EDT Howdy. Good news is shirts look awesome for the Jericho Party Snacker. Bad news is they got here at 4:30 PM and we have been jamming since to ship these out. Good news is I think we packed all of them up. Bad news is UPS's truck broke down and we now need to hand stack today's orders in a couple of package cars :-P. But you know what?!?! Tomorrow we are off!!! Yippeee. Have a happy 4th of July!!!
------ ^ Tuesday, 7/3 ^ ------
9:48 AM EDT Good morning Jericho lovers! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Mine certainly was! We won't even get the t-shirts in until tomorrow and we are already selling out of certain sizes. I guess you really meant it when you asked us to put together a Jericho Party Snacker. Ok, back at it. Mondays are busy busy. Have a great day!
------ ^ Monday, 7/2 ^ ------
4:20 PM EDT Haha, and finally, the Electronic Press Kit from CBS.
4:10 PM EDT Wowsers, what a busy week! We want to finish this week strong, so within an hour or two we will clean up this page a bit and post some great photos.
As for the CBS Fall Lineup party on July 19th, here's a sneak peek of 1 part of our act.
Have a fantastic weekend!!! Oh, and don't forget, Jericho is on 1 week from today!!!
------ ^ Friday, 6/29 ^ ------
4:19 PM EDT Quiet nutty Jeff here. Cooking up a lot of good stuff though. :-P
1. CBS Fall Lineup Press Conference and Party in LA - we are making some awesome goodie bags for all the press and CBS stars - they will contain Nuts for Jericho tee shirts and a bag of our famous fresh roasted peanuts! Plus, CBS is helping us find a real, old fashioned nut roaster so that I can roast away at the party!!! Very exciting stuff!
2. I just received photos from Susanna, Director of CBS Photography, from when their team came out here for a photo shoot...and from their photo shoot with Shaun and the Jericho cast in LA! I want to make sure I have permission first before sharing, but these photos totally rock. You will love them!!! I promise.
3. And finally, we are proud to announce the Jericho Party Snacker.
This is a great gift for a fan, or a delicious way to convert a new one.
This party package includes great stuff selected just for you nuts:
* A limited edition "NUTS Stand Up for Jericho" tee! Let us know what size you wear and we will outfit you in true Jericho style. * A pound of roasted peanuts in the shell (OF COURSE!!!)
* A pound of pistachios (salted in the shell)
* A pound of Turkish apricots
* A pound of our "explosively" delicious, sweet-and-spicy Jericho party mix (including - of course - CORN nuts, pepitas, roasted almonds, cajun peanuts, roasted cashews, fried green peas, and sugar toasted peanuts).
Finally, every Jericho Party snacker includes an all-about-Nuts for Jericho flyer to help get your friends up to speed on the NUTS campaign...and totally addicted to Jericho!
Note: Jericho Party Snackers will ship immediately after we pull these tee-shirts off the press Tuesday afternoon, July 3. Preorder now to reserve your size selection!
------ ^ Thursday, 6/28 ^ ------
3:53 PM EDT Hello hello. We're cooking up the Jericho Party Snacker right now and shooting some photos. The t-shirts need some time to print, but we might go ahead and post the snacker up anyway tonight or tomorrow and allow you to pre-order!!! Very exciting! :-P
------ ^ Wednesday, 6/27 ^ ------
3:33 PM EDT Hey guys! Busy busy over here digging in and designing systems to get us through the Christmas holiday this year. Yeah, seems like a long ways off, but this year I personally don't want to pack orders for 14 straight hours a day and pull any more all-nighters (especially after the Jericho campaign :-P).
Oh, and working on the LA nut booth thingie. Trying to figure out a way to either freshly roast peanuts or make some type of sugar/honey peanut on the spot!!! Gonna be awesome! Ok, back at it. Just wanted to say hi!
------ ^ Tuesday, 6/26 ^ ------
7:25 AM EDT Good morning Jericho fans! I hope you had a fantastic weekend! My uncle Sandy had another run-in at the grocery store this weekend. He was wearing a NutsOnline shirt this time and a woman stopped him and asked, "Are YOU NutsOnline?" My uncle loves celebrity-hood and rose to the occasion, "Why yes, I am." Turns out this woman works for CBS and said our Save Jericho campaign completely shut down their operation for a full week. She did however add that the peanuts were delicious!!! :-P Have a great Monday!
------ ^ Monday, 6/25 ^ ------
6:45 AM EDT So, what in the world did CBS do with 20 tons of peanuts? Watch here and feel good about yourselves, because this will surely bring a much needed smile to the faces of our troops. Dylan, again, I salute you. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
------ ^ Saturday, 6/23 ^ ------
4:27 PM EDT Yohoho! I did not forget about you. Dylan didn't either. He had to work really late last night, but promised to get us his next masterpiece video later on this evening!
So, we've gotten tons of emails for Jericho Fan Party Snackers. We are cooking up something AWESOME. I repeat, AWESOME. Inspired by you guys, fermented while I was bored on the treadmill, and finally coming together nicely after Sarah attacked this with her creative powers. The Jericho Fan Party Snacker is going to include peanuts for sure, some other snacks, an insert about Jericho, and an amazing t-shirt. The t-shirt is the cause of the delay. We are going to print them locally so we can make sure we get the best quality at a great price, to keep this snacker super affordable, whether you want to show it off and indulge at your own Jericho party, or if you want to send to a friend! Did I mention that the shirt is AMAZING? Oh, yeah, I did, but it's worth repeating. Those other shirts we made were designed in under 2 hours. This one has taken a couple of days! The moment the shirts are finished printing (you might need to be patient), we will put this Jericho Fan Party Snacker up on our site.
------ ^ Friday, 6/22 ^ ------
8:45 PM EDT Tomorrow we are in for another surprise from Dylan. Today he filmed his visit to the Staten Island Homefront Project, the organization that is shipping our nuts to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. And tomorrow Dylan will unveil another one of his masterpieces. I can't wait. Have a wonderful evening!
4:15 PM EDT Oh, almost forgot...A fan told me about this yesterday I think. Looks like the Jericho Season 1 DVD will come out on October 2nd. Cool!
4:08 PM EDT Darn, I've been quiet today. It would be nice to say I took the day off to enjoy the summer solstice, but no, hard at work. Hey, speaking of summer, as I am sure many of you know, towards the end of summer there's going to be a Jericho Convention. September 14-16th in Oakley, Kansas. I heard some great things are being planned, and as far as I know, I am going! I can't wait to meet many of you!!! Ok, back to work. Talk to you later!
------ ^ Thursday, 6/21 ^ ------
9:51 PM EDT Hmmm, good thing for Wes's homemade brownies and blondies and Lisa's breads! My cousin David and I played in a 6 on 6 soccer league today, but since no girls showed up for our team, they had us play 2 men down, 4 against their 6 :-P Lots of running, so we needed our energy...And then stubborn me insisted on going for a run afterwards. Gotta be in tip top shape though to represent Jericho fans well, not just for the Fall lineup party, but also in my race!!! :-P
Ok, going to work on putting together a Jericho Fan Snacker. Stay tuned and have a good night!
1:14 PM EDT You guys see TV Guide yet?!?! There's Stanley, Jake, Bill, and Jimmy surrounding Shaun O Mac. And look what shirt Shaun is holding up!!!
8:57 AM EDT Good morning Jericho lovers! Yippee! I just booked my flight to LA, leaving Tuesday, July 17th and returning Friday, July 20th. I would have loved to stretch out my stay and enjoy the weekend, but I have a running race early Saturday morning. (Hehe, that will be fun landing at midnight and then having to wake up real early for this race! :-P)
So, you ask, why the trip to LA? Well, I believe on Wednesday, July 18th there will be a press conference for CBS's Fall Lineup with the Television Critics Association Members. I won't be there, but I will supply goody bags containing nuts and Jericho t-shirts! Then on Thursday night (July 19th) CBS wants me to come to their Fall Lineup party. They mentioned having me walk the red carpet and talk to reporters. Crazy, I know!!! I hope I am not too shy!!! Assuming I don't violate any dress code, I will wear our We Saved Jericho t-shirt. :-) Then I will man a nut booth, either near the entrance or exit to the party. I will most likely have barrels filled with nuts and will be giving away nuts and our We Saved Jericho t-shirts. There should be about 400-450 people there, including Skeet Ulrich (Jake), Lennie James (Hawkins), Ashley Scott (Emily), Carol Barbee (executive producer), maybe some other writers/creators, the same press from the conference the day before, CBS executives, and maybe some radio people.
Guys, this is going to be awesome, and I really hope the nut angle can continue to bring attention to the show and help further grow the Jericho fan base! Never in my wildest imagination did I think 1 month ago that we would be here today. When I go to LA, I wish all of you could be there with me. I just happened to be in the nut business and then became a fan, but you guys are the true fans and heroes, and I will do my best to represent you well. (Oh, I wanted to bring my camera along, but CBS said they will take the photos and then share them with all of us!!!)
------ ^ Wednesday, 6/20 ^ ------
9:30 PM EDT Hey again! Heck, I cannot resist 1 more note to self for the day. Note to self: Don't gorge yourself with brownies and blondies on the same day of a long and fast training run. :-) Wes (from Texas), they were oh so good and I ate a few too many. Please, no more food guys :-P We're in the food business, remember, and munch away too much as is :-P Plus, I need to watch my waistline to walk down the red carpet on July 19th. ;-) Ooops...Did I just slip there?!?! Good night!
8:20 AM EDT Good morning Jericho fans! Note to self: when you move out of this apartment, don't loft your bed, especially during the summer! :-)
Guys, as you know, I was insistent on you not sending us anything. This campaign was so exhilarating and exciting for us, and your outpouring of support meant everything to us. Yet, without persistence this campaign to save Jericho wouldn't have gotten anywhere, so of course you sent us stuff. :-P Hehe...From flowers to candy bouquets to plaques to DVDs to bears to cakes to homemade brownies and blondies, I must say, you guys do rock. Without such warmheartedness that I recognized in all of you early on, I would never have thrown myself into this. I am grateful to have met all of you beautiful people and have truly been touched. Thank you. Oh yeah, check out this adorable photo.
Ha, 1 more thing...Almost forgot. As soon as I free up a few minutes I will book my flight to LA. Then I will fill you in on the details!!! Until then, have a great day!
------ ^ Tuesday, 6/19 ^ ------
4:39 PM EDT Hey guys! Gosh, busy day here. Dad on vacation, Uncle playing golf, and 3 days of orders to ship out! Puts me on triple duty. But...make that a big BUT, just got off the phone with CBS. We're working on some really fun stuff. For now, let's just say that I will be off to LA in July!!! Will fill you in on more later!!!
------ ^ Monday, 6/18 ^ ------
9:19 PM EDT :-) What a day! With my folks away on vacation, Father's Day has turned into Children's Day. My sister and her husband came in to visit early in the morning and we ate our way through Manhattan :-) Then I even got to take a nap, which was wonderful. I was re-energized and put in a solid run and swim! Now, maybe I'll re-watch some Jericho! I hope you had an equally fantastic (or more fantastic) weekend. This week I hope to relay some really exciting news, but I want to iron out the details first. Until then, Happy Father's Day!
------ ^ Sunday, 6/17 ^ ------
6:58 PM EDT Last night I went to a party and spread the word about Jericho and tonight I have another party and will do the same. But before this birthday party tonight, I'm going with some buddies to a macaroni and cheese restaurant. Yup, you read it right. A restaurant for macaroni and chesse! :-P Oh, I can't wait! Good thing I went to the gym and then ran around the park, because I am going to indulge big time! Have a good night!
5:19 PM EDT Happy Saturday! I've been eager to post all day, but I was out and about and am finally on my computer now. My Uncle Sandy was grocery shopping this morning and proudly wearing his We Saved Jericho T-Shirt. As he was walking out of the store a couple stopped him after seeing his shirt. This husband and wife are huge Jericho fans, knew about our campaign, and were endlessly thanking my uncle. Hehe...My uncle immediately called me and was so excited. I think he felt like a million dollars, and I bettya he had a smile beaming across his face! Jericho fans are everywhere and so rock!!! Thank you.
------ ^ Saturday, 6/16 ^ ------
5:59 PM EDT I've written this already, but I want to reiterate this. I have truly been blessed by all of this. You fans are such real and nice people and I have been touched by all of you. Something one of you did today was so unexpectedly nice that tears started welling up in my eyes. Thank you. I am not sure exactly why, but I think this connection we've established has turned me into a better person. I find myself being a lot friendlier and nicer to people. People from all over the country and world invited me into their family and the concept of "stranger" dissolved. Remarkable. I think during this campaign we all might have hit on this to some degree.
I've been so happy and grateful that I just got my mom, dad, sister, and her husband iPod shuffles. And I even loaded up music and charged the iPods for my mom and dad ahead of their plane flight now to a much deserved vacation!
Ok, enough babbling. Have a really great weekend and an awesome Father's Day!!!
1:39 PM EDT I just got off the phone with Bob from CBS Entertainment Communications. First, Shaun OMac did an awesome job when he flew out to meet the cast in LA on Monday, and we hope to get our hands on a photo of Shaun with the cast and our We Saved Jericho T-Shirts! As for the Electronic Press Kit, it should be finished early next week and begin its first round of distribution to Eye on American (American Airlines Inflight Television) and the "outernet," which consists of malls, doctors' offices, supermarkets, and the like. Then, it looks like a week before Jericho returns (July 6), the Electronic Press Kit will go out to all affiliates and national entertainment outlets!
7:29 AM EDT Good morning Jericho fans! Today is a day to be proud. I am so proud of you. We have now passed $20,000 in donations to help rebuild Greensburg!!! And guys, as of yesterday the entire fund had raised a paltry $181,754.52. A very nice woman named Dee is responsible for collecting the monies for the fund. She told me yesterday that her house was severely damaged and her family is now living in a mobile home with another family. But she was one of the lucky ones. Rebuild she will, and she hopes to move back ASAP!!!
And guys, the people in Greensburg and in surrounding areas are so grateful for your help. See their local paper, the Kiowa County Signal. We have also received emails, like these:
To all the Jericho & non-Jericho fans who have given so much money for Greensburg,
I live in Wichita, KS. Wichita just a couple of hours from Greensburg, so the effort to help the real-life Kansas disaster is especially poignant to me and my family.
I wanted to send out a heartfelt thank you from my family for the generosity that you have shown to the tiny town in the middle of nowhere. I know they can use all the help they can get.
I know a simple thank you isn't enough, but know that your help and generosity touches more people than you realize. So thank you from all of us.
Love, Jenny
A loyal fan named Steve thought this quote from Winston Churchill would be appropriate:
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
------ ^ Friday, 6/15 ^ ------
3:16 PM EDT Hey Jericho lovers! Throughout this campaign I was repeatedly approached by many fans to create a forum, but I was always reluctant to do so and didn't want to take anything away from any of the other boards. Frankly, I have gotten along very well with everyone in this campaign and I have no intention of changing that. A group of fans has continued to encourage me to post a forum, and for them, I will give this a shot. This forum is not about me. This forum is not about NutsOnline. This is completely for the fans. If fans like this forum and it can add value to the fan community, then awesome. If not, no biggie. We might even choose to move this to a standalone site, since new fans might be confused coming to NutsOnline. So, Dylan, Lisa, Wes, Chuck, all the other vocal fans, and silent ones out there, this is for you. Dylan (Baginz) will moderate this forum. Dylan is a really sweet guy with a great heart and only has pure intentions. Sure, he would love to get a great acting gig at some point, but he is, simply, a humble Jericho Fan. Oh, and please continue to visit CBS and the other boards and sites. For you, Jericho fans, your forum, your voice.
1:17 PM EDT My mom has been working so hard to help us our through our Jericho campaign and then our Father's Day rush that today she is resting. I know a bunch of you have even spoken to her on the phone (my mom's name is Aimee - she has done a great job. Go Mom!!!). So, get this!!! She brought her We Saved Jericho T-Shirt to the salon to show off, and the people next to her were huge fans, signed the petition, and emailed CBS. Small world, eh? You guys rock!!!
11:53 AM EDT Our 20 tons of peanuts have now all been distributed to good causes! In NY, they went to the Staten Island Homefront Project, City Harvest, Food Bank NYC, and St. John the Baptist Church. In LA, they were distributed to Food Bank LA and the Covenant House. Thanks CBS!
02:28 AM EDT Good early morning Jericho fans! A couple of weekends ago when I was in California I had a good chuckle. Before going hiking I stopped off with my buddy at a supermarket to pick up some food to take along with us. (Turned out we really did need the calories after getting lost and hiking 15 miles!) When we were checking out, I told my buddy I wanted to show him something. I told him to look for the National Enquirer and to turn to page 20. (I hadn't seen it in print, only digitally.) Hehe...You can only imagine the look on his face when he saw this. Well, guys, looks like I might have to go back to the supermarket. The National Enquirer revisited our successful campaign. See here! On sale this weekend. Circulation of about 1 million! Hehe
------ ^ Thursday, 6/14 ^ ------
11:18 AM EDT Morning Jericho lovers! My mom just got her We Saved Jericho T-Shirts and is so excited. Looks like you guys have already received or will be receiving your Jericho gear really soon! It's awesome that we can show our Jericho pride and in the process donate close to another $4,000 from the proceeds! Here's what has shipped so far:
446 Nuts for Jericho T-Shirts
220 We Saved Jericho T-Shirts
10 Save Greensburg T-Shirts
48 Nuts for Jericho Mugs
18 We Saved Jericho Mugs and Steins
23 We Saved Jericho Magnets
10 We Saved Jericho Buttons
17 We Saved Jericho Bumper Stickers
2 We Saved Jericho Hats
2 We Saved Jericho Bibs
2 We Saved Jericho Dog T-Shirts
Haha! You gotta laugh over the last one! Hehe. And hey, you'd better email us your photos sporting this gear around town to
------ ^ Wednesday, 6/13 ^ ------
8:57 PM EDT Jericho Returns!!! Sorry for the delay in posting this (by now, most of you probably are aware of this). I went to the gym and then finally cooked a meal for the first time in weeks!!! So, yup, looks like CBS is bringing Jericho back to the lineup on July 6, starting with the pilot, then a recap of the first 11 episodes, and then a repeat of the last 12 episodes. Get the word out. We need new fans to watch and validate CBS' decision to listen to us!!!
3:15 PM EDT Even CBS yesterday asked me this question, so to answer your question that I keep on getting, we will definitely put together a special Jericho basket or mix (imagine if we could include the Jericho DVD!). But, you guys are way too quick for us. We offer custom mixes that you can cook up on your own and name it whatever you like. Some fans have already jumped on this and are sending their dads mixes either inspired by the characters in Jericho or simply with Jericho in the name of the mix. Hehe!!!
11:51 AM EDT Howdy Jericho fans! Hopefully I will have some good stuff to post soon. Still jamming away here with the Father's Day rush. Do you understand how painful it can be sometimes to work here and not want to eat everything? I have a sweet tooth that really does me in (you can see some of my favorites here). Ciao for now!
------ ^ Tuesday, 6/12 ^ ------
3:22 PM EDT CBS has just left the building. They were awesome. A crew of 5 showed up. They interviewed and took video and photos of all of us nuts! Got footage of the roaster in action too!!! As soon as I learn more about the next steps, I will let you know immediately. Ok, back to the Father's Day rush!!!
11:39 AM EDT And guys and gals, don't get any funny ideas about sending nuts to HBO because of the way the Soprano's finale ended!
9:49 AM EDT Hello hello Jericho fans! I hope you all had a super weekend. Today I might be a little quiet, as we are really really busy for Father's Day and CBS is scheduled to come to shoot and interview in the early afternoon. If anything exciting or interesting pops up, I will post immediately. Until then, have a great day!!!
------ ^ Monday, 6/11 ^ ------
8:44 AM EDT Happy Sunday Jericho lovers! About to go for a run in Central Park...I wanted to share this with you first. I just got an email from my second cousin Nancy. She signed onto AOL and read about our Save Jericho campaign on the Welcome Screen!!! :-) Goes to show that we have lots of hope and plenty of opportunity to spread our story and the Jericho story. Remember, by tomorrow you need to tell 10 more people about Jericho! Better hurry on up!
------ ^ Sunday, 6/10 ^ ------
11:42 PM EDT Hey Jericho lovers! I have not forgotten about you. Today was a day of normalcy for me and it was great. I hope things have gotten somewhat back to normal for you guys, and heck, that I am the only one reading this post here now!!! In case you are reading this, I will tell you that I topped off the day with some of the most amazing rice pudding. I wonder if only in NYC can you find a shop that only sells rice pudding, and in the craziest flavors. After sampling pecan pie and then tiramisu rice pudding, I decided to go with cheesecake rice pudding. And for $5, it had better be was oh so good! Oh, and turns out Dylan is working the door at a bar around the corner from me, so I stopped by and said hello to him for everyone! (Dylan was just awesome with those videos, wasn't he?!) Ok, gonna turn in early for an exciting day tomorrow, which will be highlighted by indulging at the Big Apple BBQ. Since I have spent so much time interacting with fans from all over the country, there's now way I can pass up the chance to sample BBQ pit masters from all over the country!!! Once again, I hope you are having a fantastic weekend. Good night!
------ ^ Saturday, 6/9 ^ ------
7:31 PM EDT Ok, after this post I am gonna take a break. Just popped on Generation Crossroads on BlogTalkRadio because I owe it to you fans!
Oh, as for the waiting on line for my haircut, I recognized Claudine from a previous great haircut she gave me from several months ago, so I had to get in line for her! It was well worth it, because, yup, she and her husband Joe are Jericho fans. Her husband is a huge fan. So let's just say I got special treatment and a great haircut. When I went to pay I pulled out my computer and showed off what we did to 4 or 5 people and I told them to watch Jericho online!!! Awesome! One girl knew all about the peanuts!!! We rock! Ok, time to go out and fraternize with the opposite sex, especially with this long overdue haircut :-P Hehe...Good night guys!
6:31 PM EDT I am such a dork! Waiting on line for a hair cut...thought you might like to hear this...Pecany Sarah did it again. First Save Jericho T-shirts, now Save Greensburg T-Shirts. Check it!
5:01 PM EDT Ok, I'm gonna get myself a haircut tonight and then have some fun. Guys, what a week! You did it! Have a wonderful wonderful weekend! You all deserve it! Whew!
4:14 PM EDT Jericho lovers, are you sitting down? Phase 2: Grow the Jericho Fan Family is on! CBS Entertainment Communications is rocking and rolling folks!!!! Unless I fly out to LA, CBS is coming to film and interview us nuts on Monday to put together an Electronic Press Kit (EPK). Shaun OMac might be flying out to LA to be with the cast. And, get this? We are overnighting Victory Jericho T-Shirts for the cast to possibly wear and film!!! Amazing!
The Electronic Press Kit will most likely go out on Tuesday to all CBS affiliates and the outer edges of the media empire and appear on TV in the evening across the entire nation!!!! See, I told you to stay tuned. More to come...
12:32 PM EDT I'm getting caught up on some normal work, as well as cooking up a few interesting things...Stay tuned!!!
7:16 AM EDT Sorry, forgot to say good morning Jericho Fans. :-) In case you are still wondering, I am sticking around. For 3 reasons.
1. I love you fans.
2. I love Jericho and want not just a season 2, but also a season 3.
3. I want to continue to help Greensburg, Kansas.
At 8 AM this morning I will be talking with KFKF 94.1 in Kansas City, Missouri to air later on and at 8:30 AM I will be live on The Keeler Show.
5:51 AM EDT Had a great talk with Shaun OMac last night. Stayed up late for this, so you'd better listen up!
Oh, and don't forget your Jericho Victory Bumper Sticker.
------ ^ Friday, 6/8 ^ ------
7:51 PM EDT Yippee! Was able to go to the gym and exercise. Nice! Have to be in top form for Shaun's show tonight! Hey, you guys have been asking for hats, magnets, and coffee mugs. Go get 'em here!
4:07 PM EDT I'll be on tonight at 11 PM EDT with Shaun OMac. Haha, ok, maybe life goes back to normal tomorrow (I'll try and nap). Shaun was a driving force here!
3:32 PM EDT Hey fans...Sorry for being so quiet. Many of you are asking, "What's next?" Now we regroup. But the great thing is, we are now going to be working with CBS Entertainment Communications to really grow the Jericho audience. No details yet, as the ball is just starting to roll and we need to help get CBS up to speed. Stay tuned. For now, let's try something very simple. The number 10. Between now and Monday, try and tell 10 people about Jericho. 10 people that never watched it before...Tell our story. Tell the Jericho story. I haven't seen my friends in weeks, so I have a lot of telling to do :-) Or maybe I'll just have to go on 10 dates. Haha! Let's do this.
11:55 AM EDT Haha! My nutty uncle Sandy just bought 5 Victory Jericho Shirts for his family! Guys, these shirts really rock. Sarah really did a great job here. I suggest you zoom in on the shirt and look at the details in comparison to Rosie the Riveter, the iconic figure that helped sustain us in WWII. We might have won this Jericho battle, but the war continues to keep it alive. And a reminder, all proceeds will go to help rebuild Greensburg.
9:47 AM EDT Hundreds of emails down, hundreds to go! I really love you guys.
And I have finally been able to post why I love Jericho.
Haha! My mom just ordered 2 Victory Jericho Shirts, one for her and one for dad!!!
5:48 AM EDT Ahhh! Good morning troops! Nothing but smiles today. Better late than never, here's a little treat from our counterparts in LA and the Western Front Peanut Delivery, courtesy of Jeff Knoll and Macadamia Mary. You guys rock! You all rock! You all rocked! Yipppeee. Again, congratulations everyone.
------ ^ Thursday, 6/7 ^ ------
10:11 PM EDT Jericho lovers, you gotta love Nina Tassler's P.S. - "Please stop sending us nuts :-)." Haha! On that note, I am going to eat a celebratory cupcake and go to bed. This is only the beginning...Thank you so much everyone. Really. Tomorrow I will write back to all of your wonderful emails. For the rest of the night, I will relax. (Oh, right, that's called sleep :-P )
9:12 PM EDT Pecany Sarah, you are a creative genius! Inspired by the iconic Rosie the Riveter, Sarah has already cooked up one Victory Jericho Shirt that totally rocks in all kinds of colors and sizes. More to come...
8:05 PM EDT Fans, we're still scrambling here, and you will see why, but I had to share this with you immediately. Dylan Patrick, you did it again, and in a hurry. See another of Dylan's Masterpieces. There's some symbolism in there too! Dylan, if you don't get an acting gig out of all of this, whaddya say to being Head Roaster? :-P (And guys, I almost got beaten up for my t-shirt filming this last night!!!)
6:15 PM EDT N.U.T.S. - N.U.T.S. - N.U.T.S. NUTS NUTS NUTS!!
Holy brazil nuts! Incredible! This is unbelievable! UNBELIEVABLE! I knew something was up on my way home from work. First a call from Dylan, then Jeff Knoll, and then a gazillion emails, including one from CBS!!! I was about to jump off the train and push it to get me home faster. Fans, you have done this! CBS, you have done this! We love you!
6:06 PM EDT Sarah and Ben here. We're scrambling to update these pages with the great news. Keep on checking back for new details and thoughts from everyone! (And yes, there will be a new nutty tee shirt soon celebrating VICTORY!!!)
4:22 PM EDT Over 40,000 pounds!!! That is totally nuts! 20 tons of peanuts. 8 million peanuts. NUTS! Wow, fans, we have sent our message to CBS. And it looks like CBS might be listening. Still nothing concrete yet. At this point, I would encourage you to direct peanut monies to the Greensburg Rebuilding Fund instead.
3:06 PM EDT Jericho fans, we might be in the clear now. Once again, I am so so sorry. Unfortunately this was out of our control. Way up the food chain we fell victim to a denial of service attack that targeted another server. We were an unintended victim. This is the last thing we wanted to happen today!!! Whew, fingers crossed that we are now in the clear.
11:36 AM EDT Guys, I am so so sorry...Of all days for this to happen, something went wrong with our upstream connection to the Internet. Hopefully we will be fully up and running soon.
7:26 AM EDT Fans, 2 weekends ago I saw the 'NUTS' clip from the 1965 Battle of the Bulge. Just 2 minutes ago I saw Jake say "NUTS" to Constantino. Funny how 1 word can change lots of things for all of us. Fans, Season 2 awaits us. CBS, today is your day to defend Jericho!
5:55 AM EDT Rise and shine Jericho Fans! The people of Jericho stand with us. (A special thanks to Jeff and Mary on this one!)
------ ^ Wednesday, 6/6 ^ ------
10:37 PM EDT Geez louise! I'm going to bed now just to get to tomorrow faster and hopefully learn something beautiful. You guys must be going NUTS with the suspense, eh? Me too!
Well, I just finished watching Episode 21. Tomorrow, Episode 22! Yes, tomorrow! Hopefully a fitting day to watch the final Episode of the first of many seasons!
One more thing before I sign off. I was wearing my Jericho shirt outside and some guy tried to buy it off my back for $10. I am not kidding. He was really big and strong, but I wasn't about to part with it. Haha! I told him to go online :-P Good night, and good luck!
6:55 PM EDT Rumors schumors! We've got some quotes here. See The Los Angeles Times. Thank goodness I skipped the gym!
6:22 PM EDT Wowsers, this excitement is incredible. I called one of my good friends that I haven't spoken to much in the last few weeks and he asked, "Are you back on Earth yet?" Haha...I told him yeah, but heck, I am not so sure. Forget about going to the gym. Episodes 20, 21, and 22, here I come! And guys, we're at 39,123 pounds. Don't you think 40,000 would be something else? 20 Tons. Roughly 8 million peanuts!!! U.N.B.E.L.I.E.V.A.B.L.E.
4:47 PM EDT Gosh, isn't it hard to concentrate with all of this chatter? We shipped out 600 pounds of peanuts from LA, but banked the rest for LA and NY for tomorrow. Still waiting on footage from yesterday's LA delivery...If and when that comes in, it should be sweet! Keep on rocking! Gotta go...Interview time!
3:09 PM EDT Fans, I did use this line earlier in the campaign, but I want to reiterate what my dad taught me. Don't count your chickens before they hatch! Yes, rumors are flying about a mid-season 8 episode renewal. But, they are still rumors. Until something is inked, hang in there! Follow the lead of Lisa in the post below this one and keep on doing your thing to Save Jericho! Because guys, even if this rumor is true, we still need to keep on spreading the word to really grow the Jericho Family! 8 episodes is certainly better than 0 episodes, but eventually we shoot for seasons 3, 4, 5,...!!! CBS, just say the word, and we will be on the same team again!
2:28 PM EDT Fans, WE ARE going to SAVE JERICHO! Do you know why? Jericho is an amazing show. That's for sure. But the fans are even more amazing! Here we are, approaching 3 weeks into this campaign, and you fans just don't give up. Incredible! Lisa from Overland Park, KS has been fighting tirelessly and is one of the many heroes of this campaign. Listen to Lisa's radio interview yesterday morning on KFKF 94.1 in Kansas City, Missouri (courtesy of Dylan, again!). Thanks to all you Lisa's out there for making yourself heard! And Episode 20, here I come!
12:33 PM EDT Lots of chatter going on out there folks!!! Keep up the pressure. Nothing concrete yet, just lots of chatter from various places.
8:19 AM EDT Nuts have been an incredible tactic to let your voice be heard. At the onset of this campaign, I had never watched Jericho. Now, after having gotten through 17 episodes so far, I am a fan. Throughout this campaign, you fans have sent me hundreds of emails simply to tell me why you love Jericho. Many of you wanted us to create our own board, but I didn't and still don't want to dilute the great work and influence of the other boards. However, I also know there is a silent group of fans, that are equally passionate and doing their part, but are just quiet on the boards. I figured that as we are on the verge of Season 2, we should all voice our feelings about Jericho. This campaign isn't about nuts, it is about Jericho. Speak up and let your voice be heard, among the Jericho family, and to the soon-to-be Jericho family! Tell the world why you love Jericho here, and then see what everyone else has to say here. Save Jericho!
7:33 AM EDT Good morning Jericho lovers!!! Gosh, sorry for being so quiet yesterday. Monday's are hectic days for us, and doubly so when the valve to our compressor blows and shuts down our conveyors :-P And then after work I decided to catch up on sleep, oh, and most importantly, watch more Jericho. Episode 18, here I come!!! (I must not be working Ben hard enough. He was already up to 19 on Sunday!!!) Ben and I are so loving Jericho! Ok, I will post again soon once I get caught up with email! Keep on rocking guys!
------ ^ Tuesday, 6/5 ^ ------
5:16 PM EDT As some of you may have noticed, our server was down for about 40 minutes. Everything is running fine now and we're looking into the cause. Sorry for the inconvenience!
3:33 PM EDT Just spoke with our nutty friends in LA. They are preparing to ship out 3,000 pounds to CBS LA any minute now. And Mary from the Jericho camp is filming away!!! Sweet! I can't wait to see the footage. Stay tuned.
12:19 PM EDT Hello again Jericho fans! About to steamroll past 3,000 pounds for LA. Wouldn't it be swell to hit 2 tons, especially with us trying to film this delivery to CBS LA?!?!
7:55 AM EDT Good morning Jericho lovers! I just landed back East. I hope you had a fantastic weekend! Incredible! Approaching 38,000 pounds of peanuts! Incredible. When we first launched this page we were going to put up a thermometer to track the progress of contributions, and the top was going to be $5,000. Who would have thought we would hit 10x that!!! Wow!
Guys, we've been taking this battle to CBS, which has been amazing. I think it's time to bring CBS to the battle. Take this campaign local. Local papers, local radio stations, local TV stations. Just last week I called a radio station in Topeka, Kansas at the request of a Jericho Fan, and another fan and I got right on. Each and every one of us can make this same call and take the offensive here. We have fans all over the country, from big cities to small towns, and we can each have our voice be heard. Make the call, write the email or letter, and really go back to the roots of this campaign. Local!
------ ^ Monday, 6/4 ^ ------
8:36 PM EDT (5:36 PM PDT) My friend Matt and about 1,800 people escaped from Alcatraz this morning to Save Jericho!!! If you don't believe me, take a look over here. (Hehe...don't worry, my friend didn't really escape from Alcatraz. Escape from Alcatraz is a triathlon- 1.5 mile swim, 18 mile bike ride, and 8 mile run that starts from Alcatraz:-)
4:09 PM EDT (1:09 PM PDT) Fans, show your support for Jericho in public. I'm a little shy, and if I can parade around San Francisco in my Save Jericho shirt, then so can you!!! And when you do show your Jericho love, we want to see and share your photos with all the Jericho Fans!!!
10:56 AM EDT (7:56 AM PDT) Good morning Jericho lovers!!! One good thing about still running on East Coast time while out West is that I can wake up way ahead of my friends and watch more Jericho!!! :-) Episode 11, here I come. I am so hooked. And then I am off to cheer on another friend in a triathlon, but I'm gonna figure out a way to watch more episodes then. (I mean, I will only see my friend for a handful of seconds each hour, so why not, right?!!?) Catchya later gator!
2:03 AM EDT (11:03 PM PDT) :-) I am crashing tonight at my friend's house in Pacifica, California. He has a bunch of friends over right now and I had no choice but to disrupt their pool and dart games, put them in front of the tv (connected to the computer and Jericho on, and convert them into Jericho Fans. Yeah, Jericho Party!!! See photo on The Nutty Scoop for now.
------ ^ Sunday, 6/3 ^ ------
9:49 PM EDT (6:49 PM PDT) Hey guys...Today and tomorrow I am hanging out with my friends on the West Coast. The first thing I say when I see them is, "you have to watch Jericho." I hope each and every one of you are relaxing this weekend, and spending time with friends and family. Please tell them all about Jericho. And if you miss seeing some friends this weekend, fill them in with this really simple tell-a-friend page we put together.
9:10 PM EDT (6:10 PM PDT) Note to self: when tired, don't go hiking. And if you still go hiking, don't follow your friend the wrong way and get lost. And if you do get lost, don't leave the trail and hike along the curvy, steep, and dangerous coastal highway. And if you hike along the curvy, steep, and dangerous coastal highway, don't hike for 15 miles. Why why why do I do this to myself? :-P Oh, I think I am on episode 9 now. Guys, Jericho is such a good show. Last check: 102,362 signatures on the petition. Nice.
9:31 AM EDT (6:31 AM PDT) I just finished Episode 6. Towards the end, the town comes together to help Stanley harvest his crop. Interesting how the virtues exhibited in Jericho resonate so much in what we are doing here. This show and this campaign are wonderful.
8:41 AM EDT (5:41 AM PDT) Dylan does it again, with gusto! Again, Dylan, amazing work. You just keep on going. You inspire me. And this isn't even Dylan's trade. Believe it or not, Dylan's a carpenter from Idaho. But ever since he was a little boy he dreamed of acting. So, one day, his belief in acting and in himself put him on a bus to New York. Dylan, I am proud to be on your team. When Jericho comes back for Season 2, you deserve a spot!!!
------ ^ Saturday, 6/2 ^ ------
10:00 PM EDT (7:00 PM PDT) What a week!!!! We are approaching 35,000 pounds of peanuts. We've hit $10,000 for Greensburg, Kansas. And, almost 300 t-shirts will be on your backs!!! Super duper!!! And check out the beginning of our Save Jericho Fan Club!
Ok, rest up, have fun, and regroup for Monday Madness, when we redouble our efforts!!! You guys have been awesome! Really. Thanks for letting me join your family.
4:25 PM EDT (1:25 PM PDT) Hey fans...We're going to put together a multimedia project showing everybody's Jericho pride. Take a photo of yourself doing your thing (keep it clean) showing your pride in t-shirts, hats, with signs, writing a letter to CBS, etc. Email Sarah at If possible, crop photos to 600 wide x 400 tall if you can. And include your name, city, and state if you want to!!!
3:46 PM EDT (12:46 PM PDT) Hello from sunny California! We tried to consolidate the shipping stats, but we got lots of emails wanting to see the details. You can see the shipping details here, and later on in the day we will break this down into greater detail between LA and NY.
12:05 PM EDT (9:05 AM PDT) An amazing Jericho fan named Donna, from Rossville, Kansas has been doing her part to help save Jericho. She asked me to call into her local AM talk radio show in Topeka, Kansas. I called in, but had problems with the connection. I finally got on again, but only had 30 seconds before the show ended. But get this. Between my 2 calls another Jericho fan, Lisa, from Overland Park, Kansas, got on the air and discussed our campaign! Ya see, each and every one of you can make a difference. I repeat, let your VOICE BE HEARD!
10:51 AM EDT (7:51 AM PDT) Hey guys!!! I've gotten thousands of emails, tons of phone calls, and endless amounts of encouragement and support. At some point in time I hope to share all of this with you, but for now, you can let your voice be heard by all Jericho Fans on this CBS message board thread that I just started (UPDATE: The message board is no longer available).
9:22 AM EDT (6:22 AM PDT) Good morning Jericho lovers!!! Yippeee! I slept. Like 9 hours! I'm feeling energized now! (Hey, sorry for being so quiet yesterday. When I landed I had to dive right into meeting with my team here to work on our *day job* :-). Hehe.) Fans, you guys are remarkable. Absolutely remarkable. Your continued enthusiasm and devotion will go down in history, especially as we get closer to saving Jericho. Already another almost 2,000 pounds of peanuts and approaching $9,000 to Greensburg, Kansas!!! Go you! You've ordered 207 t-shirts and 8 mugs so far!!! When you get these shirts, parade them around town and engage people in conversation. Keep your head held high and smile, because we're about to save Jericho!!!
And guess what!!! I'm about to watch more episodes of Jericho. I can't wait!!! And, Ben is hooked too!!!
------ ^ Friday, 6/1 ^ ------
3:28 PM EDT First, I want to convey with you that I am directly in touch with all of the *leaders* and their optimism is the highest it's been since I joined this campaign. Second, things are happening. We are all working every angle we can and we are making progress. However, we are nothing without you. We need your help in the following ways:
1. Contact CBS. We must keep the call volume up.
Ms. Nina Tassler
President, CBS Entertainment
CBS Television City
7800 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Remember, at the end of the day, CBS is our friend. We need them as much as they need us.
2. Encourage sponsors and advertisers on CBS to donate directly to the Greensburg Rebuilding Fund on behalf of Jericho Fans. Fans, you all love Jericho and want it back. One way to get it back is to draw even more attention to our campaign. The Nuts have been our tactic. The Greensburg Rebuilding Fund is our humanity. This increases our credibility to the world at large, helps save the real people and community of Greensburg, Kansas, and this gives us even more traction. See sponsor listings here . FYI, be creative too and work any angles or contacts you have. I personally have begun to reach out to both UPS and the American Peanut Council. You can too!!!
3. Tell everyone you know about Save Jericho! We've created a tell-a-friend page . Get them to do stuff like:
sign the petition
and watch Jericho.
4. Contact any media outlet you can think of. Newspapers, magazines, televisions shows, radio shows, trade journals, alumni magazines, college papers, etc. Place special emphasis on LA and entertainment oriented stuff (cough, cough Entertainment Tonight).
5. Donate to the Greensburg Rebuilding Fund and Contribute Nuts!!
6. Take the fight offline. Wear Jericho shirts and hats in public (make them yourself if you'd like or order ours), make signs for your car, throw an episode watching party after work, etc.
7. Reach out to CBS affiliates
8. Do anything you want, no matter how little you might think it is.
1:43 PM EDT Nut-boy has landed and is in transit with Benny-boy!!! Guys, 2 things happened on the plane.
1. I had an epiphany. This campaign is turning me into a better person.
2. Before I was with you, but now I am one of you. On the plane I was able to focus and I re-watched the first 2 episodes and watched 3 more! I am one of you now. I am a fan!
6:56 AM EDT LA, here we come with a huge wave of peanuts. Just finished loading these planes with peanuts. Ready for takeoff!!! I will post again at 1:30 PM when I land. Nap time! They are about to take my computer away. Got to go!!!
6:47 AM EDT Rise and shine sleepy heads. Today we rise Jericho Fans!!!
I want to introduce you to Mike, from Elmira, NY. He's 37 years old and has been a cashier at the local grocery store for the last 17 years. Mike is one of our Save Jericho heroes. He has persistently written to his local paper, and finally it has paid off. Read Mike's letter to the editor . Mike, you are a champion.
Guys, what is going on here?!?! You love Jericho. You want it back. That is clear. I won't try and pontificate. Instead I will point you in the right direction: Time's Person of the Year: You.
Fans, It's all about you. You as individuals. You have opinions. You have a voice. Express yourself. Make decisions. Be bold. Be empowered. Control your destiny. Effect change. And remember, the greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground. Be like Mike, make yourself heard, stretch yourself, and make a difference. And let's do this together!
3:30 AM EDT My mind is racing too much for me to fall back to sleep. This is good though. I'm a pretty fast runner (see here), but it's the mind that wins races. A building block of Western philosophy was Renee Descartes "I think, therefore I am." Couple this with the idiom "When there's a will, there's a way," and we are in great shape. Jericho Fans, our campaign has been phenomenal so far! The tide is turning in our favor. Today is the day we really set our sights on bringing Jericho back, we visualize victory, we home in on it, and we take it! (But first, I will try to sleep again :-).
1:40 AM EDT Guys, it's me again. I had a tummy ache and woke up...I am so sorry for the delay here. Ben lost track of time. We both feel terrible about this. So, yeah, National Enquirer. This will certainly raise eyebrows fans and get us more notice! I am having trouble corroborating circulation figures, but I think in the low millions is probably pretty close. Nice!
1:32 AM EDT :-) National Enquirer, June 11 issue. :-P (On sale this coming weekend.) (Sorry this didn't go up at 12:01 AM, it's my fault not Jeff's! -Ben)
------ ^ Thursday, 5/31 ^ ------
10:42 PM EDT We crossed the $7,000 threshold for Greensburg and on top of this I have heard of many people mailing in contributions directly!!! On that note, I am going to sleep, and sleep well. Ben will post something neat at 12:01 AM and will have some new and improved statistics coming right up. Once again, good night, and good luck.
9:34 PM EDT Guys, just a quick post. I am finally planning for my trip tomorrow to California. I leave at 7 AM, so nothing like last minute planning. I just looked at the numbers here and am amazed at the continued support. I really love you guys. The passion, dedication, and determination is remarkable. And, as Sarah just posted below, The WSJ is beginning to pick up on our campaign!!! I really encourage you to post comments in the WSJ, but please be very polite. Read post, comment, watch video, and email to friends. We want this to be most read and most emailed.
7:28 PM EDT Pecan Sarah here. The video posted by the Wall Street Journal of CBS CEO Les Moonves speaking at D: All Things Digital conference is priceless. I had to share this with you after we got an alert from Jericho fans and activists Tony and Bridget. At the very end of the video, a journalist stands up and asks the question we were all dying to hear. Sadly, the clip ends soon thereafter, but you'll all enjoy seeing Les squirm!
5:44 PM EDT That's a wrap, folks. Gonna grab some dinner with my sister. I will write back to emails afterwards (maybe go for a run first) and then I will admire the new presentation of stats that Benny is working on. Until then, have a good one. And don't forget about our little surprise at 12:01 AM!!!
4:56 PM EDT And now, the Eastern Offensive. 1Z686E020392794348. Boy am I chirpy this afternoon. Radio time!
4:40 PM EDT Reminder, at 5 PM EDT today (in less than 20 minutes), check out NewsTalk, a live Paltalk video chat with me about the NUTS campaign. You will need to visit their site early to download the video chat software. I'd better hurry and snap some pictures first!
4:24 PM EDT In the Jericho spirit, teamwork in action, from coast to coast. See photos of 2,000 pound LA shipment going out now!
4:12 PM EDT Ok, with such a walloping, we need to make this competition fair. LA was set as the default (first) pull-down option. The default option will now appear randomly. Even playing field...Send your nuts!
3:51 PM EDT Gosh, rapid fire posting here!!! :-P The heat between NY and LA doesn't appear to be much of a heat fans! Since we implemented the pull-down mechanism last night to designate the shipping address, LA is delivering a walloping to NYC, by a 3 to 1 margin. Last time I checked, 1945 LA, 635 NY!!! Looks like sentiment has shifted towards LA. Bring it!
3:37 PM EDT Ok, the format of the table above with the numbers isn't finished being revised yet, but Ben is getting there! Keep on checking back. As for the dual-pronged, bi-coastal peanut assault, it looks like both NY and LA will be getting 2,000 pounds of peanuts!!! Yeah! Photos coming soon...
At first I was hesitant to explore the West Coast option. Sure, someone out there is my competition online, but frankly, I didn't have a moment to spare, as many of you know. If I had a choice of sleeping more than 4 hours a night and calling California, which do you think I would pick? Well, let me tell you, I am thrilled I finally made the call to LA. Pete Calvano at (Western Mixers) is a swell guy and we immediately struck up a friendship. We have plans to visit one another soon. This is a win-win for everyone involved. NutsOnline has gotten a lifetime of press, so we can certainly afford to share the wealth. And, a little bit of rest is good for us. As for the campaign, we can now hit both coasts at a great price.
And, of course, the kicker! Pete didn't need much convincing, but I pinched an extra 5 cents per pound from the LA shipments to go to the Greensburg Building Fund. Yipppeee!!!
2:45 PM EDT Holy macadamias! This is not letting up fans!!! You are incredible. Quickly approaching another 4,000 pounds!!! Wowsers! Pretty soon we will update the format of the stats to show you better breakdowns between LA and NY and watch them duke it out!!! At 3:00 PM EDT I will communicate with our partner in LA the exact count and will then give you an update on everything. AND, almost $6,000 to Greensburg!!! Rock on!
SPOILER ALERT: skip this blog post to avoid spoilage :-P
12:45 PM EDT Hi fans and all other interested folks! With this second New York Times Article, increasing exposure, and a national print publication that I will tell you about at 12:01 AM EDT Thursday, I realize that more than just fans might be reading this. Sure, we are barraging CBS with peanuts. It's a great story and campaign that we have all embraced. But, peanuts are just *a vehicle* Jericho fans are using to express themselves. Albeit, quite palpably, but peanuts are not the underlying thing here. Jericho is. What is Jericho though? Before this campaign, I had no idea. After having watched 2 episodes so far, I have a little better idea, but I'm not the one who can answer this question. I felt guilty not knowing this answer, so I reached out to some of the most vocal fans. Until I find the time to watch more episodes, I am in no position explain or interpret the essence of Jericho. In a second I will show you exactly what Diane had to say about Jericho. After reading what she wrote, I think I have a better understanding, and I am more eager now than ever to watch each and every episode. I don't know what is being talked about on the boards, but I strongly consider Jericho fans to share their take, not just online, but offline, with friends, family, co-workers, and the mailman.
Here is what Diane had to say:
In our world we always have the threat of nuclear war. It's one of those things that's just there, in the background all the time. What if...?
Jericho shows us how one small town in America reacted to the disaster while at the same time showing us how the individual characters with their different outlooks, dealt with it. We have the solid first family of the town - the Greens - with Dad Mayor Johnston Green and his devoted wife of more than 40 years Gail. Son Eric is the deputy mayor, married to Doctor April (and, we later find out, having an affair with Mary, owner of Baily's tavern). And then there's Jake Green, prodigal son who has been gone from town for over 5 years with nary a word. He just happens to be in Jericho on the day the bombs are dropped. Around the Green family we have friends and neighbors. Each person is affected by the bombs and their aftermath in some different way. Some people change for the worse, others for the better. Some die, some grow much stronger.
Jake Green (Skeet Ulrich) is really the major character of the show. He left town under a dark cloud and now he's back and he's become the reluctant hero. He starts by saving a school bus full of kids and continues by fixing things and helping people and unintentionally taking a role as one of the leaders in the town. Much of what Jake does relates back to his secret past - which remains mostly secret through the first season. Also through the season we see Jake and Johnston Green finally coming to a peaceful acceptance of each other. At one point Johnston tells Jake that a punk kid left, but a good guy came back (I can't remember the exact words). At the very end of season one is an emotionally charged scene where Johnston tells Jake that he's proud of him. Quite a difference from the hostile attitude we saw in the pilot episode.
After any event of this magnitude, there are all kinds of problems. Food shortages, violence, refuges, black market dealings. Trying to find a way to survive without the conveniences we've all become accustomed to - vehicles, electricity, medicine, etc. People are dying because there is no medicine to treat what should be treatable. There is no electricity for heat - people are freezing to death. A trip out onto the highway to go hunting for game makes you a target for rogues travelling around to steal from you. There are splinter military groups out to take what they can by force, and even people impersonating marines to lead you astray. And then there is your neighboring town, the people that you've shared social events and football games with for years. Suddenly they see you as the enemy who isn't sharing or is responsible for their hurts. And suddenly you're at war with the neighboring town.
A real twist to Jericho is Mr. Hawkins. He and his family arrived in Jericho about 2 days before the bombs dropped and bought a house for cash. They have a story of where they came from that appears to hold true. Actually Mr. Hawkins is known to the viewers as being somehow connected to the bombs. He has a secret room in his basement with intel information and a working computer, and he has a nuclear bomb. Through the first season we're given glimpses of who Mr. Hawkins really is and what he knows AND who dropped the bombs.
Different characters handle things differently. We have Dale - the nerdy trailer park kid. His mother died in the blast and then he lost his home to fire. We have Skylar Stevens, the spoiled rich daughter of one of the salt mine owners. Her parents were in NYC when the bombs fell and no one knows if they are dead or alive. Skylar and Dale are an unlikely pairing, especially when you throw in the town's general store which is bequeathed to Dale after its owner is killed, but they are a pair, acting like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde.
Jake Green has two love interests in the show. The first is Emily Sullivan. Jake and Emily were a couple before he suddenly left town 5 years ago. Now he's back and things are unresolved between them. They didn't break up per se - he just left. She is now engaged to Roger, a steady investment banker who is missing at the start of the show because he was on a business trip when the bombs fell. He comes back to Jericho later, bringing a group of refugees, which causes its own problems. Emily is clearly torn between Jake and Roger. Jake's other love interest is Heather Lisinski - the school teacher he meets on the stranded school bus. She immediately appears smitten with him, but he clearly doesn't know what to do with a girl like her.
Jericho has action sequences - the fight with New Bern, the race to Rogue River to get life saving antibiotics for Johnston Green, the shoot-out with the escaped prisoners, etc. Jericho also has tear jerker moments, when April dies of pregnancy complications, when Johnston Green dies in the season finale - after telling Jake that he's proud of him. Jericho has secrecy - what is Hawkins hiding and who is Sarah? Where has Jake really been for the past 5 years? Jericho has romance - Stanley Richmond ends up falling for the IRS lady who came to Jericho to audit his farm. Jericho has humor, the scene with Mimi talking to the chicken that she was supposed to kill for dinner.
Jericho was a show that you could share with your kids. There was some violence, but a lot less than many shows on television today. It also gave viewers a chance to talk to their kids about these real life situations and what they would do if such a thing ever really did happen. This in turn could lead to other family talks about any number of matters.
All in all, Jericho was different. It wasn't another sit-com with the same bad jokes. It wasn't another police drama with blood and guts shown in a new way each week. It wasn't a reality show where you could watch people fight for money. It was something totally different and it was appealing because of it.
End of Spoiler
10:52 AM EDT Hey, quick note about the Greensburg Rebuilding Fund. You can contribute through our website or contribute directly to the fund. Again, the address is:
Greensburg Rebuilding Fund
Greensburg State Bank
ATT: Fans of Jericho
240 South Main St.
Greensburg, KS 67054
If you are considering large sums, please donate to them directly. Steve Hewitt, the city administrator, will track contributions from Jericho Fans and let me know. As for the tax deduction issue, the Greensburg Rebuilding Fund is not a 501(c)3. It is a municipal agency. If you donate directly, they will mail you back a thank you letter. Steve said the contribution is tax deductible, but that you would have to have a tax professional handle the deduction.
Thanks again for helping to save Jericho and Greensburg!
10:45 AM EDT Our friends in Virginia are responding to our cry and are loading up 40,000 of peanuts to replenish our dwindling supplies. See photos here.
6:02 AM EDT Good morning Jericho lovers! If you are awake, just a reminder to tune into "The Kirk and Mark Show" on CBS Radio Baltimore (105.7 WHFS- FM) this morning at 7:40 AM EDT. Also, did you see the NY Times?
------ ^ Wednesday, 5/30 ^ ------
7:58 PM EDT Hello Jericho lovers! Wow, today was a productive day. 10,000 pounds to CBS. That's about 2 million peanuts. Unbelievable. We now also enabled each fan to pick between sending the peanuts to NYC or LA. So, pick whichever destination you prefer and we will gladly ship away. I am very friendly now with Pete in LA and I will encourage him to give us a great price to donate more proceeds to charity. (And Pete, in case you are reading, you'd better give us a good price- then I will share your company name :-P). All the details are pretty much worked out. But don't worry guys. You can continue to make your contributions on our site. I would prefer this, but when Pete launches feel free to contribute on his site as well. I prefer you using our site because A. I would love for you to support Greensburg and B. so we can have a united front. Any contributions that you designate from LA on our site will ship from Pete in LA at the same conversion ratio we have now. So, nothing changes, just that we save on shipping charges across the country, and we get it there immediately. And, just like before, I don't want these peanuts being thrown out, so I just got confirmation from Chris Ender, Senior VP, CBS Communications, that "through various charities, we have been able to find homes for all the deliveries, and we would make every effort to do the same in LA." Remember, Nina Tassler is the decision maker and is in LA. We've certainly overwhelmed NY, so it might make sense to shift attention to LA. Up to you!
I busted my butt all day (you can even see me in action in Dylan's Video), but the results have been totally worth it. Fans, I couldn't ask for more from you. You are amazing human beings, and if nothing else, I have been touched tremendously by this experience. Let's save Jericho and save Greensburg too.
Ok, I am for the most part caught up with emails. I think I will try and do something normal now. Oh, this evening we will update the Donations to Greensburg info to include not just our contribution from NutsOnline, but also from you guys and from the t-shirt. If you don't hear anything else from me tonight, I will part with these words: Fans, today you made me proud!
7:41 PM EDT Hey Jericho fans in Baltimore - tune into "The Kirk and Mark Show" on CBS Radio Baltimore (105.7 WHFS- FM) tomorrow morning (Wednesday) at 7:40 AM for an interview with Jeffrey and discussion about the NUTS campaign.
7:14 PM EDT Another incredible video by Dylan! Check it out now on youTube and let Dylan know in the comments how much you appreciate him. Can you believe this guy? NUTS!! to CBS Super NUT Tuesday! Wave 4
6:31 PM EDT Tomorrow (Wednesday) at 5 PM Eastern, check out NewsTalk, a live Paltalk video chat with Jeffrey about the NUTS campaign. You will need to visit their site early to download the video chat software...this is cool, we will all get to see each other in the chat...spread the word!
4:09 PM EDT On May 4th, at around 10 PM, a horrible tornado tore through the town of Greensburg, Kansas, leaving nothing but devastation in its wake: loss of life, injuries, 1,000 destroyed homes, 250 destroyed businesses, and 90-95% of the community wiped out. It will cost upwards of $100 million to rebuild the community, parks, streets, roads, community center, city hall, and to restore some degree of normalcy to this small town. You can learn more about this terrible disaster yourself here.
Our favorite show, Jericho, takes place in a fictitious town in Kansas that is clinging to hope and survival in a time of massive disaster. The real Kansas needs our help, too. (And note that both these terrible things happened in Kansas the same week!) Let's act with the same fierce love and dedication we've shown our favorite show!
I spoke to Steve Hewitt, the City Administrator, first thing this morning, and he said they need help desperately. wants to help. Will you join us? will donate 10 cents per pound of all peanuts shipped in the NUTS for Jericho campaign, both retroactively and going forward. We will also donate the entirety of proceeds (about $5) from each shirt that we sell. We encourage you Jericho Fans to help out directly as well. You can make extra cash contributions along with your peanut contributions...or just on its own, right on this page. Alternately you can mail contributions directly to:
Greensburg Rebuilding Fund
Greensburg State Bank
ATT: Fans of Jericho
240 South Main St.
Greensburg, KS 67054
Guys, I think this is just wonderful. Thank you.

3:37 PM EDT Pecan Sarah here. I've updated our shirt collection - by popular demand - to include some colorful tees - royal blue, navy, green, yellow, pink, light blue, burgandy and of course BLACK! Check them out here, and remember, not all styles come in all colors, so be sure to click around and see what's available in each style! Remember - ALL PROCEEDS GO TO CHARITY!
3:32 PM EDT FYI, I will continue to ship to NYC and redirect to LA as instructed by you guys!!! And get this! I am flying to California on Thursday (been booked for a month) to meet with my nutty team there (Ben, Sarah, Brian). :-) Imagine the possibilities...
3:04 PM EDT West Coast update!!! Sorry, been quiet, but for a reason. I just got off the phone with a nut company in LA. It was a wonderful conversation guys. And just so you know, I am not mad at you. I am adamantly opposed to airing any more stuff to LA though. However, I am totally open to shipping out of LA. I am actually eager, as we are dying on our end, and this venture is not exactly an immediate money maker for us. Details will come soon. Today we will ship about 1,500 pounds to NYC to get them out of our system. Assuming you fans come to a consensus about shipping the rest out of LA, I will work directly with them. You could still contribute to this site to achieve a unified voice and I would simply send materials and monies to the great company in LA. Please don't bombard me with emails on this. Discuss on boards and ensure the leaders communicate with me.
1:42 PM EDT Fair Game on Public Radio International will air tonight at 8 PM EDT in the NY area and at other times throughout the country. You will be able to listen online here around 9:30 or 10 PM EDT tonight.
12:47 PM EDT Peanut drop went great! Fans, thank you for coming out. Dylan and I have now set up command center in the Hilton on 54th and 6th Ave. We are doing a radio interview now to air tonight...Public Radio International - Fair Game.
10:41 AM EDT Running a little late, as we had to actually dump 50 pound bags of peanuts that were for our wholesale customers in order to hit the 6,000 pound mark. See what a truckload of peanuts looks like over here. Closer to 11:30. And just got a call from the AP. They will be shooting photos!
10:08 AM EDT T-10!!! Check out what this massive shipment is going to look like here. And we're not finished building this load!!!!
8:22 AM EDT Ok, Jericho lovers! So, as you know, UPS is delivering 4,000 pounds of nuts today to CBS. Great! That's 2 tons. Super. Well, what would you say to 10,000 pounds or 5 TONS?!?!? Yup, you got it. As soon as we are finished roasting an extra 6,000 pounds of peanuts, we are heading into NYC on a truck way larger than the NutsOnline nut-mobile!!! We plan on leaving around 10 and should get to CBS around 10:45 / 11 AM. I will keep you posted!!! (Now maybe you know why I have been a little quiet!) If you are in the NYC area, come! 51 W 52nd St. If you have friends or family in the area, get them to come!!! I will be along for the ride and Dylan will be filming!!!
6:35 AM EDT These t-shirts are awesome guys! Sarah, you rock. And when Sarah wakes up we will post shirts in color too!
Fans, I need your help. Whether you are a student, have a child or relative that is a student, or simply know a student, please join or have them join the "Nuts for Jericho" group on Facebook. Join Dylan and me on Facebook! Ah, it turns out Facebook is open to everyone now, not just students. Everyone can get in on the action at
5:48 AM EDT Good morning nut lovers! After a little extra sleep last night, I am heading in early to get a jump on roasting. You will see why very shortly!!! Today is going to be fantastic Jericho fans!!! We can do this!!!

Oh, and the best part? ALL PROCEEDS from these shirts are being donated to charity. Every cent. (Those of you who know how Cafepress works know that they charge a base price and you get to mark it up. We've marked it up $5 per shirt, every cent of that $5 will go to charity. We're not making anything off these at all, we're just happy to share our fun design with everyone and raise some money for a great cause. Jeffrey is almost done sealing the deal with this really amazing organization - all of you will be excited about them. He will post details tomorrow (Tuesday) morning once he gets off the phone with these incredible people. STAY TUNED!
4:35 PM EDT Holy almondolas! Talk about coincidences. I just had to share this with you. I needed an extra hand today at work, so Jonathan, the first kid I ever baby-sit for, came in to help out. I was dropping him off at home and get this...His dad had just finished watching the 1965 movie Battle of the Bulge. I SAW THE NUTS SCENE! I REPEAT, I SAW THE NUTS SCENE!
12:34 PM EDT Tomorrow is Super-Nut Tuesday! Super-Nut Tuesday is the day that our ads hit the industry (particularly CBS) in Variety and The Hollywood Reporter (thanks so much for leading the charge on this Jeff Knoll and for being such a swell guy), our nutty press kits will be arriving at all of the entertainment media outlets, and a large shipment of our tasty legumes will be arriving at CBS.
To support all of this, we need you! If you live in, or can travel to, the New York area WE NEED YOU TOMORROW more than ever before in this campaign!!
I am roasting away in preparation for a "special" shipment to CBS in addition to the 4,000 pounds already on their way through UPS and we need you there to help (to rally and unload) and to show the media and CBS our resolve to bring Jericho back!
It is going to be really important that we have a show of support by actual fans - so try and round up your friends, family members, neighbors or anybody else you can find and plan to be at 51 West 52nd Street tomorrow morning for a great demonstration of fan loyalty.
Please RSVP to if you can attend and instructions will be forwarded once all the details are finalized.
11:47 AM EDT Me again!!! :-) I can handle almost anything, but my dad's been getting a bit tired. I sat down with him and explained that this is something I really believe in. My dad is my hero. See daddy and me hard at work. Yeah, I know, you guys are thinking we must be nuts to be working today, but it will be worth it. I want to make sure we are way ahead to handle whatever comes our way tomorrow...(hint, hint ;-). Working up something for tomorrow's delivery...details coming soon.
6:24 AM EDT Good morning Jericho lovers! Pecany Sarah :-P did her magic again and really cleaned up the shirts. She created a version for white on any darker color shirt, and a version for any dark color on a light color shirt. You can see the revised design on The Nutty Scoop for now. When Sarah or Ben wakes up they can post the high resolution Illustrator AI file and Illustrator EPS file. I am aware of the many print-on-demand e-commerce vendors out there, but I want to make sure we get the best deal for you guys. Tomorrow would be the earliest ship date anyway, so at the latest I will figure this out tomorrow morning.
------ ^ Monday, Memorial Day, 5/28 ^ ------
11:13 PM EDT We're going into work tomorrow, so I have to force myself to go to bed now. Just wanted to mention a few random things:
1. Peanut sourcing from LA - Several people have asked about finding a source of peanuts in LA. We do buy many of our nuts and dried fruit from California growers and processors, but I have no contacts in peanuts out West. If someone wants to put together a plan, I am all ears, but unfortunately I cannot be of much help.
2. T-shirts. We plan on initially posting a new t-shirt design on the site, in the event you want to print a shirt for yourself on your own. On Tuesday I will explore other printing possibilities, but it looks like we would want to outsource fulfillment too, as we can't handle much more work. For us to order, manage, and maintain different sizes, get them to our facility, and ship to you in a timely manner would prove extremely challenging. An on demand e-commerce printing vendor might be the way to go. More details will come as we explore our options.
3. I had an encouraging set of telephone conversations today with various leaders in this movement. I can tell you that everyone is extremely nice and normal. Yes, normal, like most of us. Surprising, I know. We are all normal. I want to commend them for dedicating so much time to this effort. One leader slept 6 hours over 3 days and another leader is actually taking this week off from work to better focus. All in, a great job. And the enthusiasm and optimism continue to rise.
4. Last thing and then sleep...Who would have thought one could make so many friends so quickly from all parts of the world and from all walks of life?
10:35 PM EDT I've been hearing a growing chatter about increasing the pressure on the LA front. As for peanuts, to ship on Tuesday and arrive on Wednesday or Thursday is very expensive (circa $65 and $45 a case in shipping alone, respectively), and as much as I love UPS, I prefer this money to go towards a more worthy end. Instead, I strongly encourage you to call, email, and snail mail:
Ms. Nina Tassler
President, CBS Entertainment
CBS Television City
7800 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Both Nina and her assistant Lori are nice people, and it's important to keep that in mind when we send our correspondence. Speak and write from the heart. Be passionate, persuasive, and wholesome. Tell your story.
9:04 PM EDT New York Times: Fans of Canceled 'Jericho' Mobilize With a Very Literal Protest
12:22 PM EDT Happy Sunday Jericho fans! My computer has been stubborn for the last 5 hours, but I will get it back up and running soon and reply to emails then.
To me I'm just the nut guy. Yet, for some reason I get emails and phone calls thanking me for being the spokesperson, hero, champion, etc...I'm none of the above. I'm just a normal 26 year old kid that cares about people and wants for his friends what they want for themselves. But yes, considering I keep on getting contacted for all sorts of media interviews, I do recognize that I am in an interesting position. This past week I found myself reacting, acting, and doing. This weekend I find myself thinking. I have become extremely zealous with this campaign, but I am also able to separate out the emotion and think rationally. And yes, I do have ideas...
First, I want to be very up front with you. I am not omniscient. I've spent so much time *doing* this week and unfortunately have not been able to spend much time on the boards. Yes, I do communicate with some of the leaders out there via phone and email, but I need an education, and fast. I implore you to reach out to the Rangers and other leaders and spread my message. Jericho fans, please do not write to me individually about this. Spread the word to the leaders out there and encourage them to either contact me collectively or individually, even if I have spoken to them already. I need to know who is who out there. And this doesn't mean screen names. I need to know real names, email addresses, and phone numbers. It's time I get smart, and I need your help so that we can all get smart.
Oh, 1 more thing. We need to work together. I was apprised by a few leaders out there about differing opinions, conflicts, and tensions. This is insane. We all want the same thing. I think our intentions are all pretty pure. I'm no orator, but I know someone who was, and he said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand.." Guys, unless we work together, how else can we expect others to follow.
4:29 AM EDT It's amazing what passion, motivation, and mental stimulation can do to you. I can't believe I am still awake. I couldn't go to bed though without telling you this...After Dylan and I finished our work together and grabbed a bite to eat across the street from me, the waitress asked him for his phone number. Go Dylan! You da man! Geez louise, already 4,280 pounds to ship on Tuesday!!! Good night!
------ ^ Sunday 5/27 ^ ------
9:54 PM EDT Great news on the home front. Turns out the little t-shirt place beneath my apartment worked like a charm. I tried to hit them up at 1:30 AM last night, but they had just closed. Right after my run I emailed them some artwork. To get this done today, I had to rework the art with the t-shirt guy, and I'm no artist, so consider this a first draft. Photos are on The Nutty Scoop until we get them up here.
While printing this up I had Dylan on call and he quickly met me in my hood. Let me tell you, as awesome as it is interacting with everyone online and over the phone, it's really wonderful seeing fans face to face. And Dylan is such a great guy to hang out with. Dinnertime. Until later... .
10:35 AM EDT I just re-read the ABC News article and experienced another one of those very happy moments that seems to be repeating itself during this campaign. But this is something extra special. When I spoke with CBS to ensure that the peanuts would not be discarded, they had confirmed the peanuts would go to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan through the Staten Island Homefront Project. There was general mention of charities, but nothing set in stone. Just now I caught what I had missed in this article, that "They will be donated to City Harvest, a New York-based program that takes excess food and distributes it to community food programs for the poor." On all of the cases that shipped out during our first wave on Monday I had attached a label that included a suggestion of City Harvest. I am ecstatic right now. Fans, thanks for putting me in this position to just feel so good.
Ok, talking about food just made remember that I need to eat...something that I have been forgetting to do this week. :-) Then off for a 2 loop run around Central Park!!! It'll be a great chance to breathe, think, and plan. Remember, if you come up with any ways in which I can be of further help, let me know!!! .
10:07 AM EDT Michelle Malkin has just taken notice. When she notices, lots of other people begin to notice. Check out Michelle's post.
8:40 AM EDT Good morning Jericho lovers! The fight continues, yet again. Guys, have you ever heard of the slashdot effect? According to wikipedia, "The Slashdot effect is the term given to the phenomenon of a popular website linking to a smaller site, causing the smaller site to slow down or even temporarily close due to the increased traffic. The name stems from the huge influx of web traffic that results from the technology news site Slashdot linking to underpowered websites." Don't worry, our server can handle the traffic, but check out the Jericho post on slashdot and comment away. For the geek in us, Ben and I have religiously read slashdot for years, that is until this week when we simply had no time.
------ ^ Saturday 5/26 ^ ------
11:58 PM EDT Before heading out today I brought the remaining guys for the day from our NutsOnline team into my office and spent about 30 minutes showing them our campaign. Unfortunately I was too busy this week to sit down with all of them, but let me tell you, they were amazed at what we're doing and how far we've come and have now joined Team Jericho!!! Only JP, Willie, and Tony (aka Cousin) had enough energy to go to dinner, but we had a great meal together. They sure deserved it. Thanks fellas! We snapped a good photo and hopefully Ben or Sarah will post soon. Ah, for now, check out The Nutty Scoop.
Ok, I admit, I multi-tasked, but, guess what!!! Just watched 2 episodes of Jericho!!! Yipppeee. Ok, I tried to keep an open mind and not be biased by all this hoopla, but guys, is it possible to be hooked after only 2 episodes? I understand that the episodes get even much better later on in the season, but I think I just might be hooked already!
I am about to sign off for the night, get some much needed rest, and wake up when I wake up (ah, what luxury), but I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on things. This grassroots campaign has been impressive. The media is beginning to respond and we have some nice opportunities this coming week. We need to keep the momentum going. That being said, let's take a step back, clear our heads, spend a great weekend with friends and family, and be prepared to renew this fight with vigor. Oh, just keep your eyes open. Especially on Monday!!! Good night friends.
5:20 PM EDT Hello Jericho lovers!!! Wow, we have pulled this thing off. I can't believe it. Unreal. Here's an account of the afternoon: 4,000 pounds to CBS and 30 individual cases shipped to very good, hand selected media targets. A loyal fan named Bridget helped coordinate printing all our materials - two press releases (ours and yours) and the amazing Hollywood Reporter/Variety ad - at Staples. My mom ran over there to pick up the materials and got back a few minutes before 5. (See the photos below.) We just made the UPS deadline.
Wow. Awesome. Catching my breath. I will write back to everyone's emails later but for now I am exhausted. My guys busted their butts all week, so I am taking them out to dinner. Wish you were here, Jeff Knoll. And my dad and uncle aren't here, so you know what they say- when the cat's away...Hehehe.
Ah, I am so looking forward to sleeping on my own bed for the first time this week. Fans, I commend you. What a week!!! Current tally, 19,463 pounds. Remarkable. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Let's keep this going strong. I love you guys!!!
4:42 PM EDT Working on some precision mailings now to about 30 locations in NY. Each will be a 25 pound case and contain a media kit!
4:32 PM EDT Crunch time! 4,000 pound shipment via ups, tracking number: 1Z686E020392432818. Arrives Tuesday, sometime around 10:30 AM, CBS NYC.
1:50 PM EDT I just spoke with a fan who has had a lot of experience working with the CBS affiliates. He encourages us to voice our opinions to our local affiliates. See the list of affiliates here.
1:25 PM EDT I wish we had a live counter, but I promised to let Ben take it easy today. I figured you guys might be interested in this. Courtesy of our friends at Google Analytics, from the start of this campaign until this morning, this page has had 172,817 visits, 73,384 of them unique. Gee, maybe I'd better check my spelling a little more closely. Hehe!!!
1:00 PM EDT
11:56 AM EDT If I go quiet for a little bit, I want to reassure you that I will read and write back to each and every email. With my cousin David on vacation I need to be a little more responsible with our regular operation. And of course give my undivided attention to these media interviews. Fans, this is not letting up. Yesterday, although still a believer, I wasn't sure how long this could last. Today, I have dispelled any such doubts. Yes, we're approaching 20,000 pounds and growing. But more importantly, I am picking up a scent. A scent that is about to spiral into a media frenzy. Whatever you fans are doing, keep it up. My family will keep on shipping the peanuts. Our extended Jericho Family, reach out to family, friends, and colleagues!
1. Sign this petition.
2. Dig this story.
3. Watch this video.
Every media outlet in the country needs to be apprised of our campaign. CBS might have thought the audience was too small, but you know what, it is growing, and growing fast.
11:19 AM EDT Wow, what a great one-two punch. I only had a 10 minute heads up on this interview, but that was awesome that you guys wrote in. I don't necessarily have time to pull up websites or email addresses, so you guys just rocked for jumping on that and emailing them. I felt so proud when I heard them mention the emails pouring into the station. Keep up the great work! And I hope I didn't speak too quickly...My sister told me yesterday that I need to slow down. Not only am I from Jersey, but I talk fast for a Jerseyan to begin with, especially when I am pumped up about something.
10:37 AM EDT I will be on Quality Rock 99.9 KTYD - Santa Barbara, California at 10:45 AM EDT. Make that 10:50. Here goes.
10:06 AM EDT Holy cashew! I just got off the phone with Kim at our peanut supplier in Virginia to reorder peanuts. Get this!!! She and her husband are huge Jericho fans!!! She made sure to watch it every Wednesday (live, no dvr, tivo, etc.) and never missed an episode. Yippeee!!!! Save this show CBS!
9:29 AM EDT Ok, my dad always told me not to count my chickens before they hatch, but the media inquiries continue to grow. Just got off the phone with something big. I'm not savvy about what to do and not to do, but I will just hint at these things and wait for them to be set in stone before spilling the beans. I would hate to have anything I write here stop something from happening. But, fans, we really need to inflect this baby...and, if you guys keep this up, the inflection point is approaching.
7:27 AM EDT Sorry for inundating this thing with posts, but we are finally able to show your messages to CBS on the contributions page. We just need to manually go through each one and strip out last names and phone numbers to protect your privacy. But you know what, I've been remiss here...When you submit your messages to CBS, include demographic info (age, income, gender, location, etc.) if you think it will help. Thanks!
7:07 AM EDT Oh, almost forgot...Virginia, Virginia, dial us up some peanuts. My uncle is ordering another 40,000 pound load today of raw super jumbo peanuts. Seriously. Back to work...I will of course keep you posted of any new developments.
7:05 AM EDT And guys, again, I must thank all of you for your support. When I gashed my head open a few days ago running around crazily I immediately received emails from many of you and now with me staying up late and waking up early the emails keep on coming in telling me to rest. And this is on top of 1500 or so other emails cheering on this campaign. Thank you. By recording our video, I was hoping to convey the human element to all of this. Hopefully at some point we can post some of your emails as well. Fundamentally, this is all about wonderfully nice and caring people uniting for what they believe in. But please, don't worry about me..I'm 26 years old, healthy, and don't have to put any kids to bed at night or be attentive to a girlfriend or anything :-P Tomorrow I will rest.
6:37 AM EDT Ok Jericho lovers! I hope you enjoyed our video!!! I have one favor to ask of all of you. Today please direct your attention to the media. Write, call, email, fax, etc. We love hearing from you guys on the phone and via email (heck, this sustains me), but today I need to concentrate on the media campaign. Also, my cousin David is on vacation today, my uncle Sandy is leaving early, my parents need to leave at 5 PM sharp to take a much deserved break, Ben and Sarah need to rest, and we will be roasting away with the outside temperature approaching 90 degrees! Thanks Jericho fans. Today, we roast enough peanuts to feed an army, literally. As always, incredible.
6:19 AM EDT We have another genius amongst us. Sarah has transformed my amateur video into this sheer awesomeness. Ok, time to enter the nut-mobile and drive to work!!!
5:58 AM EDT Here we go again! Sarah is moments away from rocking our video!!!
1:55 AM EDT Sarah here! (Ya'll haven't heard from me before because I have been buried under a pile of peanuts. *grin*) KFSM's broadcast tonight was amazing. Here's how it happened - fierce fan activist Kevin Russell (of Fort Smith, Arkansas) contacted his local CBS affiliate KFSM, and spoke with Daren Bobb about possibly doing a story...he gave him a tour of the website and lots of ideas. One thing led to another, and Kevin was able to set up an interview between the station and Jeffrey! Way to go, and let it be an inspiration to everyone else about how they can make a difference in their hometowns with their local affiliates (...and not just CBS stations.) The wonderful Keith Hocott, also from the Ft. Smith area recorded and digitized the clip - check it out here...pretty amazing stuff! Thanks, Keith!
1:37 AM EDT Ok, problem fixed. This will not happen again. How do you like the new page layout? Ok, off to bed to catch some sleep before another day of battle. This effort is phenomenal, by each and every one of you!!! Tomorrow (darn, not again), I mean today, will become a much more calculated battle with a multi-pronged plan of attack. I was going to throw in a joke here, but my brain is slowing down right now and I will mess it up. :-P So, yeah, signing off. I look forward to waking up and seeing my lousy video shooting beautifully touched up by Sarah!!! Good night, and good luck!
12:11 AM EDT Darn, and here I was going to post about how great the new layout looks on this page...Guys, looks like when we upgraded a bug popped up. We are aware of this and will hopefully fix momentarily. Ack...Ben was going to see a movie, so we missed this until I caught up on emails. Ok, this will be fixed within a half an hour...Have some transportation logistics to sort out first. We are so sorry. Please please please be patient.
------ ^ Friday 5/25 ^ ------
9:39 PM EDT Whew, just got home. Good news. Finally got the video off of my friends' camcorder. Later on tonight we will post it for you guys. I'm a stinky cameraman, but I think it will be worth the wait!!! Ok, 200 emails to write back to. Amazing.
6:16 PM EDT - One of your Jericho rangers posted about the NUTS for Jericho campaign to digg, and the community is going wild - we are in the top ten! Go digg it too! Let's hit #1!
5:09 PM EDT - Ok, so as you all know, I hand delivered 1,000 pounds with my uncle earlier. There wasn't much to it...Just a lot of security. Yes, I was taking a video, until a security person hit the camcorder. So I didn't get too far once we arrived at CBS. I hopefully can figure out how to upload the video tonight. I had some difficulties with the camera, but I think I can figure it out once I can breathe. So, there was some debate amongst the fans - we talked to a LOT of people - about what to ship out via UPS. We ended up shipping 2,000 pounds, bringing today's total to 3,000. Yes, this is less than yesterday, but I think the idea is to really bulk up and do something big tomorrow. The balance of nuts is HUGE!!! Just keeps on growing!!! Once the plan is refined, I will let you know. There won't be as many people at CBS tomorrow anyway, the day before the holiday weekend. Anything we ship out locally tomorrow will land on Tuesday with a big splash. The UPS tracking numbers for today's shipment are 1Z686E020390706562 and 1Z686E020394982597. All to NYC.
4:42 PM EDT - Guys, sorry for being quiet, we are totally scrambling here...Between the delivery and a bunch of interviews, I am way behind. I will let you know today's shipment update soon and will eventually get to emails. I am so sorry for the delay...
4:19 PM EDT - Dylan, you are a genius. I am so happy I was able to shake your hand today. Nut-mobile delivery video!
3:14 PM EDT - Heh, actually we're talking 15,600 lbs! I've just updated the stats (and contributor list) to include orders going to other CBS employees besides Nina and Kelly. The biggest part of this sudden increase is because we were accidentally omitting orders that were shipping to Les Moonves, oops! -Ben
3:10 PM EDT - Holy sugar toasted peanuts! I've seen a lot of nutty things in my 26 years, but never have I seen something like this. I am at the edge of my seat. We just crossed the 15,000 pound threshold!!!
1:58 PM EDT - Ok, just went off the air. Seconds before, I finished a call with a reporter from a national newspaper. They are doing a piece on Monday about our campaign!
1:50 PM EDT - I am back!!! 570 KVI Radio Fox News & Talk Radio Seattle. Now! Call in! They are asking for you guys to call in!!!
12:14 PM EDT - A little sweaty, but we did it!!! 1,000 pounds in addition to the 4,000 pounds that UPS was unloading right next to us. I at least had my uncle to help. The poor UPS guy is all on his own! Security was tight - and in fact someone almost pushed my camera out of my hand - but we will have some footage for you soon.
Thanks to the great fans who turned out. We didn't get the mainstream media coverage we were hoping for and it is increasingly clear to me that this is an INTERNET story, and that we, the little people, have to use our own media - and the more open minded Internet media - to keep telling this story. Let's keep up the great work hitting bloggers, wikis, MySpace and youTube, folks! More to come soon.
11:07 AM EDT - 52nd and 8th!!! I need to go offline now and focus. FANS, it is game time!!!
10:51 AM EDT -

10:33 AM EDT - CBS, here we come!!! On the NJ Turnpike with my Uncle!
9:49 AM EDT - I hope I just did the campaign justice! Got the petition linked in the nick of time. I am so happy. Ok, gonna eat real fast before I pass out and then we will start loading the nut-mobile!
9:35 AM EDT - 2 minutes til KROQ!!!
9:26 AM EDT - Ben is sleeping, so for now this will have to do. Sign this petition, please. 76,246 signatures...Come on fans, sign away!!!
9:06 AM EDT - KROQ just called. Gonna go on the air a little early. Either 9:30 or 9:30 AM EDT. Very exciting. Stay tuned.
8:55 AM EDT - Ok, I have a video camera and am practicing with it. I almost threw up watching my first take, but hopefully I will get the hang of it. Blair Witch anyone?!!?
8:23 AM EDT - Just in from UPS. Expected 2 ton delivery between 11 AM and 12 PM EDT, 51 W 52nd St., NYC. We will try and time our arrival for around 11 AM, but I will keep you posted. Please come and help us unload. We'll be sure to have plenty of warm, just roasted peanuts for you to snack on!!! Haha! SAVE JERICHO!!!
7:26 AM EDT - FYI, we added this in the checkout- "Fine print: For the sake of the campaign, we may divert some of the NUTS to other destinations if the community believes that to be the right course of action. Save Jericho!" If you are not comfortable with this, we encourage shipping your nuts individually, precisely where you want them to go. We were going to use a drop-down, but it would be dilutive and the logistics would be challenging. As for the destination, I take my cue from the Rangers and forum leaders out there. I'm just the nut man :-P
6:59 AM EDT - Remarkable! This outpouring is remarkable. Almost another 3,000 pounds already and it's not even 7 AM. And the emails. We have received over 1,000 emails, and we're just the nut guys! And please be patient with me today. I am caught up now, but for today, be patient, as I will write back to each and every email as soon as I can. To pull off this in person delivery with my uncle, I need to help pack our normal orders in the operation this morning.
6:37 AM EDT - In the nut-mobile with my dad and uncle heading to the nut shop. If any Jericho fan near Linden, NJ has a video camera, knows how to operate it :-P, and post online, please call 908-523-0333 from 6:55 AM until about 9 AM. We really need to record this journey into NYC to CBS. If not, we will try to make do with what we've got or somehow hire someone. Linden is about 45 minutes from NYC.
5:55 AM EDT - The days are a blur now. Regardless, good morning Jericho Fans! We're ready for an exciting day. Momentarily we are dropping a media alert with PRNewswire. Help us spread word of our huge Wave 3 peanut drop at CBS in NYC!!! If you cannot show your support in person, help us send this release to as many newsdesks as possible!!! As soon as I get off the radio interview this morning I will jump in the nut-mobile and head to NYC with my uncle!!! ETA: 11 AM EDT +- a few.
12:51 AM EDT - Listen to the recording of The Two Doctor's show here. Various callers talked with Jeff and the hosts about Jericho and about the NUTS campaign! Also, a reminder that Jeff will be on LA's 106.7 KROQ in the morning, on the Kevin & Bean show which starts at 7 AM PDT/10 AM EDT. You can listen live from the KROQ website. (it requires registration though so do that ahead of time if you can) -Ben
12:15 AM EDT - Ok, I should go to sleep. Tomorrow, uh, today, is going to be a big day. Good night Jericho fans.
------ ^ Thursday 5/24 ^ ------
10:59 PM EDT - Hey guys, Jeff is going to be on The Two Doctor's show right now on Blog Talk Radio, Tune in here
9:35 PM EDT - I owe you guys a huge thank you. My spirits were down from that shipping to LA grumbling, but now I am totally reinvigorated after plowing through another 300 emails. Every single fan was fully behind what we did. Thank you. This is a testament to Jericho and to Jericho fans as people. Yes, this campaign is about saving Jericho. But I think this campaign also transcends Jericho and touches the essence of humanity. Such good people from all walks of life, from around the world, coming together and fighting for something they believe in. I think I can speak for many, if not all of us, when I say that we have been touched by this unity. (I hope that didn't sound too cheesy, but I really mean it. I have experienced the gamut of emotions today. After one email I even got the chills and tears came to my eyes).
So, as for tomorrow, I am trying to figure out how to video tape stuff tomorrow as we plan on bringing out the nut-mobile to CBS!!! Ideally we could tape the whole journey, from roasting, to boxing, to loading the truck, to driving, to the final delivery. If we can't get our hands on a functional camera (as you know, we were caught off guard by this), at least we hope fans will be on site for the delivery as well as the media. We will need to coordinate timing. Rough game plan- 10 AM live interview with The Kevin & Bean Show - KROQ-FM, Los Angeles. As soon as that is over we get moving in the van and head towards CBS. The UPS delivery should be close to 11 AM again.
7:31 PM EDT - There's been some grumbling out there about diverting the 200 pounds to LA. Please don't be mad at me. First, a bunch of contributors wanted to do this, and second some influential people leading the charge out there called me and suggested this. Some suggestions were for sending all or half to LA. If I offended anyone, I am really sorry. And if necessary, I will eat the cost. We are now scrambling to build in a shipping option pull-down. Maybe like, "Your call- which could include, NY, LA, or various media outlets," "NY," or "LA."
6:56 PM EDT - Oy...the details were different than what I expected. One of the contacts I made at CBS came out and confirmed the donation of the peanuts. From the article on the left, CBS spokesman Chris Ender estimated Wednesday that about 300 boxes of nuts ranging in size from three pounds to 10 pounds had arrived. "We've made arrangements for the bulk of the boxes to be picked up by Staten Island Project Home Front, an organization that focuses on fundraising and supporting military serving in Iraq and Afghanistan," Ender told "We've also made contact with the Bronx Zoo to see if they'd like some of these, as well as local homeless shelters and food banks." ( just updated this story) Jericho fans, this is still great news, but we need more...Looks like my previous comment might just have to become a reality.
6:49 PM EDT - Guys, now that my head is feeling a little better, are you ready for this??? If fans promise to come out in numbers and the media is swarming, what do you say we reroute our deliveries and my uncle and I use our NutsOnline nut-mobile (delivery van) to personally deliver some nuts to coincide with UPS?!?!?! And maybe fans could help us carry the cases!!!
6:47 PM EDT - Oh, forgot to mention...Someone I spoke to at CBS said the peanuts were delicious :-P
6:33 PM EDT - This just in from a source at CBS. CBS corporate is finally responding to onslaught. Details coming soon...Here we go folks!!!!
6:29 PM EDT - Haha! No time to go to my apartment. Went to my parents' house instead. Hehe...Ok, I need to apologize. Looks like I deleted a previous posting on here. This is all new to me!!! So, yes, we have been contacted from people from Jericho (no names, as I am sure you can understand) who are totally on board with our campaign and their parents' and other family members are contributing. CBS, the fans are behind this campaign though, not Jericho people.
6:17 PM EDT - * We've updated the "shipped" stats above to include the 200 lb shipment to LA but to cover the extra cost of overnight shipping we counted it as 550 lbs out of this pooled order. [9:42 clarification: this was 200 lbs nuts + 350 lbs to cover shipping, not 550 lbs just for shipping costs. we got a good discount from UPS. sorry for the confusion! -Ben]
5:49 PM EDT - Just sent the crew home and I will be heading out shortly. We will post a photo soon, but I really want to thank our NutsOnline team for staying late and working extra hard in support of this campaign. I want to apologize for the delay in writing back to emails. I will get back to everyone real soon. I think I have a few hundred to write back to since I was away from my computer a bit this last hour.
I want to emphasize the need for every Jericho fan to contact media outlets in NYC and implore them to be ready for the UPS delivery tomorrow...We NEED all the coverage we can get for this!!! It will be awesome. And, another great note. I was really concerned about these peanuts being thrown out, even with special notes on them. I just received confirmation from CBS that the peanuts will be donated to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and possibly food banks, homeless shelters, and maybe even the Bronx Zoo. On that note, I am heading home. Many things throughout the day made me smile, and this is really fantastic!!!
5:00 PM EDT - We are totally scrambling here, but we will get the 2 shipments out- 4,000 pounds to NYC (ups tracking number 1Z686E020398376039) and 200 pounds to LA (ups tracking number 1Z686E020191467411). (Ha, not to mention our normal business :-). Too early to track now, but later on tonight! Overnighting the 200 pounds to LA was costly, and we didn't have time to explore a local solution, so we'll just deduct the extra amount from the surplus. Many contributors said this was ok. We will get a nicely discounted rate from UPS! And tomorrow will be a new day of maybe different tactics!!!
4:35 PM EDT - Okey dokey...We're gonna overnight 200 pounds to LA as well...FYI, individuals have been shipping stuff to LA as is, so they have not been neglected!!!
4:15 PM EDT - NYC bombardment, day 3!!!! 4,000 pounds going to NYC. Not sure where the "various media outlet" crusade is, but the number of pounds is sky rocketing...Maybe send some Jericho love to LA!!!
3:42 PM EDT - Unbelievable...I write back to 1 email and 10 come in...No joke...CBS, this is amazing. FYI, on our own we sent packages to The Late Show with David Letterman, The Howard Stern Show, and CBS Evening News yesterday. Gosh, consensus is 20 to 1 to blitz NYC. Maybe we send 4,000 to NYC and send the balance to various other outlets and/or LA.
3:22 PM EDT - Wow, the emails continue to pour in. From every part of the US and Canada and now we can add England, Malaysia, Poland, and, shoot, forgot some others, but you get the point...Fans are overwhelmingly in favor of shipping a huge quantity to NYC again for maximum exposure. We are beginning to get lots of calls and email from the media, so I think this might be the way to go. We can then make new decisions about the balance of nuts, which looks to be ever increasing. I repeat, holy macadamia nut!!! 4200 pounds or so!!!
2:31 PM EDT - Darn, I find myself on both sides of the fence (heck, on top of the fence too) on where to ship these. The majority of emails favor another huge blast to NYC for tomorrow, especially with the media beginning to circle...Almost game time to decide!!!
1:44 PM EDT - Holy macadamia nut!!! With all this excitement I took my eyes off the nut-o-meter. We are quickly approaching another 4,000 pounds, several hours ahead of schedule from where we were yesterday! Geez, we might have to order up another 52 foot container of 40,000 pounds of peanuts from Virginia at this rate!!! So, the debate is still on as to what to do with this next wave. Ship again to CBS NYC as the media begins to circle? Ship to LA? Ship to individual media outlets throughout the country? You guys decide in the forums and hopefully come to a consensus...We are on board with whatever you decide, so long as we don't go totally NUTS!!!
1:03 PM EDT - Details are scarce, but the UPS driver reported seeing a crowd of fans and the media upon his arrival...Now let's wait to see how this unfolds from the media and fans!!! We could use some more great youtube videos!!!
12:58 PM EDT - UPS just finished unloading...Details from driver momentarily...He probably needs to catch his breath :-P
11:15 AM EDT - I have a UPS employee next to me now. Packages are being unloaded and will take about an hour to be fully unloaded...UPS driver did notice fans in the area...Once delivery is complete, UPS driver will call in and update us on the situation!!! Thanks UPS!!!
11:01 AM EDT - Driver is there now, unloading packages...They are accepting the delivery...Details to follow!!!
10:57 AM EDT - I am dying here...I put out a call to UPS, but still no word!!! Traffic maybe ;-) Well, FYI, we continue to roast away here and will evolve and adapt plans as you guys come to a consensus out there about the next wave. And just so you know, this support is incredible. We are getting hundreds of emails (maybe into the thousands by now), and from all over the world, even as far away as Estonia...I am not kidding!!!
10:15 AM EDT - Guys, get ready for this. I just got off the phone with Ray Faiola, the Director of Audience Services at CBS. First, he said he was confident they would not discard the peanuts and would be sure to donate them to a food bank or the like. Second, our campaign is being heard. Even Ray has been on this page here!!! CBS is looking to provide some closure, but no programming changes have been made...yet!!!
10:03 AM EDT - We have called in the reinforcements here at NutsOnline. Got my mom here helping answer the phones! But we need help from the troops out there. If you are in midtown Manhattan, converge on CBS at 51 W 52nd St. The 4,000 pound delivery of nuts will be in the next 15-30 minutes!!!
9:29 AM EDT - Gosh, this is exciting...Had to pause Jericho to take some phone calls. The package car has fit all 160 cases and is on the move...The drop should be closer to 10:15 / 10:30!!!
9:21 AM EDT - I am multi-tasking here, but I couldn't be true to this crusade without watching Jericho, so right this second I am watching the series premiere!!! You can see all episodes here.
9:13 AM EDT - Getting closer to touch-down. Let's make sure CBS does not reject the shipment. I have a note on each case that these are freshly roasted peanuts, and can be given to co-workers, food banks, shelters, zoos, bird/squirrel groups, etc. Or these can go to troops. If they reject, it will cost us over $1,000 to get back to us and from there we will find a place to donate the nuts, but let's not allow for this to happen. Show your support in person, and if not in person, try and call CBS or their mail room (maybe 212-262-2133).
8:25 AM EDT - Delivery update...UPS drivers will be dispatched within 45 minutes. UPS has arranged a separate vehicle for the drop off of the nuts between 10 AM and 10:30 AM. If any fans are in the area, try and get footage.
7:14 AM EDT - Ok, back in business. Day 3! First, I want to clarify something. As you all know, CBS NYC will be receiving over 2 tons of nuts this morning via UPS (we will try to reconfirm a delivery time). 2 tons is 4,000 pounds...4,000 is a tough number to comprehend. Here's some perspective. 4,000 pounds is 160 cases, each weighing 25 pounds. In photo 4 on the left (row 2, column 1) I have a 1 pound bag in my left hand and a 25 pound bag in my right hand. We're talking more peanuts than what you see in photo 3 (row 1, column 3). In photo 11 (row 4, column 2) you can pretty clearly see 3 full pallets/skids of 25 pound cases...Believe it or not, there is a 4th pallet in the back left corner of this photo. So all in, 4 pallets, 4' x 3.33' x 7'. This is NUTS! Second, the idea has sprung that we might want to consider targeting media outlets throughout the country with this campaign. I encourage you to participate on the forums, blogs, wikis, etc. out there with your input on this. If CBS didn't get the message yesterday, they certainly will today. Now we just need to get everyone else's attention. We'll follow whatever directive you guys come up with. 2,051 pounds! BATTLE STATIONS!!!
6:07 AM EDT - It's on again Jericho Fans. Already over 2,000 pounds for today!!!
3:09 AM EDT - Another Jericho fan, Dylan, got shots of the 1,000+ lbs being unloaded from the UPS truck yesterday! (5/22) Check it out to the left or go watch the full size version.
------ ^ Wednesday 5/23 ^ ------
10:16 PM EDT - Ok, it's been a long day...but before I turn in for the night, I wanted to post this letter to you, Jericho fans. Our nutty family and I adore you guys. Have a good night! Oh, 1 more thing...I promise this is it for tonight. Another backup plan suggested by a fan (should we be forced to divert the nuts) is to send to our troops. Interesting idea. Ok, good night for real...need to get in early to start roasting!
10:14 PM EDT - quick note: the /gifts/jericho.html URL was hard to remember so this page now officially lives at ... both links will continue to work of course -Ben (the programmer)
8:50 PM EDT - Intrepid Jericho Fan Ian has come through big time. See the first wave of 1,000+ pounds of nuts delivered to CBS in NY today (5/22) to the left or a full size version here. Hopefully more to follow!
7:36 PM EDT - I would be derelict in my duty not to post the tracking number for today's massive shipment. You cannot track it yet (UPS has to unload all of these cases first!!!), but within a few hours you should be able to on - 1Z686E020391486067. And by golly, already up to 500+ pounds for tomorrow. Keep it coming!!!
6:17 PM EDT - Hmm, we removed the messages from the contributions page due to privacy concerns, maybe if we can filter out risky things we'll put it back up. You can at least see how many people have contributed so far...
6:10 PM EDT - We've added a page that shows all contributions and messages so you can see what your fellow campaigners are saying. (And how many there are!)
5:51 PM EDT - Just awesome guys! Kudos to all! I think this is really beginning to snowball. 4 tons for tomorrow :-P I am heading home now. In the craziness at the last minute to get this out I kind of busted up my head on a beam :-) I'm all right...Just taking 1 for the team. I'll get back to responding to emails within the hour! Save Jericho! Oh, 1 more thing...Apparently the delivery tomorrow should coincide with the shareholder meeting. More details to follow!!!
5:01 PM EDT - Aack, amounts other than $5 weren't working for a little while, fixed now, my bad... -- the programmer :)
4:59 PM EDT - You did it!!! 4,000 pounds!!! Keep 'em coming...We will continue to ship tomorrow. All 4,000 pounds today will go to NY. We could divert future nuts to CA, but I still vote for NY. Shipping is way less and we can get more bang for the buck! Time to wrap this up and take some photos. YES! NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:33 PM EDT - 3,819 pounds! Closing in on 4,000!!! And check this out...Been getting email inquiring about this....Shipping to the California office. Maybe if we hit 4,000 and keep on going up we divert to California? Just an idea based on fan feedback.
4:07 PM EDT - 3,671 pounds! We need 4,000 pounds...We will stay late again to get closer to 4,000, and even if we don't hit it, I'll throw in the rest to hit 4,000 pounds. 2 tons! Just imagine. The photos will be insane and hilarious. Stay tuned.
3:47 PM EDT - Phase 1 Update on multiple fronts: 1. Currently at 3,575 pounds. Can we hit 4,000 for today?!?! Emails continue to pour in, some in favor of staggering, others in favor of doing this in 1 huge shipment. The needle is leaning towards 1 huge shipment for maximum publicity. It remains to be seen how large this window of opportunity is as well... 2. Good news...Not only should we be getting footage tonight from a Jericho fan of the first wave delivery, but we believe a photographer for the NJ Star Ledger was on site as well!!!
2:40 PM EDT - Holy cow!!! Up to 3,361 pounds now for today's shipment!!! Incredible...We're just debating now whether to ship with UPS or deliver on our own in the NutsOnline mobile. Only thing is, we are jamming away here and are short on resources, and a fan said security is tight around the building and we might have difficulty getting through. If there's a will, there's a way, especially if some media outlet is along for the ride, but it looks like we might just go with UPS. There have also been suggestions about staggering the shipments from here on out. I think it would be amazing to ship 2 tons out today, especially if we find the window closes at some point and CBS starts rejecting the shipments. FYI, as far as we know, the mail room will accept everything, but in the event they do reject, we have placed instructions not to discard these freshly roasted nuts and instead donate to a food bank or to bird/squirrel groups.
12:47 PM EDT - Phase 1: Operation Nuts for Jericho- the eagle has landed!!! We have just received visual confirmation from a Jericho fan that UPS has delivered the first wave of nuts to CBS. Hopefully we can post photos/video shortly!!!
09:07 AM EDT - Just got off with UPS. Today's delivery should be between 12 and 1 EDT. Oh boy!!! The next wave will dwarf this delivery though. Gosh - Up to 2,027 pounds going out today so far...And it's early!!!
07:55 AM EDT - One word - UNBELIEVABLE! This outpouring has been amazing and we are proud to be a part of it. I just checked our peanut inventory (see third photo) and we are in good shape. We fired up the peanut roaster first thing and will GO NUTS roasting all day to keep up with things. UNBELIEVABLE. We are about to hit the 1 ton mark already for today's shipment!!! Jericho Fans are incredible. Oh, here's the UPS tracking number of yesterday's huge shipment: 1Z686E020398992266
03:03 AM EDT - All sorts of numbers are now shown above, updated every time you refresh the page. And your orders keep rolling in... watch out CBS! (The first shipment 1500 lbs will arrive today, but clearly the deluge has only just begin.)
12:59 AM EDT - Oops, for 15 minutes it was showing total orders to CBS instead of just this group order, it's fixed now and we'll put up both numbers shortly.
------ ^ Tuesday 5/22 ^ ------
6:16 PM EDT - K one final note for now: Besides the 1000 lbs from this group order, we've shipped 509 lbs of various stuff to CBS, made up of 128 orders totalling $1774.60. So including this 1000 lbs, that means 1509 lbs and $3129.60 worth of NUTS! (with more on the way for tomorrow of course)
5:41 PM EDT - We got UPS to stick around late, and we shipped 1000 pounds of peanuts today for this massive ongoing order. Keep the orders coming! Next we'll tally up the various other items bound for CBS and let you know what else is in transit.
4:51 PM EDT - Okay we've now got a live counter over on the right side of this page! That's the total at this moment for this big group shipment. There are of course all the other orders for other items, and we'll keep posting updates about those.
4:26 PM EDT - Amazing...CBS, we hope you are listening. Counting this group purchase plus all separate purchases, we're at $2768.57, 207 orders, and 1244 pounds!
4:22 PM EDT - $950 now! Let's see, that comes to roughly 700 pounds!
3:43 PM EDT - Okay this group purchase thing is now at $585, this is going to be an insane amount of nuts!
3:33 PM EDT - Now 159 orders totalling $2138.98, of which $430 is going toward this group purchase.
2:54 PM EDT - So far we have received 126 orders shipping to Kelly Kahl or Nina Tassler at CBS totaling $1689.94 for 479 pounds of nuts (433 lbs of peanuts, 20 of mixed nuts, 17 of walnuts, 5 of sunflower seeds, 2 of almonds, 1 each of almonds and brazil nuts)
2:44 PM EDT - We just launched this page and will work hard to update with a lot more info as the day progresses. We will tally individual orders and set up a thermometer to reflect this massive pooled shipment on this page.
------ ^ Monday 5/21 ^ ------